Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1116: Useless struggle

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Chapter 1116: Meaningless Struggle

"Ask me, you ..."

"I am going to kill you!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Watching the glyphs appearing in Mo Wentian's hands, Mu Ruxue's intention of killing soared in an instant, and looking at Mo Wentian's eyes, the intention of killing was unabashed.

At this moment, the breath on Mu Ruxue rose suddenly.

"If you want to kill the Emperor, it is not enough for your strength!"

Looking at his face as fierce as looking at his own wood like snow, Mo Wentian's face was full of indifferent looks.

"Little sister, have you completed your mission?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian even dropped his eyes on Xiao Yan's body. Looking at Xiao Yan, Mo Wentian said coldly.

"Boss, don't you need to keep this person?"

Hearing the words, Xiaoyan said subconsciously and said.

He thought that Mo Wentian wanted him to control Ming Feng, but he didn't know that Mo Wu Tian wanted him to kill Ming Feng, so he kept holding Ming Feng tightly.

"Kill it directly!"

Mo Wentian's eyes stared straight into the clear phoenix that had been strung into a string, his face indifferent.

"I see, boss!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate at all, and his tail was slightly hardened, Ming Feng's body broke into two parts directly.

In the end, even the screams didn't come out, Ming Feng died directly in Xiao's hands.

A strong smell of blood filled the air instantly.

"Boss, the mission is complete!"

The next moment, Xiao Xun's figure flickered and came to Mo Wentian, watching Mo Wutian, Shen Sheng said.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"Mu Ruxue is your next mission!"

"But don't strangle her, just keep her under control!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Xiao in front of her eyes, and the light flashed coldly.

"Boss, do you want to keep this wood like snow?"

After hearing the words, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a look of doubt, and she asked in a deep voice.


"She is the source of the cultivation resources for our disciples, and it's very useful to keep her!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

"The source of the cultivation resources for the disciples of Tianguo Kingdom?"

"Boss, what do you mean by that?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, for a moment, Xiaoxi's heart was puzzled.

"What is her identity?"

Mo Wentian didn't answer directly, but asked back.

"She is the daughter of the owner of Huayue Commercial Bank and the heir to the future Huayue Commercial Bank!"

Xiao Yan almost made a subconscious debut.


"Since you already know her identity, what are you still doing?"

"Do it!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan, his face cold.

"Boss, I see!"

"You give me this snow like snow!"

Mo Wentian's voice came again, Xiao Xiao instantly understood, his eyes flashed.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the voice was full of powerful words.

"Wood is like snow, come on!"

"Come in your arms, Grandpa Grandpa!"

The next moment, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate at all, and the body of hundreds of feet directly hovered towards Mu Ruxue.


"You little reptile, what do you want to do?"

"You get out of me!"

Looking at the body of hundreds of feet, intruding towards himself, the look of wood like snow changed instantly.

At this moment, she wanted to block it, but her flame whip had been taken away by Mo Wentian, and he wanted to run away, but her dagger was also taken by Mo Wentian.

At this moment, in the heart of Mu Ruxue, only regrets remain.

Knowing that Mo Wentian was so terrible, she would never catch up.

Not only that, she should not agree to the conditions of Mo Tian during the auction of Huayue Commercial Bank.

But now even if he regrets it, it is no longer useful.

"Don't struggle!"

"Stay honestly in your body, my grandfather and grandpa, if you are not obedient, that person will be your end just now!"

And just as she was stunned, Xiao's hundreds of feet-long dragon body had already hovered around her.

However, within a few breaths, the entire body of Mu Ruxue was already hovering in the body.

"Where is Miss Mu Ruxue?"

"This kid really controls Miss Mu Ruxue?"

"Does he really want to take Miss Mu Ruxue to Huayue?"

"Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven, this is too arrogant!"


Watching Mu Ruxue's figure disappeared among the hundreds of feet of Xiaolong's dragon body, and the shadows in the dark, it took a while to return to God.

Those figures looked at Mo Wutian, who was standing proudly in the void, and his eyes were full of impressive looks.

"Boss, this person is also resolved. What shall we do next?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Mu Ruxue has seized it. Next, of course, it is a letter to Huayue Commercial Bank!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, and a wicked smile spread instantly.

"Boss, deal with this snowy thing now, what about this Mingcheng treasure house?"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, the light flashed, and the voice was deep.

"This thing in Huayue Commercial Bank is definitely not comparable to Mingcheng Treasury!"

"Get everything in Huayue Commercial Bank first, and then talk!"

Mo Wentian looked solemn, and his voice was full of cold words.

Although Mo Wentian didn't know much about this Huayue business firm, among the countless military voices, Mo Wentian also knew about it.

The artifacts and elixir in this Huayue commercial firm are not inferior to the artifacts and elixir in the three cities of heaven and earth.

What's more, compared with the fourth-ranked city in Tianniu.

"Mo Wentian, you let me go!"

"As long as you release me, I will give you all my artifacts and elixir!"

At this moment, the sound of Mu Ruxue sounded.

Hundreds of Xiaolong's dragons held her, the first time she felt that she was so close to death.

At this moment, in her mind, she remembered the scene where Ming Feng was also cut into two parts by Xiao Yan.

Thinking like this, Mu Ruxue's face was endlessly pale.

"Now want to give me something and let Bendi let you go?"

"It's late!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin to his mouth, and a wicked smile burst into force instantly.

Chances are not that he did not give Mu Ruxue, but she did not seize it.

If the original Mu Ruxue handed things over honestly, he would really release her. After all, he came to Mingcheng for the things in Mingcheng's treasure house, not for Mu Ruxue.

But who would have thought that this wood like snow didn't know what to do, not only did he not hand over things, he even dared to threaten him.

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