Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1187: Thick-skinned can

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Chapter 1187


Listening to the word hex, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and a wicked smile spread instantly.

witchcraft? What is black art?

Is it something he has never seen before, and the more advanced martial arts is called hex art?

"Boy, say!"

"What the **** did you do?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's wicked smile, Jiang Jinfeng's expression grew colder, and he said coldly.

"Old miscellaneous, this emperor is not doing any magic!"

"You are already a mortal person, even if this Emperor tells you, it's okay, this Emperor's show is concealing the sky!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and a cold cold mang rose in his eyes.

"Hiding the sea?"

"Where did I seem to hear this name!"

Hearing the words, Jiang Jinfeng whispered in his mouth, and he fell into thought.

He always felt that where he had heard of this, but he couldn't remember, specifically where he heard it.

"Boss, all these ants are beheaded!"

"Will all the spirits remain to devour the Red Dress and the Red Dress?"

Suddenly, in Xiao Yan's eyes, there was a faint light, and Mo Wentian said the voice.

"Soul swallowed up red dress and red dress?"

"Well, it's all beheaded, the spirit and space ring will stay!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's remarks, Mo Wentian thought of Hongyi and Hongshang instantly. For a moment, a complex light flashed in his eyes, and his voice couldn't help getting cold.

"Okay, boss!"

Upon hearing Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan said quickly.

"Xiaoyu, this is a full-fledged warrior of 500 emperors. I know that both you and Xuantian's cultivation have broken into the emperor's realm, but be careful!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, looking at Xiao Yan, and told him.

"Boss, don't worry, I'll be careful!"

"You have to be careful yourself, there are a lot of old tricks!"

The voice of care from Mo Wentian came, Xiao Xiao's mouth slightly grinned, thinking of Jiang Jinfeng's strength means, Xiao Yan's look, also suddenly dignified.


"You go, quickly solve them all, so as to avoid night long dreams!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, one dragon and one demon didn't hesitate at all, and the power of each one suddenly skyrocketed.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

With a cold drink, Xiao Yan directly cast the tail of the dragon.

Xiao Xiu's repair has broken through the early emperor's realm, and it is not far from the middle emperor.

His dragon's body now reaches 1,500 feet, and Xiaoyan's dragon tail now has a size of 100 feet.

The cold voice sounded, Xiao Xiao flashed his body, and the dragon tail of the size of 100 feet was drawn directly towards the disciples of the Tianniu clan.

"Not good, then Shenlong will pump us, retreat!"

"The power of this dragon is so strong, we are not his opponents, retreat!"

"And the furry monster, the breath on him is terrible!"

"Back off!"


Watching Xiaozhang's hundred-foot dragon tail drew towards himself, the first disciple of the five hundred Tianwang's successful disciples retreated.

"What back?"

"But it's just two monsters that just broke through to the early days of the emperor. Do you have 500 emperors who can't beat them?"

"Shoot and solved the two monsters for me. I want to see them. This boy doesn't have the help of these two monsters. What else can he fight against the elders!"

On that day, when the disciples of the cattle tribe wanted to step back, a very cold voice came.

Hearing that their bodies stayed in place for an instant.

They did not dare to disobey the orders of the four elders. They knew very well that if they disobeyed his orders and waited for them, it would not be a good thing.

But if they listened to the order of the four elders, maybe five hundred of them would have a chance to face this little magpie and two magical monsters in the sky.

"The four elders are right, but we have 500 emperors who are successful, and among us, there are fifty people who are going to break through to the early state of the emperor. Are we so many of us still Afraid that the two monsters will not succeed? "

"Yes, we have to fight, we can't retreat!"

"We retreat, what is the face of our Tetris?"

"We fight for the Tetris!"


Listening to Jiang Jinfeng's remarks, one after another, the incomparable figures, one by one, the fighting intentions on his body instantly rose.


"God's paw!"

"Tenniu Gong!"


The next moment, a sound of anger was heard.

Immediately, the five hundred emperors successfully met and greeted Xiaoyan and Huantian directly.

"Magic sky, the three hundred and fifty people in front are mine, and the one hundred and fifty in the back are left to you!"

Looking at the 500 Tianniu disciples who greeted him, the corner of Xiao's mouth gave a slight grin and said in a deep voice.

"no problem!"

Xuantian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly agreed.

"I would like to see how the strength of the disciples of the Tianniu tribe who successfully cultivated their physiques!"

"Dragon tail, smoke for me!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a very cold coldness.

With a cold drink, Xiaozhang's dragon-sized dragon tail fell directly towards the disciples of the Tianniu clan in front of him.

Seeing this, the magic sky was not reluctant to show weakness, the figure flashed, and disappeared directly in place.

When it reappeared, the figure of Magic Sky had already appeared on the head of a disciple of the Tianniu clan.


The next moment, a crackling sound sounded.

I saw Huantian's furry claws, which directly scratched the head of the Tianniu disciple. The red and white objects shot in an instant, and a thick **** smell spread instantly.

"Boy, you ..."

"You are so abominable, you actually let your two monsters shoot at my Tianniu disciples!"

Watching that disciple fell down, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes were terrible.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Mo Wentian at this moment, has been killed by Jiang Jinfeng's eyes, I do not know how many times.

"What happened to your Tianniu disciples?"

"Bendi hasn't said anything yet. You are so old, you dare to speak out. I think your skin is thicker than the skin of an elephant!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of cold pride.

"Boy, are you calling me?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Jiang Jinfeng pondered for a while, then he understood the meaning of Mo Wutian's words, looked at Mo Wutian, and sulked coldly.

"You are cursed by Bendi!"

"Old miscellaneous, do you still think you shouldn't scold?"

Mo Wentian looked at Jiang Jinfeng, and how arrogant he could be if he looked so arrogant.

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