Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 96 Hunting in the Dark!

"Don't get excited! It's me!"

From the shadows, Dr. Jones's voice sounded.

Then, he walked up the stone stairs step by step and walked into the temple.

Dr. Jones glanced at everyone in the temple, and then asked: "Are you the only ones here?"

"Dr. Jones, did you discover something?"

Dr. Chen asked immediately after hearing Dr. Jones’ strange words.


Dr. Jones said, handing a backpack in his hand to everyone.

"This is Sam's!"

Dr. Chen recognized him immediately.

"There's blood on it, is he already dead?"

Dr. Jones shook his head: "When I passed by a stone room, I saw that he was no longer there!"

"I hope he is safe and sound!"

Dr. Chen prayed.

However, everyone understands that this is just a kind of psychological comfort.

All these signs indicate that Sam has been killed!

"Old man, what's written on these stone walls?"

Dr. Jones looked at Evan.

Dr. Evan looked bitter: "Jones, maybe we are in big trouble!"

"What is it?"

Dr. Jones asked without changing his expression.

He had already expected this.

Moreover, Dr. Jones has encountered similar troubles more than once.

"It says here that there is a huge monster inside this pyramid. Every thousand years, it will lay eggs and hatch out larvae!"

Dr. Evan said, pointing to a stone sculpture.

Everyone looked.

Indeed, the stone carving depicts a monster bound by a huge iron rope.

The appearance of this monster was familiar to everyone, it was exactly the same as what they had seen in the stone chamber before.

However, there is one thing. The size of this head is countless times larger. It seems to be more than ten meters tall, and the tail is at least more than twenty meters long.

Because humans are very insignificant in front of it!

"Damn it! We're being used as food!"

Dr. Magellan couldn't help but curse.

Dr. Jones' brows knitted together.

Then, he pointed at the half-human, half-monster statue and asked, "What is this?"

"The builder of this giant pyramid, it says that he will be reborn every thousand years!"

Evan told the truth what was written on the stone wall.

"Could this half-human, half-monster thing be a combination of monster and human?"

Dr. Chen on the side couldn't help but ask.

"Jones, what do we do next?"

Dr. Evan asked, looking at Dr. Jones.

"Since this is the central area of ​​this underground pyramid, there must be a way to survive. Let's look for it and wait for others to arrive here!"

Dr. Jones thought for a moment and said.

"I agree with Dr. Jones!"

Dr. Chen nodded.

Assistant Liu said: "I am responsible for the security!"

As he spoke, he took the initiative to stand at the gate and patrolled around.

The rest of the people were searching for clues in the hall, hoping to find a way out.

At this time, the maze changed again, and some new passages appeared.

The aliens in the sacrificial tomb are out again.

They attack the remaining people in the maze.

In a stone room, several soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms were standing back to back.

Everyone's face was covered with cold sweat.

"Just now, did you see clearly?"

Among them, a soldier named Barry asked with a trembling voice.

"No! The light is too dark!"

The other two soldiers shook their heads.

"I heard Bart's scream, and when I rushed over, I only found this gun. I guessed that he had encountered misfortune!"


There was a neighing sound in the darkness.

The nerves of the three people immediately became tense.

"Everyone, be careful! It's coming!"

Barry aimed his gun into the darkness.

Soon, a slight voice sounded.

Barry immediately pulled the trigger.

Da da da!

The submachine gun sprayed out a tongue of flame and dense bullets, shooting into the passage.


The bullet hit the stone wall and made a sound.

Although the bullets were empty, Barry still didn't dare to relax.

At this time, the slightest disturbance can stimulate his nervous nerves.

"Come on! Don't you want to eat us?"

Barry glanced at the two people behind him, and then shouted hysterically into the dark passage.


An alien jumped out of the darkness.

"Oh! Oh my God!"

Seeing this ugly monster, the three of them felt chills all over.

They pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Da da da!

Dense bullets shot towards the black alien.

However, these aliens were very fast. They crawled on the stone wall with their sharp claws and rushed to the three of them in an instant.


A soldier was bitten on the leg by an alien, and he began to scream.

"Barry! Miles, help me!"

Barry and Meyer immediately fired at the alien.


The bullet hit the alien's hard shell and couldn't penetrate at all!

"Ah! Ah!"

The soldier who was caught by the alien was desperate.

At this moment, two aliens attacked Barry and Meyer from behind who were shooting.


The two let out a shrill scream.

In an instant, the gunfire went completely silent, and the submachine guns in the two men's hands fell to the ground.

Not long after, the three soldiers lost the ability to resist and dragged the three-headed alien towards the sacrificial stone chamber.

This scene happened all over the stone room. Soldiers were constantly being attacked by aliens, and then captured to be used as food for hatching cubs.

Among them, in one of the passages, Major Weller, the soldier commander who was escorting the team of scientists this time, was running quickly.

Just now, two of his subordinates had died heroically in order for him to escape.


Beside Major Weller, the boulders were constantly moving, and behind him, an alien was chasing after him quickly.


The alien's bony tail struck out like a whip.


There was an explosion in the void, and then, the tail struck a boulder next to Major Weller.

The huge force actually caused the rocks to fly into pieces!

"What a strength!"

Major Weller was shaken.

If he hadn't dodged in time, the tail would have hit him, and he would have been crippled even if he died!

At this moment, the changes in the stone room were coming to an end.

In front of Major Weller, a huge boulder was falling slowly and was about to close.

If the boulder were to close up, Major Weller would have no way of escape.

He would be locked in a stone chamber with the alien.

Then, what awaits Major Weller is death!


At the critical moment, Major Weller instantly took off all the weight on his body, roared, and then started running. When approaching the boulder, he instantly leaned back, his back scraping the ground and sliding toward the closing gap!

This move is very dangerous. If Major Weller does not slide over in time, he will be crushed into pulp by thousands of tons of boulders!

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