Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1102: Conditions like snow

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Chapter 1102

"Boy, you're out of luck when you meet me!"


With a cold drink, the man hit directly with a punch and came towards Mo Wentian.

"It's not enough for you to tickle Bendi!"

Looking at the punch that was blasting towards him in the void, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was cold and arrogant.



The next moment, Mo Mantian flashed a cold mang in his eyes, and a fist greeted the strong man directly into the void.

"Look at this No. 1, Brother Gangwon of this No. 1 and his battle with him is actually a mid-day King!"

"Is this kid in the middle of the king of heaven come funny?"

"Brother Jiangyuan is the strongest man on the peak of Heavenly King. It is only a step away from the perfection of Heavenly King. I think this boy is going to die in the hands of Brother Jiangyuan today!"

"It's no pity to die if you can't help it!"


Under the ring, the warriors who did not participate in the auction looked at Mo Wentian and Jiangyuan on the ring, and they immediately discussed.


Suddenly, a violent collision sound came. I saw Jiang Yuan's body and flew out directly.


"This is impossible……"

Looking at Mo Wentian in front of him, his eyes were wide and his face was incredible.

He didn't believe that he would die in the hands of the warrior in the middle of the king, which he didn't put in his eyes, and only one punch.

Mo Wentian just blasted Jiangyuan's chest out of a bowl-sized hole with just one punch.

In the cave, a burst of blood rushed out, and a strong smell of blood, diffused instantly.

Until the moment of death, Jiangyuan didn't want to understand. How could the strength of a punch be so strong?

But he did not have this opportunity!

"This kid, yes!"

At the highest point of Huayue Commercial Bank, a Qianying looked at this scene, and there was a faint light in his eyes.

"Dead, Brother Jiangyuan is dead!"

"Brother Gangwon even died in the hands of a warrior in the middle of the heavenly king, and he was killed with a punch. Even the spirits had time to escape!"

"This boy, is it true that the Emperor is in the mid-term state?"

"I look at the kid must be hiding Xiuwei!"

"This kid's strength is really terrible!"


The thick **** smell came, and the sounds of horror sounded instantly.

Originally looking at Mo Wentian, the figure was full of disdain. Now looking at Mo Wentian, I just felt a cold chill and shrouded towards them, so that their bodies could not help shaking.

"Boss, your fist directly killed the King of Heaven, wouldn't it be too conspicuous?"

Listening to this rumor, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a cold, heavy voice.


"The Emperor is to make this most dazzling existence!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flickered.

"Boss ..."

Hearing that Xiao Xiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

On the ring, only half of the people were left, and the other half had been beheaded.

"Congratulations on entering the next round!"

"The rules of this round are the same as in the previous round.

At this moment, the shadow of Qian Qian appeared in the center of the ring.

Looking at the countless warriors, Qian Ying's eyes, without the slightest temperature, said extremely cold.

"Beauty, it's too slow to follow you like this!"

"You have to spend at least one hour on this lot. This time you have auctioned a total of ten lots. Isn't it ten hours? Let the emperor wait forever. This is too wasteful!

Looking at the woman in front of her eyes, Mo Wentian flashed a bit of coldness in her eyes, and said something unpleasant.

However, Mo Wentian's words were full of self-confidence.

As if the ten lots of Huayue Commercial Bank were all in his hands.

"too slow?"

"So what do you say?"

Wen Yan, Mu Ruxue's eyes flashed a touch of cold mang, then looked at Mo Wentian, cold road.

"There is no need to fight one by one. If this lot is what you want, just come up and compete with me!"

Mo Wentian's expression was extremely indifferent, and his voice was full of light and light wind.

But those who listened to him could not calm down instantly.

"I'm not mistaken, this guy said that he wanted to take a lot and went directly to the ring to fight him?"

"In the middle of a little King, I really don't know where he came from!"

"The rules of Huayue Commercial Bank have always been this way. Does this kid still want to change the rules?"

"I look at the boy, it is going to die here today!"

"Arrogance always pays for arrogance!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, in front of Huayue Commercial Bank, countless warriors immediately discussed.

"Miss, this kid is so arrogant that he still wants to change the rules of our Huayue Commercial Bank and let me solve him!"

And next to Mu Ruxue at this moment, a woman wearing a tight black night clothes was looking at Mo Wentian, and she did not hide her intentions.

"Miss Ben, I'm interested!"

"You can't do it without my order!"

I heard that the expression of Mu Ruxue grew colder, and looked at the woman beside her, saying coldly.

"Miss ..."

Upon hearing Mu Ruxue's unwillingness to slay Mo Wentian, the woman in a tight-fitting nightwalking suit suddenly dimmed.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he reached the mouth, he didn't say anything.

"Beauty, how are you considering my proposal?"

Mo Wentian looked at Mu Ruxue hesitantly, grinning at the corners of his mouth, and smirking.

"Well, Miss Ben agreed!"

"But Miss Ben has a condition!"

The voice of Mo Wentian came, and the light in Mu Ruxue's eyes flashed, and he coughed, coldly.

But the next moment, it seemed to remember something, a flash of cold mang flashed in the eyes of Mu Ruxue.

"Promised? Miss Mu Ruxue really agreed?"

"How can she agree to this kid's unreasonable request? This is the rule of Huayue Commercial Bank ever!"

"What magic power does this kid have that can make Mu Ruxue Xiaoyu agree to such an unreasonable request?"

"Don't rush to a conclusion first, but Miss Mu Ruxue said, she promised that there are conditions!"


The sound of Mu Ruxue sounded. Before Huayue Commercial Bank, he exploded the pan instantly.

"What conditions?"

Mo Wentian was almost a subconscious debut.

"The conditions are simple!"

"I promise you to change the rules, but if you didn't win these ten lots, you can leave it to our Huayue firm!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of Mu Ruxue, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

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