Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1082: Amazing 100 Turn Boxing

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Chapter 1082: Celestial Bull Hundred Fist

"Be careful!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan's confident face, and there was a complex gleam in his eyes, and he said lowly.

In fact, Mo Wentian still understands Xiao Xiao's strength.

Otherwise, it is impossible to let Xiaozhang fight Liu Zong!

Xiao Yan has followed Mo Wentian for so long. In Mo Wentian's heart, Xiao Yan has already regarded Xiao Yan as a loved one.

If you are not sure, Mo Wentian will not let Xiaozhang go to fight alone.

"Relax, boss, this old mess can't beat me!"

Xiaoyan's eyes flashed with confident eyes, and that voice was full of powerfulness.

Originally Xiao Yan thought that to defeat this Liu Zong, he still had to settle a setback, but after the war just now.

Xiaoyan's heart became more confident.

This Liu Zong's practice is that although there is a tendency to break through to the early emperor, the breath in Liu Zong's body is very unstable.

Xiaozhang had a hunch that Liu Zong's practice must not have been promoted by cultivation, but had been promoted directly with some potency like some elixir being taken.

"Old miscellaneous, get up!"

"Get up and fight with your grandpa again!"

Looking at Liu Zong flying backwards, Xiao Yan's face was full of cold and arrogant expression, and the contempt in his eyes was unabashed.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"Isn't the cultivation of the Dragon a little bit worse than the Lord of the City? But how can he be so powerful!"

"Master, the city owner, but the one who used Tianniu's breasts, and the use of Tianniu's breasts, has grown several times in strength!"

"The power of this dragon is really terrible!"


Exclaiming exclamation came, Jincheng's disciples looked at the void one by one, eyes were extremely shocked.

"Little reptile, I want to kill you!"

"Teniu Boxing, come again!"

In Liu Zong's eyes, there was boundless anger. In the next moment, Liu Zong stood up and stretched out his hand again and punched several punches towards his chest!


Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Seeing this, Liu Zong even opened his palm and caught the spout of blood directly.

With that blood falling in the palm of his hand, suddenly Liu Zong's figure suddenly rose again.

Immediately, Liu Zong's palm shook his fist directly. With his hands fisting, he saw the blood in that hand spread into his fist instantly.

The next moment, I saw the light flashing above his giant punch.

"Roar ..."

The roar of the celestial ox instantly resounded.

Above Liu Zong's fist, there seemed to be two ancient beetle phantoms appearing, and those two beasts roared at Xiaoyan.

At this moment, the breath on Liu Zong's body quickly rose again.

It seems that there is only one step left to break into the early state of the emperor.


"You are the only one who will be educated by your grandpa!"

Looking at Liu Zong, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a cold cold mang, cold and proud road.

"Little reptile, don't be too arrogant!"

"My fist, you want to stop it!"

Hearing that Liu Zong's eyes glowed red. Looking at Xiao Yan, his fist was crunching.

The next moment, I saw that the fist the size of a few feet in the sky skyrocketed to the size of a few dozen feet. Without any hesitation, he punched again towards Xiao Yan.

"Little sister, be careful!"

Looking at the dozens of giant fists that were suddenly blasting towards Xiaoyan, Mo Wentian flashed a cold mang in his eyes, and a low reminder sounded in Xiaoyan's mind.

"Old miscellaneous, if your cultivation is promoted entirely through penance, I may not be able to stop your grandpa!"

"However, unfortunately, this cultivation practice that you raised by medicinal power, you still want to kill me, I think you should save more energy!"

In the void, Xiao Yan looked at the huge fist that came, and his eyes raised a disdain.

The next moment, I saw Xiao Yan's body, the bright light rose.

"What do you mean? What does the little snake just said about the cultivation raised by the medicine power mean?"

"Who is he, the master of the city, cultivated by the **** of swallowing the elixir?"

"Don't really say it, I also think that the cultivation of the Lord of the City is very weird!"

"Master Chengwei's cultivation must be promoted by medicinal power. Otherwise, how could he not defeat the little snake in front of him!"


Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Jincheng once again boiled.

The countless warriors looked at Liu Zong's figure, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

"Hmm ..."

But at this moment, a sound of metal-like collision came, and in the shocking look of everyone, the fist exploded in addition to the slightest spark on Xiao's body.

Xiaoyu, no harm was sustained.

It turned out that Liu Zong was injured by his fist and broke a few dragon scales, because he didn't listen to Mo Wentian and ignored the enemy.

"This is impossible……"

In the void, Liu Zong's eyes were full of incredibleness.

It turned out that the power of that punch was at least several times worse than the current one, but that punch hurt Xiao Xiao.

But why the punch that was several times stronger fell on Xiao Yan's body, Xiao Xiao did not respond at all.

For a moment, Liu Zong stayed in his place, his eyes filled with horror.

"Nothing is impossible!"

"Just because of this martial arts heart that you want to devour the elixir of spiritual elixir, you cannot defeat me!"

Suddenly, it seemed to remember something, Xiao Han's eyes flashed coldly, and his face scorned.

"Little reptile, you shut up for me!"

"I must be beheaded today and be a braised reptile!"

Hearing that Liu Zong's eyes raised a bloodthirsty killing intention, looking at Xiaoyin and Yinyin's way.

"Tenniu's 100 Turns!"

"Little reptile, let's die!"

The cold voice sounded in the void, and saw the flash of Liu Zong's figure, disappearing directly into the void.

When he reappeared, Liu Zong's figure had already appeared hundreds of feet away from Xiao Yan. Without any hesitation, he flashed toward Xiao Yan again.

The giant fist of counts, hit countless seals to the void.

With Liu Zong hitting one by one, in the void, I saw the giant fist changing rapidly, an extremely terrible punch, even more surging.

"Tianniu's hundred-turn fist, this is the only way Tianqiuquan can reach the peak of its practice!"

"This day Niubaizhuanquan shot. I think this dragon is going to die here today!"

"It's impossible for this little dragon to stop the Lord Lord of the City from turning around!"

"The talent of this dragon is still good. It was just a pity that he was beheaded by the Lord of the City!"

"But it's just a little dragon. If you kill it, you will kill it. Whoever asks him to come to his death will find it!"


Watching Liu Zong's fateful twitching fate in the sky, countless disciples in Jincheng talked again.

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