Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1306: War between two emperors

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Chapter 1306: Two Emperors Battle

He didn't see any figure at all, and he didn't feel any other breath.

This caused an instant of anger in his heart.

This makes it clear that the White Tiger Emperor is lying to him, and this time the White Tiger Emperor came to his inland area, he must have come to **** him.

How can his place allow other people to come to snatch.

"Xuan snake emperor, my emperor really came to your inland to kill that human!"

Feeling the anger on Xuan Snake Emperor, the light flashed in Bai Hu Huang's eyes and quickly explained.

"White Tiger Emperor, can't you be a fool?"

"Just because you still want to occupy my territory, get out of me!"

The roar rang, and Xuan Snake King's tail instantly turned into a sharp blade, which was drawn directly towards the White Tiger King.

Compared with the White Tiger Emperor, the practice of the Xuan Snake Emperor is stronger than that of the White Tiger Emperor. In addition, this place is the Xuan Snake Emperor's realm. The breath in this inner area is even more beneficial to his strength.

At this moment, the power of the Xuan Snake Emperor is better than that of the White Tiger Emperor.

"Boy, the best part of this White Tiger Emperor is his tiger brain. Of course, besides tiger brain, there is also his tiger whip, which is also very good!"

"As for the Xuan snake emperor, his snake gall is his essence. It is rumored that this snake gall contains 90% of the power of their Xuan snake family!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at the war that was about to start in the void, and seemed to think of something, and the light flashed in his eyes.

"Tiger brain, snake gall?"

"If this tiger's brain and snake gall are devoured, my cultivation will inevitably break through to the complete state of Heaven!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

"Boy, the power of this tiger's brain and snake gall is terrible. The white tiger emperor's energy and vitality also contains immense physical strength. If you have swallowed all of this, maybe you can break through not only It's just your repair! "

In the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu, there was a touch of fine light, the corner of his mouth slightly grinned, and the voice was deep.

"It's not just Xiuwei who breaks through?"

"Senior, what else is there to break through?"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's eyes were raised with a look of doubt, and he made a subconscious debut.

"And your kid's physique!"

The old **** bead smiled indifferently.


"Although my physique is now comparable to the physique of the late emperor's realm, this is still not enough. My physique needs to break through!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes, a touch of bright light rose.

"Boy, don't think so much, just watch this good show before you say!"

The next moment, the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu fell on those two figures that were 20,000 feet away.

With the words of the old God Pearl, Mo Wentian also set his eyes on that battle.

As for Xiaoyin and Magic Sky, Mo Wentian has already been included in Wentiange.

The breath on Mo Wentian was covered up, and the small crickets and others who stayed in Mo Wentian's Tiange, naturally did not notice any breath.

"Xuan snake emperor, my emperor has explained to you, my emperor really came to hunt down that human being, you don't even believe my emperor's words!"

"Then this is no wonder the emperor has shot!"

Beyond twenty thousand feet, in the eyes of Bai Huhuang, the slightest chill trembled endlessly.

At the same time, the breath on his body, at this moment, quickly skyrocketed.

"Bai Huhuang, if you want to come to occupy the territory of my black snake family, you can say that you have to use a small group of humans to make a speech, it really makes me look down on you!"

Looking at the instantaneous treasure of the White Tiger Emperor, Xuan Snake Emperor's heart became even more convinced that this White Tiger Emperor came to fight for his territory.

The killing in his eyes rose suddenly, and the terrible breath on his body rose suddenly.

"Xuan snake emperor, since you don't believe me, my emperor won't let you bully!"

"The white tiger swallows it!"

The sound of angry drinking sounded. Within a few thousand square meters, a powerful and endless suction came instantly.

Within tens of thousands of square meters, all things went crazy toward the White Tiger Emperor.

"I didn't expect this white tiger emperor. After 100,000 years, the white tiger **** swallow has already been trained to such a state!"

Feeling the horrible suction coming, the complex glance flashed in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a ban blocked Mo Motian in an instant.

Let Mo Wentian avoid being sucked by that terrible suction.

"This breath is so strong!"

"It is worthy of the late Emperor!"

The restraint of the old God Bead fell, and a sense of ease came. Mo Wentian came back to God, and it was still difficult to conceal the awesome look in his eyes.

"The White Tiger King, not fighting for tens of thousands of years, I did not expect that your white tiger **** swallowed up a lot!"

"But you are not yet the emperor's opponent!"

At this moment, two thousand feet away, the Emperor Snake looked at the mighty White Tiger Emperor in the void, his eyes flashed with coldness.

The next moment, his figure rose rapidly.

"Booming ..."

But a few breaths, originally only a few hundred feet of mysterious snake king, at this moment, the figure has skyrocketed to the size of ten thousand feet.

The body with a size of 10,000 feet is extremely red, as if stained with blood. Above the body, the bright red scales are shining with a strange light.

From a distance, it looks like a huge mountain of fiery red, terrible.

And the next moment, the fiery red body, without any fear of the terrible suction in the void, circled directly towards the White Tiger Emperor.

"Booming ..."

The tens of thousands of bodies passed away instantly became shattered, and even the void, where the tail of the black snake emperor blade passed, marked a rift.

Among the cracks, the endless void turbulent flowed out even more.

In the void, the White Tiger Emperor devoured everything around him, but the body of the Xuan Snake Emperor ignored the suction of the White Tiger Emperor and circled towards the White Tiger Emperor.

That looks like it's going to circle all of the White Tiger Emperor.

"No, this Xuan snake emperor wants to imprison me!"

Watching the Xuan Snake Emperor hovering towards himself, Bai Huhuang's heart raised a bad hunch.

The figure flickered and fled.

But at the moment when his figure flickered out, the body of Xuan Snake King circled directly into a huge fiery red ball, which was loaded towards the body of White Tiger King.



Li Li's voice sounded, directly against the body of the Xuan Snake Emperor, and the body of the White Tiger Emperor.


The body of Bai Huhuang flew upside down!

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