Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1133: Huayue's secret

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Chapter 1133: Huayue's Secret

"Shin of God!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly printed his secrets in his hands.

One by one in the void, one by one quickly formed slave characters, and on top of each slave character, a simple and weird breath permeated instantly.

"what is this?"

"How do I feel like my soul is being dragged!"

"What the **** does this guy want to do?"

"Don't we surrender, and he still has to suppress us forcibly?"


Each figure looked at the nine slave characters that appeared in the void, and their eyes were full of impressive looks.

At this moment, a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

They felt the breath above the slave character, making their spirits tremble a little involuntarily.

But in front of me, ask the sky, the mid-term situation of Xiu Ming as a talented king, but his magical power ...

"Boss, are you forcing them to suppress surrender?"

And looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's figure flashed, watching Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Bendi doesn't have that much time to talk nonsense with them!"

"Suppress directly, if you don't surrender, you will die!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, you are so powerful!"

Wen Yan said, Xiao Yan could not help but admire.


"Don't make a decision when it's time to make a decision, and then regret it!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was cold.

"Boss, but the cultivation of these nine people is not low. You forcibly suppress these nine people. Can your spirits bear it?"

Suddenly, Xiaoyu seemed to think of something, looking at Mo Wentian, with a serious face.

"The slave **** seal emperor only used my several soul powers, and each of these soul powers reached the level of three hundred and fifty feet. Who among them can compete with the emperor?

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian's mouth couldn't help but raise an arc of evil charm, and his voice was even more confident.

"Boss, in this case, let's quickly suppress it!"

"After suppressing these miscellaneous pieces, we can go and meet with the sky!"

Hearing Mo Wentian said this, Xiao Xun's worry was completely absent, and her brow was stretched out, and she hurriedly hurriedly said.

"go with!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, drinking coldly, pointing his finger.

In the void, the nine slave characters exuding a simple atmosphere went towards the eyebrows of the eight treasurers of Mu Tuwu and Huayue Commercial Bank.

"Don't come here, get rid of this slave!"

"No, this is the mark of the soul!"

"This kid is going to give us the mark of the soul and let us surrender!"

"Hurry off!"


As the slave characters approached their brows, those figures instantly understood.

The first time I understand, I want to escape quickly.

But it was too late, as if the slave characters had locked them, they fell directly into their brows.




Immediately, screams rang out instantly.

The nine figures, including Mu Tuwu, seemed to be suffering huge pains and rolled up on the ground.

These slave characters should remain in their hearts. If they resist, the pain will be greater.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"Do not……"

Suddenly, a terrifying scream sounded, and I saw the treasurer of a Huayue firm, and the breath began to dissipate.

The shopkeeper was directly under the seal of the slave **** because of excessive resistance to the power of Mo Wutian's spirit, and finally broke his heart.


"Brother Mu Jin is dead!"

"What a terrible power!"


As the figure disappeared, a sound of exclamation sounded.

The remaining seven shopkeepers and Mu Tuwu looked immensely. Looking at Mu Jin who had died on the ground, their hearts couldn't help shaking.

"You have to resist, and the end will be the same as this one!"

Mo Wentian's eyes glanced coldly at the crowd, and the voice was full of cold words.

"I let go!"

"I let go, don't kill me!"

"I also let go!"


Mo Wentian's remarks were like needles sticking to their hearts, which made them understand instantly.

The next moment, without any hesitation, all figures, including Mu Tuwu, let go of their minds.

At this moment, Mu Tuwu was even grateful. He was grateful that he was willing to surrender Mo Wentian, and he was also grateful that he did not resist, otherwise his end would be beyond doubt.

It must be a tragic death in Mo Wentian's hands, not only him, but also the remaining seven shopkeepers and Mu Ruxue, as well as his disciples of Huayue Commercial Bank.

Thinking about this, Mu Tuwu even felt that he was very wise, and he made a move to save Huayue Commercial Bank.

"Buzz ..."

On the hillside, the screams continued to sound, but the sound was much lower than before.

It seems that at the moment they are suffering much less than before.

A quarter of an hour later, the hillside finally quieted down.

And the eight figures on the ground also got up at this moment.

Immediately, headed by Mu Tuwu, they all kneeled in front of Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Wentian one by one, his face full of respectful look.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"


Immediately, all respectful voices resounded.

"Let's all get up!"

"Mutuwu, report to your Emperor the resources of cultivation in your treasure house of Huayue Commercial Bank!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Mu Tuwu's body.

"Yes, master!"

Wen Yan said, Mu Tuwu quickly.

"From today on, you and you, don't call me master, call me emperor!"

Listening to the word of the master, Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly, pointing at the ten people who had been conquered before and the eight people of Huayue Business in front of them, saying coldly.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"


As soon as Mo Wentian said these words, every figure was bowed down towards Mo Wentian again, and he was very respectful.

"Back to the Emperor, in our Huayue business firm, there are now ten king-level perfect artifacts. The Tianniu **** bow I used just now belongs to the king-level perfect artifact!"

"In addition, there are fifty artifacts of the king-level peak, and artifacts of the late king-level and mid-king-level, adding up to a total of 940!"

Mu Tuwu made a small gift toward Mo Wentian and quickly reported.

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