Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1322: Black Snake Ancestor

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Chapter 1322

Three simple words, but the ancestor of the snake who finished speaking felt like the body was unstable.

As if these three words, exhausted all his strength.


Mo asked God and laughed.

The ancestor of the mysterious snake in front of him, but the beast of the emperor's peak, if he is in his hands, this must be a lot of benefits for Mo Wentian.

The mystic snake ancestor promised to come down so quickly, still some unexpected.

But since the ancestor of the mysterious snake promised to come down, he wouldn't hesitate to ask God.


The next moment, Mo Wentian's mouth raised a wicked smile.


Looking at Mo Wentian, the look of mysterious snake ancestor changed suddenly.

Let go of God, would he not know what it means.

Once he releases his mind, according to Mo Wutian's current spirit, he gives him the mark of soul and soul, then his life and death are in the hands of Mo Wentian.

He is the strongest peak of the emperor. He is the emperor of the Xuan snake family, but now he has fallen to submit to the conquering hands of an emperor.

Thinking about it this way, the ancestor of the black snake felt only humiliation in his heart.

"Relax? This human being is so abominable. Our ancestors have already said that they will surrender to him, and he has to go in!"

"I think we still shot together and swallowed the kid!"

"Without the orders of our ancestors, we cannot rush!"

"No, my Xuan snake family is in the Tianji Mountains. Why are all races with heads and faces? I even want our old ancestors to obey. My Xuan snake family is not subject to this humiliation!"

"That's right, this kid was beheaded, and the Black Snake Array is on!"


Listening to the four words of happy god, countless mysterious snakes, the power of his body suddenly rose up.

The next moment, their bodies moved quickly, and it seemed to form a peerless array.

"Boss, these black snakes secretly form a large array, Xu wants to attack you!"

And at this moment, Xiaoxiong looked at this scene, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes, said in a deep voice.

"Want to form a black snake array to attack the emperor?"

"They must have forgotten, their ancestors are still in the hands of the Emperor!"

Wen Yan said that Mo Wentian had no worries at all, and what's more, the curvature of the corner of his mouth became more intense.

"Snake snakes, if you want your ancestors to die in the hands of the emperor, you should shoot at the emperor!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked cold and cold in an instant.

"You all stop for this ancestor!"

"The Emperor did not give orders. Who made you organize yourself?"

Suddenly, the ancestor of the mysterious snake looked at this scene, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes, and he said quickly.

It looked like he was afraid that Mo Wentian would take a shot at him.

"Our ancestor, let's take a shot and kill this human being. This human being can't be perfected in the heavens!"

"Yeah, ancestor, although this human soul has reached eight hundred feet, he cannot imprison all our souls!"

"Let's kill this human being, you ancestor will be free!"

"Slay this human!"


All of a sudden, all mysterious snakes looked at their ancestors and expressed their opinions eagerly.

At this moment, the breath on them was violent.

"Little black snake, it seems your words are useless to them!"

"Then this is no wonder the Emperor, if you want to blame, you can only blame your people!"

Listening to this rumor, Mo Wentian's eyes were stunned, and his face was cold.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's terrible soul power is attacking the ancestor of the mysterious snake.

"No ... don't kill me, give me some time, I'll let them obey my orders!"

Feeling the horrible power of the soul invading, the body of the ancestor of the mysterious snake trembled and said quickly.

"For your sake, Bendi gave you some time!"

Looking at the appearance of the ancestor of Xuan Snake, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold coldness.

"The disciples of the Xuan snake family obey orders. You do n’t obey the orders of your ancestors. Do n’t forget, you all swallowed the Xuan snake dan from your ancestors!

"Among the black snakes, there is a trace of the power of the ancestors. If you do not listen to the ancestors, then your end is death!"

The next moment, the mysterious snake ancestor did not hesitate in the slightest, and hurried toward those snake snakes.

"This ... It seems that the ancestor really wanted to surrender this human!"

"I think we still listen to the ancestors, we know the strength of the ancestors!"

"Since the ancestors have said so, then we don't need to do it!"

"Our black snakes are about to change!"


Listening to the words of the mysterious snake ancestors, countless mysterious snakes talked instantly.

At the same time, the formation of the mysterious snake array dispersed.

"Well, not bad!"

"Let's be happy, wait for the Emperor to give you the immortal mark, and wait for you to become the Emperor, the Emperor will treat you well!"

Mo Wentian looked at this scene, but nodded.

But the next moment, it seemed to remember something. Mo Wentian's eyes fell on the body of the ancestor of Xuan snake, and the corner of his mouth was slightly grinned.

"Good to us?"

With a whisper in his mouth, the ancestor of the snake looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes were full of belief.

He believed in Mo Wentian's words, even if he didn't believe it. At this moment, Mo Wentian, the terrible spirit power swept towards himself.

The kind of repression he wanted to kneel down to worship, he was really afraid!

"I want to be happy!"

"I want to be happy!"

The next moment, the mysterious snake ancestor said without hesitation.

Speaking, the mind was let go.

"Shin of God!"

Seeing the mysterious snake ancestor let go of his mind, Mo Wentian flashed a cold mang, yelled coldly.

Immediately, Mo Wentian made a series of Indian tactics.

The next moment, I saw a quaint slave character formed in the void.

With the appearance of this slave character, a boundless breath spread instantly.

"to make!"

With a swift sip, the slave **** mark went directly to the eyebrow of the mysterious snake ancestor.


The entire ancestor of the black snake rolled on the ground, as if he was suffering great pain at the moment.


In the eyes of the ancestor of Xuan Snake, the horror was terrifying, and the sound of screams resounded through the void.

An hour later, the scream of the ancestor of the black snake stopped.

The next moment, the ancestor of Xuan Snake got up from the ground, respectfully sulking in front of Mo Wentian.

"Meet the master!"

Mysterious snake ancestor looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes full of respectful expression.

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