Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1333: Stunned

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Chapter 1333: The Surprise

An hour later, in the territory of the Tianji Mountains.

"So weird!"

As he went deeper into the inner area, Mo Wentian felt more and more that the strange and boundless atmosphere around him was sweeping towards them.

Moreover, in this strange breath, Mo Wentian also felt the mixed power.

"Emperor, there is the breath of the demon withered!"

Just then, the little black snake trembled.

"The breath of the Demon Wither?"

Mo Wentian took a deep breath, and in this inner area, there was still the breath of this magical withering clan.

"Emperor, this withering tribe cultivates all withered power. They can absorb power from all withered objects and promote their cultivation!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, a small flash of cold mang flashed in the eyes of the little black snake, said in a deep voice.

"The power in all withered objects?"

"It's really a heavy taste!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly, and his expression changed instantly.

Depleted things, this demon wither can absorb its strength from it, the martial arts that this demon wither is still practicing, naturally not simple.

"Be careful!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, looking at Xiao Yan and others, telling him.

"Yes, boss!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Yes, the lord!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan and others quickly agreed.

At this moment, their expressions became tense.

"Emperor, this demon wither was originally guarding the shrine of the Outland. If they come to the Inland at this moment, something must have happened!"

At this moment, in the eyes of the little black snake, the rays of light passed by, suppressing the voice.

"what's going on?"

"Xiao Hei, as the ancestor of the mysterious snake in this inner region, do you know the people of this desolate tribe?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly.

The next moment, a flash of light in his eyes, a cold voice.

"Back to the Emperor, this ..."

"I know one of these demons, but they are the five elders of the demons, and once we had a deal with the Heavenly Mountain Master's order!"

The little black snake groaned for a moment, and frowned suddenly, said slowly.

"Hurry up and ask the five elders of the Moyou Ku tribe, why did this Moyou Ku tribe come to Inland!"

When I heard the little black snake knew the five elders of the Moyuku tribe, Mo Wentian flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Yes, the lord!"

"I'll find out right away!"

Answering, the little black snake didn't hesitate at all, and the figure flickered and disappeared in the spot.

Seeing that the little black snake disappeared, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold coldness.

"Devil withered, master of the Tianji Mountains!"

Nana murmured in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, Mo Wentian had a hunch.

The Moyuku tribe that guards the temple of the outer realm came to the inner realm, and something must have happened.

"Boss, this breath seems like a dry breath!"

"This breath is so weird!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder.

There was a look of suspicion in their eyes, and his look was even more dignified at this moment.

"A group of ants, who made you come to Inland!"

"Just because of your successful cultivation, you do n’t even have the qualifications to enter the Tianji Mountains, and you have entered the inland all the way. Your kid seems to have some skills!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded through every corner of the void.


Listening to the cold and chilling voice, Mo Wentian's expression suddenly became serious.

Subconsciously, I wanted to conduct some enlightenment, but found that within tens of thousands of feet, there was not even a figure.

"Boy, just want to detect us based on your spiritual knowledge?"

"Hmm ..."

The cold voice sounded again.

Accompanied by an evil laughter, that evil laughter made people goosebumps.

"Who the **** is it, get out of this emperor!"

Mo Wentian's expression was cold, and he shouted coldly.

"Booming ..."

As Mo Wentian said this, a loud noise came.

The next moment, I saw Mo Wentian and others in the presence of a dry ground exuding a thick and dry atmosphere.

In the dry ground, there are dead bones and litter everywhere. Above the dead bones, the edges and corners are clear, even every bone on them can be counted.

But these dry bones are a bit different from the dry bones commonly found in Mowen Balance.

Above these dead bones, every bone flashed a ray of light.

"Hmm ..."

"Boy, if you want to go into the depths to **** the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, it will only pass our level!"

The next moment, the bones stood up.

In their empty eyes, there was a flash of light.

"Creak ..."

"Creak ..."

The next moment, the six dead bones on the ground came directly to Mo Wentian and others.

As they approached Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian only felt that withered power, and became more and more terrible.

"Boss, these dead bones, we killed them directly!"

Looking at these dead bones will soon be coming towards himself, in Xiao Yan's eyes, the slightest desire to kill rises.

"not good!"

"These dead bones are made from puppets made by people. They have a card on their body, and that card is connected to their master!"

"We can't move these bones. Once they move, they will cause trouble!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian looked at those dead bones, and the little token flickered with gloom.

Mo Wentian's expression changed suddenly, said in a cold voice.

With Mo Wentian's cry, Xiao's figure stopped instantly.

"Boss, these dead bones are going to kill us. We can't do it yet. Do we have to wait for them to be killed?"

Xiaoyi looked at it slightly, looked back, and looked at Mo Wentian, a little puzzled.

"Wait for them to kill?"

"These dead bones are just a few puppets. For our breath, as long as we are not within the area of ​​their control, they will not feel our existence, and naturally they will not bother us!"

"Go, leave this place!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, and a smile spread.

With that said, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Watching Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, Xiao Yan and others quickly followed and left the place.

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