Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1175: Skybreaker

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Chapter 1175 Breakthrough

At this moment, Xiao's breath was more terrifying than before.

It seems that the distance to break into the emperor's realm is nothing but a slight distance.

At the moment, Xiao's physique has grown to nine hundred feet.

Nine hundred and fifty feet, nine hundred and sixty feet, nine hundred and ninety feet, one thousand feet ...

Looking at Xiaoyi's body, it grew to a thousand feet, Mo Wentian and Binglong looked at each other, holding their breath and staring, as if waiting for something.

But the next moment, they found that what they expected did not happen.

Xiao Yan's physique is still growing.

"One thousand and fifty feet ..."

"One hundred and one hundred feet, one hundred and two hundred feet ..."

Looking at Xiao Xiao, whose body was skyrocketing in the void, Mo Wentian's eyes were full of impressive looks.

"Binglong, don't you say that Xiao's body will change when it grows to a thousand feet. Where is the change?"

"Where is the scale broken?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Binglong's body, and his face was cold.

"Monarch, this ..."

"I don't know why Lord Dragon King's body has grown to a thousand feet, why haven't he transformed!"

"When I broke into the emperor's realm before, my body grew to a thousand feet and began to transform. This ..."

Asked by Mo Wentian, Binglong returned from the drowsiness instantly.

He was also very shocked at Xiao Yan's situation.

Even in the legends of his Ice Dragon tribe, he had never heard of it. Whose body has grown to a thousand feet has not changed.

At this moment, in addition to being shocked, Binglong's heart was shocked.

Originally, he thought that he had breakthrough experience. He stayed here, and even if he couldn't help Xiaoyu, at least he could make Xiaoyu take less detours.

But now it seems that he can't help anything!

Thinking about this, the look of Binglong suddenly dimmed.

"Boss, my cultivation is about to break out soon!"

Suddenly, a rushing voice came from Wentiange.

This voice is not someone else, it is the magical sky that is being asked to practice in the Pavilion.

The Mo Daotian of the Eight Daochen marks has been given to Phantom, and Phantom and Phantom of the Demon Cat are in hand.

Swallowed these two elixir, asked Tiange, the breath on the sky was terrible.

The magical sky that originally reached the realm of the heavenly king, at this moment, the breath on his body seemed to break into the realm of the emperor soon.

"Magic sky, you want to break through too?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly.

When I heard about the cultivation of the magical sky, I also had to make a breakthrough. Mo Wentian's heart was really shocked and delighted. In addition to surprise, there were still some concerns.

What made him happy was that the cultivation of the magical sky was about to break through, and what worried him was that the little sister-in-law at the moment was breaking through.

The breakthrough of the magic sky can only be carried out in the Asking Pavilion.

"Hmm ..."

"Boss, my cultivation is about to break!"

"Hmm ..."

Howling sounded, the breath on Xuan Tian's body was terrible.

"Emperor's realm, broken!"

The next moment, an angry voice came from Wentiange.

I saw in the middle of Tiange, the fluffy body was like a rainbow.

"Magic sky, quickly swallowed these fourth-level peak elixir!"

Mo Wentian looked at Huantian Na Xiu as he was about to break into the emperor's realm, but he didn't break into it.

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, a movement of mind, a panacea appeared in the hands of Mo Wentian.

The next moment, those elixir appeared in front of the magic sky.

"Thank you, boss!"

Xuantian watched the elixir appear, and stretched out her furry claws to force one claw into her mouth without hesitation.

"Quack ..."

"Quack ..."

There were gurgling voices, and the elixir was swallowed directly by the magical sky.

As each piece of elixir was swallowed up, the breath on Magic Sky became more and more terrifying.


A sound of angry drinking came to ask Tiange, and the breath of the magical sky suddenly broke into the realm of the emperor.

"Boss, my practice is broken!"

"I am also a strong man in the emperor's realm!"

The next moment, in Tiange, Magic Sky opened her eyes suddenly and felt the change of breath on her body, and Magic Sky's face was full of joy.

"Congratulations, Xuantian!"

The joyful voice of Xuantian came, and Mo Wentian said slightly.

"Boss, thank you all!"

"It was you who swallowed so much elixir and the magical tan of the tanuki cat, and my cultivation can break through!"

Suddenly, Phantom seemed to think of something, and his expression suddenly became serious, and she said in a deep voice.

"Magic sky, although this emperor has given you some external elixir aid, but the most important thing to break through is your martial arts heart!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"Yes, Magic Sky, your cultivation has broken through to the emperor's realm, so to what extent is your current strength?"

Suddenly, thinking of the magical ability of the magical sky, Mo Wentian looked for a moment.

"Boss, my cultivation is to break through to the emperor's realm, not to mention the emperor's peak, the emperor's successful strong man, can I be transformed!

"It is definitely not difficult to imitate the middle emperor and the late emperor!"

The magical sky was so suddenly asked by Mo Wentian, a moment of faint, returning to God, a flash of refined light in his eyes, and his voice was even more confident.

"In the middle of the emperor, isn't it difficult to imitate it in the late emperor?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes could not help raising a touch of joy.

In the middle of the emperor, the late emperor, and the warriors in the middle of the emperor, there are several in the ancient relics, even if they do n’t know it.

As for the emperor's late strongman, Mo Wentian was never heard of it in the ancient relics.

Imaginary sky can transform the emperor's late strongman, which is nothing good for Mo Wentian.

"Magic sky, your cultivation has also broken into the realm of the emperor!"

"Xiao Xun is breaking through, and you come out to protect Xiao Xun!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Xiaoyao's body and said coldly.

"Okay, boss!"

Xuantian's hearty voice sounded in Wentiange, and then Xuantian's furry body came out of Wentiange directly.

Landed not far from Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Xun's cultivation is a breakthrough, that is, the Emperor's strongman. Phantom Sky has been able to imitate the strong man in the middle and late emperor!"

"Now only the repair of this emperor is the worst!"

Looking at Xiaoyan and Huantian in front of him, Mo Wentian thought of his cultivation, and his expression faded instantly.

Xiao Xi and Magic Sky's cultivation is a breakthrough, and Mo Wentian is naturally extremely happy.

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