Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 99 Transformers shocked the world!

"This, what is this?"

"Oh my God! Patriot 1 turned into a robot?"

"Is this the latest combat robot developed by our country?"

Seeing Patriot 1 transform into a silver robot dozens of meters tall, the M Army naval base was filled with excitement.

The soldiers' faces all showed surprised expressions.

"Why isn't this robot afraid of electromagnetic pulse? Doesn't it have a relay in its body?"

The weapons expert murmured in disbelief.

"Whatever! As long as we can destroy that golden flying dragon, that's all!"

Colonel Rampling shouted.

"Patriot One!"

"Patriot One!"

Upon hearing Colonel Rampling's words, the soldiers began to roar.

They all gradually believed that this was the latest secret weapon developed by the military to target giant beasts!

In the desert.

Lin Feng was surprised when he saw that the armed helicopter instantly turned into a silver robot dozens of meters high.

He blurted out: "Transformers?"

Indeed, the scene in front of me is really shocking!

It was exactly the same as the Autobots in the science fiction blockbuster "Transformers" that Lin Feng once watched.

However, this Transformer is his enemy.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt particularly vigilant.

Because Transformers are not technology on Earth, but from a planet called Cybertron.

Lin Feng immediately asked: "Intelligent assistant, can you scan the data of this big guy in front of you?"

"Yes! Master, this is a mechanical life form with very low intelligence! Weapons: energy knife, laser gun, shield, height: 15 meters..."

The intelligent assistant immediately reported the data of the silver robot in front of him to Lin Feng.


The silver robot was also scanning Lin Feng.

A virtual screen appeared in the processing center of the silver robot, with circles constantly displayed, and the area covered by this circle stopped at Lin Feng's eyes, mouth, etc.

Obviously, the silver robot was also analyzing Lin Feng's weaknesses.

At a certain moment, a cannon barrel protruded from the silver robot's shoulder.


A blue brilliance rushed towards Lin Feng!

Lin Feng didn't dare to be careless and jumped away from where he was in an instant.

Because this was an alien weapon, he couldn't guess its power.


A blue beam of light instantly created a large crater in the desert, with smoke and dust billowing!

The moment he jumped away, Lin Feng asked the intelligent assistant: "Intelligent assistant, analyze the power of its shoulder cannon immediately!"

"Master, the shoulder cannon of this silver robot cannot pose a threat to the master!"

The intelligent assistant analyzed the energy index of the silver robot and then replied.

Lin Feng nodded, and then asked worriedly: "Intelligent assistant, can this silver robot release electromagnetic pulses again?"

"Yes! However, the power of its electromagnetic pulse does not pose a great threat to the owner!"

The smart assistant analyzed it for a moment and then said.

"In that case! Let's fight!"

After hearing the intelligent assistant's analysis that the silver robot did not pose much of a threat to him, Lin Feng's golden eyes flashed with light.

The next moment, he took steps and rushed towards the silver robot!

In the naval base, everyone looked nervously at the images sent back by the satellite.

They want to know the result of the battle between Patriot 1 and the golden beast.

Except for the M Army Naval Base.

All over the world, major military powers are paying attention to all this using satellites in space.

Country E.

An important base for the military.

The senior military generals of country E gathered together, and they stared intently at the scene in the desert.

"What is this?"

asked an officer with the rank of major general on his epaulettes.

"General, this may be a war robot developed by the M Army!"

The weapons expert of the E Army said immediately.

"War robot? Moreover, it is unmanned?"

General Lovsky asked doubtfully.

"Judging from its immunity to electromagnetic pulses, that should be the case!"

The E Army weapons expert replied.

"Has the M Army's artificial intelligence technology developed to this extent?"

The surrounding military generals were all shocked when they heard this.

Country M and Country E have always been old enemies. They have been engaged in military competition since half a century ago.

At this time, the generals of E Army were shocked to see that their old rivals had developed such powerful war robots.

At the same time, I also felt a deep sense of crisis.


Chinese military elders and weapons experts were also watching this unprecedented battle.

Weapons experts were also deeply surprised to see the silver robot appear.

Later, the military elder asked: "Do you think it is possible for the golden flying dragon to be eliminated by the M army?"

"I think it's possible!"

A weapons expert said.

The military elder glanced at him and then said: "Tell me what you think!"

"The strength displayed by this golden flying dragon is electromagnetic pulse. At present, its trump card is not easy to use against the M Army war robots!"

said the weapons expert.

"Yeah! I agree with Major Wang!"

Another weapons expert nodded in agreement.

"From the previous confrontation, the shelling of the M army's war robots had a very strong restraint effect on the golden flying dragon, causing it to be unable to fly in the air. This undoubtedly broke the golden flying dragon's arm and made it lose its ability to escape!"

The military elder heard this and nodded.

The analysis of these two weapons experts was correct.

Judging from the two major abilities displayed by the silver war robot, the golden flying dragon is in danger!

In addition to Country E and Country China, the other major military powers are also paying attention to the war situation in the desert.

Most of them were shocked by the emergence of Patriot One from the M Army.

The emergence of this weapon has subverted their views on artificial intelligence and robots.

It turns out that Country M is already so far ahead of them. Robot technology has been applied to the military.

The Imperial Organization Base.

Dr. Mark pointed to the scene in the desert and said: "This golden flying dragon is somewhat similar to the one Dr. Chen photographed last time."

"The heads are somewhat similar, but they are definitely not the same one, because this one is covered in golden scales, has a pair of wings on its back, and has two tails!"

Professor Holman shook his head.

"This is what I am also confused about. I have a bold guess. Was there once an era, similar to the dinosaur era, when there were many dragons living on the earth? Some of them had wings, and some didn't?"

Dr. Mark asked as he looked at everyone.

"Dr. Mark's idea is very possible!"

After hearing what Dr. Mark said, the other biologists nodded.

Because, obviously, in the history unknown to mankind, there was once such a glorious era of giant beasts.

They are all people who have been to the bottom of the sea and have seen the temples with their own eyes.

Perhaps, in the ancient era of giant beast civilization, there were countless giant beasts living on this earth.

At this time, the female colonel said worriedly: "Dr. Chen and the others have lost signal for three hours!"

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