Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1422: Soul chess?

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Chapter 1422 Soul Chess?

"Boy, this soul chess is not ordinary chess. Without the next step, it will consume the soul power!"

"Don't think so simple!"

The voice of the old **** bead sounded again.

But at this moment, the voice of the old **** bead is thicker than before.

It seems that the old people of Shenzhu think that this soul chess is not easy to win.

"Consumption of soul power?"

"No matter what it consumes, I must win this game, otherwise, I will always be in this chessboard!"

"The outside world is waiting for me to do too much. I still have a lot of doubts left unsolved!"

"I can only win this round!"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's heart became more and more firm.

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and directly used the power of the soul to start the white **** and started to play.

"Ask the Lord, what a wonderful step!"

"Not only blocked my way, but also blocked my retreat!"

With Mo Wentian's chess piece just falling, Ji Wujing's look changed slightly, and his face was laughed with joy.

Mo Wentian's shot in this game has exceeded his expectations.

At this moment, Ji Wujing's heart also raised a strong premonition, his chess game, I am afraid that it will be broken!

"Master Ji, this is a great prize!"

"The Emperor just knows it a little bit, he can't even talk about mastery!"

Mo Wentian said slightly at the corner of his mouth.

That looks like he's really just a novice about playing chess.

"Ask God, it's too modest!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing said a flash of light.

Speaking of it, Ji Wujing also spurred the power of the spirits and landed a black chess piece not far from Mowen Tianbai.

"Ji Shaozhu's chess piece is called a wonderful ..."

With Ji Wujing's **** falling, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold cold mang.

Ji Wujing's move was even better than what he did, and it blocked his roads.

"It seems I can't be taken lightly!"

His eyes flickered, and Mo Wentian secretly said.

"Of course you can't be taken lightly!"

"Boy, be careful!"

Mo Wentian didn't say this. The old man of Shenzhu seemed to be able to read his mind and told him.


Mo Wentian quickly agreed.

Immediately, Mo Wentian was completely caught in a chess game with Ji Wujing.

An hour passed quickly.

"Ask the Lord, you are so humble!"

"You're playing this game, it's a trick!"

Ji Wujing looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes flashing.

"is it?"

"Master Ji, you can't bear it!"

Mo Wentian responded slightly.

Mo Wentian did a good job in this game, but the opposite Ji Wujing also showed no sign of weakness.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, Mo Wentian felt a sense of weakness.

Upon an investigation, Mo Wentian found that his magical power had even faded.

"I have to defeat this person as soon as possible, otherwise if I continue, my spirit will not be enough to continue!"

His eyes narrowed for a moment, and Mo Wentian said secretly in his heart.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on the chess board of Soul Chess.

He seems to want to find the flaws in Ji Wujing from this chessboard.

A quarter of an hour passed.

"Ask the Lord, it's your turn?"

Watching Mo Wentian hesitant to play a pawn, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed, urging.

On the surface, the clouds are light and windy, but in fact Ji Wujing's heart is now rejoicing.

Mo Wentian's delay in playing chess pieces shows that Mo Wentian has fallen into a tangle.

To him, this is simply not a good thing.

For Mo Wentian, the reason why he took out this soul chess is that he wanted to trap Mo Wentian in this soul chess and become a chess piece for him.

In this way, he wants to seize the inheritance deep in the Inland, but it is a breeze.

Thinking about this, Ji Wujing's mouth couldn't help raising a radian.


A hum, but Mo Tian's face was full of dignity, and the tight brows seemed to be huddled together.

"Master Ji, our time is not short, it seems to be over soon!"

But the next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and a faint radiant light rose in his eyes instantly.

Looking at Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian's eyebrows stretched out instantly.

"Boy, what did you find?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the old man of Shenzhu asked quickly.

"Senior God, I found out that this soul chess is not here to play at all, it is just a cover!"

"The most important thing in this soul chess is its eye!"

"If this eye cannot be found, even if it is played for a long time, no matter how good it is, it will not win the master of this soul chess. The ending is trapped in this soul chess and becomes one of the soul chess Piece! "

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boy, you are great!"

"It turned out that I had found a way to break this soul chess so fast, it really deserves my God!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the old man of Shenzhu laughed.

He seemed very satisfied with Mo Wentian's answer.

"Senior Pearl, you already knew this cracking method of soul chess!"

For a moment, Mo Wentian came back to God, remembering the words of the old **** bead, Mo Wen genius remembered that he knew how to crack the soul chess.

"I do know how to crack Soul Chess!"

"Boy, you ca n’t always rely on others for whatever you do, you still have to rely on yourself!"

God Shenzhu, the thick voice sounded again in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Thank you for your teachings!"

"God understands!"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian glanced deep into his eyes, a flash of enlightenment.

The old **** bead is right, the old man who knows the solution to the soul chess knows, but he did not tell him the solution, but let Mo Wentian explore it himself.

For Mo Wentian, the benefits are considerable.

In this way, he will not pin his hopes on others. This is also a must-have for a person. He cannot always think of relying on others.

"Ask the Emperor, are you thinking about this step?"

At this moment, looking at Mo Wentian's pawn, he did not fall slowly, Ji Wujing said slightly.

Looking at the change of Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing's heart could not say why, even a wonderful feeling rose.

He had a feeling, as if he couldn't ask the sky, he could break his soul.

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