Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1167: Seven marks? Eight marks?

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Chapter 1167 Seven Marks? Eight marks?

With Mo Wentian's cold drink, the hands quickly printed countless seals.

"Bang bang ..."

The sound of bangs and bangs reminded me of a strong scent of elixir in the flame of the flame, and it instantly filled.

"Sheng Yuandan, so strong the smell of Sheng Yuan Dan!"

"I do n’t know how many times the scent of Shengyuandan is stronger than the five-marked Shengyuandan I originally received!"

"The emperor is really great, not only the strength is terrible. I am afraid that the technique of alchemy can not be matched in the entire ancient relics!"


The strong scent of medicine came, and all the figures talked about instantly.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

"Bang bang ..."

The crackling sounds resounded again.

"Elixir, baked out!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian flickered, and the palm of his hand was directly shot on the Fire God Ding.

With the photograph of Mo Wentian's palm, the tripod cover above that of the **** Yan Ding opened instantly.

Nine Shengyuandan burst out from the flames of Yanshen Ding.

"Nine Shengyuandan?"

"The Emperor actually produced nine Shengyuandan in one furnace?"

"The scent of the medicine on these nine Shengyuandans is so strong, at least it should have reached the level of seven marks!"


With those nine Shengyuandans bursting out from the Yan Shending, Xiao Jinghen and others could not help but widen their eyes, and their eyes were filled with awe-inspiring looks.

Not to mention that nine Shengyuandans have been refined at one time. Even if one is refined, they have never seen it.

"Five seven marks, four eight marks!"

"Still a bit worse!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and there was a dim look in Mo Wentian's eyes.

It seems that the nine Shengyuandans that have been refined are still somewhat dissatisfied.

Such words did not let Xiao Jingren hear them. If they heard them, they would have to find a hole in the cave and get into it immediately.

In the middle period of the King of Heaven, nine Shengyuandans were made in one go, and they were all scratched.

In this way, the ability to refining the alchemy, even if it is called an evil spirit, is not enough to describe it.

"When my strength breaks through to the emperor's realm, there are five grades of raw materials. If you want to make ten marks, it will not be a problem!"

But the next moment, what seemed to be remembered, in Mo Wentian's eyes, a dazzling light rose up.


Immediately, Mo Wentian gave a cold drink and waved his hand, and directly collected the nine Shengyuandans into his pocket.

"Buzz ..."

The ray of light passed by, and Mo Wentian's hand appeared a Sheng Yuandan. Above this Sheng Yuandan, in addition to the golden light, the rich aura was rolling out.

And there are seven marks on Sheng Yuandan.

Although the seven marks of Shengyuandan is much worse than the ten marks, in the entire ancient relics, I am afraid that only Mo Wentian has it.

If this elixir spreads, I am afraid that even the beast owners of the orcs, the ancestors of the demon world, and even the hidden forces of the ancient race in the ancient relics will also rob.

"Xiao Jinghen!"

"The disciples are here!"

With Mo Wentian's cold drink, Xiao Jinghen's figure quickly appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Jinghen's eyes carried a touch of fanaticism.

Mo Wentian was holding a seven-marked Saint Yuandan in his hand, and now calling him, Xiao Jingchen is not difficult to think of it, Mo Wentian is what he is going to do.

"Xiao Jinghen, your performance in the eyes of the emperor recently!"

"Your cultivation has also reached the early state of the emperor. This seven-marked holy yuandan, this emperor will give you!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Jinghen with a slight grin on the corner of his mouth and said indifferently.

"Give me?"

"Emperor ... this ..."

Although Xiao Jingchen had already guessed that Mo Wentian would give him this Holy Yuandan, but his words really came out of Mo Wentian's mouth, but he was moved.

For a moment, Xiao Jinghen looked at Mo Wentian, but couldn't say anything.

"The emperor asked you to hold it, you just hold it, holding fast refining and improving ascension!"

"Shenlongtongtiantu is about to be born, this emperor still needs you to go there with him!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Jinghen's dull look, stood up, patted Xiao Jinghen's shoulder, and lowered his voice.

"Going together?"

"Emperor, rest assured, I will work hard to improve it, and help the Emperor to win the Dragon Dragon Sky Map and enter the center of that martial art!"

Hearing Mo Wentian said this, Xiao Jinghen's eyes suddenly soared, and his powerful voice was extremely firm.

Talking, Xiao Jinghen reached out and took down the seven-marked Shengyuandan.


Mo Wentian watched Xiao Jinghen pick up Sheng Yuandan, and the radian of the corner of his mouth became richer, and he quietly nodded.

"Fan Zeng, Lu Jun, Binglong!"

"You have also done a lot of things for the emperor. For these three seven-marked holy yuandans, you have also refined and promoted them!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to remember something, his eyes fell on Fan Zeng and others.

With a change of mind, three seven-marked Saint Yuandan appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Monarch, this ..."

"Monarch, this Shengyuandan is so precious, we ... we can't accept it!"

"Yeah, Lord, it is not easy to make this Holy Yuandan, and we cannot accept it!"


Looking at the three seven-marked Saint Yuandans, their mouths were politely rejected, but in their eyes, a bright light rose.

"Accept it!"

"Your strength is the best reward for the Emperor!"

Listening to the sound of this argument, Mo Wentian's eyes looked cold and cold.

"Monarch, then ... then we accept it!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Lord!"


A cold voice came, and Fan Zeng and others did not refuse, but accepted it respectfully.

"Well, you all continue to practice quickly!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something. Looking at the four people in front of him, he said indifferently.

As Mo Wentian's words came out, the four of them slightly bowed to Mo Wentian, then bowed, and quickly retreated.

"There is one Shengyuandan with seven marks left, and this one will be refined for Chixiao!"

"As for the four of the eight marks, Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, Sky Fox, and myself just enough!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

"Emperor, is your elixir refined?"

At this moment, a figure came from outside the hall, looking at Mo Wentian, his eyes full of respectful look.

"Chixiao, you just happened to be here. This is a seven-marked Saint Yuandan. You took refining, upgrading and repairing!"

"You, as our general who eats the kingdom of heaven, your cultivation is too low!"

Seeing the appearance of Chixiao, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and the light flashed in his eyes.

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