Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1105: Yao Dan, here?

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Chapter 1105: Demon Pill, In Your Hand?


"Count on your guts!"

"For you to stand on the stage, Bendi will not make you very painful!"

Mo Wentian looked at the figure standing on the platform. In his eyes, a cold cold mang rose instantly, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and his face smiled evilly.

"Bite your sword!"

"Break the world!"

The next moment, Mo Wen Tian Leng sang, Tian Tian Sword appeared in his hands.

With the emergence of the Devouring Sword, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed. On top of the Devouring Sword, the rolling sword's strength was even more violent.

Seen from a distance, Mo Wentian is like a peerless warrior with a mighty body that makes people want to worship.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Mo Wentian shot at once with a sword and beheaded towards the 920 silhouettes opposite the Yantai.

"What a terrible sword element!"

"How can this kid be so strong!"

"My cultivation is complete, but the King of Heaven is complete, why under his sword, I feel a breath of death is coming over me."



With Mo Wentian a sword shot, above the ring platform, instantly exploded the pot.

Looking at Mo Wentian, their eyes were full of fear, and even their bodies could not help but start to tremble.

Immediately, every figure came back from the fear and quickly headed towards the ring.

Suddenly, on the ring, there were only a hundred figures left.

"Aren't you trying to kill me together? Why are you rolling now?"

"I haven't even dropped the sword, and you all fled. Are you afraid that the emperor will not succeed?"

Looking at the figure quickly retreating under the ring, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and a wicked smile spread instantly.

"Get off?"

"What's going on? Why are they all exiting the ring!"

"On top of the ring, why are we alone?"

"With our 100 people and the strength of this kid, we will not be his opponents at all!"

"I think we'll go on. If we don't retreat, I have a hunch, this kid will really kill us all!"


As Mo Wentian said this, a group of people were talking above the ring and headed down to the ring again.

"They all retreated, did these people really retreat?"

"Is this kid so terrible?"

"They are all powerful men in the perfect state of Uranus and the peak of Uranus, but this kid is only in the middle of Uranus. Are they really afraid?"

"This boy's cultivation is that although he is in the mid-term state of the Celestial King, his strength, I think, is beyond the state of the Celestial King!"


Looking at the figures, they fled down the ring, and the warriors under the ring did not participate in the auction, and they immediately discussed.

Although they were not on the ring, some warriors who were lower in cultivation, when Mo Wentian Yijian shot, only felt that the whole person was shaking.

The warrior who was repaired a little taller turned pale instantly.

But just a few breaths, above the ring, there was only Mo Wentian alone.

"Tenniu people, but they are really counseling!"

"The sword of Bendi hasn't fallen yet, you're all rolled down, it's boring!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian raised the arc of the corner of his mouth, getting richer and a little bit, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, listening to this arrogant utterance of Mo Wentian, there was no sound under the ring.

What's more, the heads of some warriors dropped instantly.

"Miss, this ..."

"They're all down. Above the ring, there's only that kid left. What about this amazing macaque monkey?"

Mo Wentian's arrogant voice sounded, and the woman in black next to Mu Ruxue looked back slightly, looked at Mu Ruxue, and couldn't hide the shocking words in her voice.

"He's the only one left, and of course the monster Dan that shocks the macaques is his!"

He heard that Mu Ruxue moved his eyes away from Mo Wentian's body slightly, and coughed coldly.

"Miss, just gave him this amazing macaque?"

"We changed the rules of Huayue Commercial Bank to this. Now he only killed a hundred people, and the repairs are only the peak of the king of heaven. There are too few things in this space ring, and it is not enough for us to buy this amazing A resource for macaques! "

Listening to Mu Ruxue's words, the woman in black seemed to think of something, and there was a cold coldness in her eyes, and her face was sober.

"If you don't give him the horrible monkey monkey, what are you going to do?"

After hearing the words, Mu Ruxue's eyes flashed a faint light, and he did not answer the question.

"Miss, I ..."

For a long time, the woman in black couldn't say anything.

Following Mu Ruxue for a long time, she still knows about Mu Ruxue, knowing that Mu Ruxue has already decided, knowing that no matter what she says, Mu Ruxue will not change her mind.

The woman in black stopped talking.

"Since you have all withdrawn from the ring, then this amazing macaque monkey is the man who finally stood on the ring!"

The next moment, the sound of wood like snow resounded in the void.

"Boss, is this Yaodan going to give you?"

"Is this for you?"

Listening to Mu Ruxue's words, Xiao's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, looking at Mo Wutian, with a look of horror.


"Don't you think this monster Macaque shouldn't give it to me?"

Wen Yan said that Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly, and he asked a little displeasedly.

"No ... no!"

"How can it be, boss, what is this monster monkey with a shocking macaque? Today, the ten lots of Huayue Commercial Bank belong to you!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's voice with a little anger, Xiao Yan said a momentarily grin.

"That's true!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's instantly changed look, Mo Wentian's frown was completely stretched out, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian path.

"Boss, this amazing monkey macaque, you finally stand on this ring, it should be yours!"

"But I always think that this young lady of Huayue Commercial Bank seems to look at you with something wrong!"

Suddenly, it seemed to remember something, Hun Tian stretched out his furry claws and scratched his head.

Looking at Mo Wentian, a little confused.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian was almost a subconscious debut.

"It seems to be the same as Tianhu looks at you, but it seems different!"

The light flashed in Xuantian's eyes, pretending to be a deep Tao.

"is it?"

"Why didn't I see it!"

Mo Wentian coughed, looking indifferent.

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