Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1506: Sky Fox

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Chapter 1506: Sky Fox Greatly Changed Look

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian doesn't need to think about it, it's that Tianji is angry!

He not only conquered all the powers of heavenly machines, but he also took away all the warriors in his heavenly mountains.

What makes Tianji even more angry is that Mo Wentian took these people away and took them away, leaving a word in the end.

Let him not forget to eat shit, this makes him always be in a high place, and the arrogant ingenuity, how can he tolerate!

But even if he could n’t bear it, he could n’t ask God how he could not get out of this heavenly mountain range.

Therefore, he can only vent these angers to his fists.

"That old thing is really pathetic!"

"Boss, you took all his warriors away, and you mocked him, and I think he must hate you!"

Looking at the heavenly mountain range in the distance, Xiao Yan recalled what Mo Wentian did, and he even sympathized with this heavenly machine.

At this moment, Xiao Yan even wanted to tell this heavenly machine that he must not fight with Mowen Tiandou if he wants to fight.

For a long time, people who asked Mo Dou Tiandou would not have a good end!

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"


Just then, several figures appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

This is the little black snake, clear and dry.

Behind them, there are the saints of the Kunpeng tribe, the young masters of the Moyou Ku tribe.

They looked at Mo Wentian, their eyes were full of gratitude.

"Let's all get up!"

Don't ask the light words.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Yes, the lord!"

After hearing the words, those figures did not dare to hesitate and stood up quickly.

"Promise you, Bendi has done it!"

"Wait out of this time roulette, if you want to stand on your own, then you will stand on your own. If you want to join the Emperor's Devouring Kingdom, then enter the Devouring Kingdom!"

Mo Wentian looked at the figure in front of him, and the expression in his eyes was extremely serious.

"Monarch, we are willing to follow the monarch!"

"Yes, the Emperor grants us freedom. Our life is given by the Emperor. We are willing to join the Emperor's Devouring Kingdom!"

"We are all willing to join the Emperor's Devouring Kingdom!"

"Following the emperor is the wisest!"


When Mo Wentian said this, countless warriors said with excitement.

They looked at Mo Wentian, their eyes full of admiration.

"Boss, all these people have to enter our Kingdom of Devouring Heaven?"

"It seems that the territory of our kingdom of heaven is about to expand!"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

"To expand?"

"Soon, the entire ancient relics will become my one and only one. I must ask genius to be the only king in the ancient relics!"

His eyes shrank, Mo Motian's power suddenly skyrocketed, Mo Motian's voice was even more powerful.

A king-like coercion spread toward the surroundings.

"King! The monarch is the only king in our ancient relics!"

"Long live the monarch, long live the monarch, long live the monarch!"

"The emperor is the only master in the ancient relics!"

"We are all looking forward to the emperor!"


The king-like coercion struck. In the wheel of time, countless warriors bowed down again towards Mo Wentian.

Each of them was as excited as chicken blood.

But they looked at Mo Wentian's eyes, but they were extremely respectful.

"Let's all get up!"

The indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian raised his hand slightly, and countless warriors stood up involuntarily.

"Before this emperor becomes the only king, there is still a problem to be solved!"

The next moment, it seemed that I remembered something, but Mo Wentian's expression faded instantly.

The old man of the **** beads said that the beast owner has led people to eat the kingdom of heaven and god!

In the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven, although Mo Wentian left Xiao Jinghen and Fan Zeng, and Tianhu, their strengths, although they have reached the late state of the emperor.

But this kind of cultivation, it is impossible to block the beast owner!

"Spirit, accelerate!"

"The Emperor must return to the Kingdom of Devourers at the fastest speed!"

Thinking like this, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and hurried toward Shi Lingdao.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's heart also raised a deep worry.

"Yes, master!"

Hearing that, Shi Ling quickly agreed.

The next moment, the speed of the time wheel increased instantly.

And just when Mo Wentian and others rushed towards the Kingdom of Devourers at full speed.

Eat the Kingdom of God, in the hall.

"Master Tianhu, the orcs are here!"

In the hall, a disciple who eats the kingdom of heaven and god, watching the fox sitting on the Lord, said quickly.

"The orcs are here?"

"What kind of realm do people here come from?"

Hearing that, Tian Fox stood up from the Lord instantly, and among those beautiful eyes, there was a flash of complicated eyes.

"Master Huihu Tianhu, this time all the warriors of the orcs came!"

"Even the Beastmaster!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the disciples in the main hall trembled when they talked about the Beast Master.

"Here is the Beast Lord?"

"It looks like a fierce battle!"

The eyes narrowed, the look of the Sky Fox instantly dimmed.

"Tell me to order, all the war beasts and disciples who eat the kingdom of heaven, all gathered at the gate, ready to face the battle!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, a flash of light in Tianhu's eyes, a cold voice.

"Yes, Master Tianhu!"

Wen Yan said that the disciple who ate the kingdom of heaven quickly retreated.

For a while, there was only one fox left in place.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I will strive to defend the Kingdom of Heaven!"

"But if you can't keep it, ask Brother Tian not to blame me!"

Those clear eyes looked at the distant void, the secret way in his heart.

Speaking, in the eyes of Tianhu, a touch of crystal rose.

In Tianhu's heart, the Kingdom of Devouring God was entrusted to her when she left, so she has this obligation and responsibility to guard the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.

Before Mo Wentian returned, if anything happened to the Kingdom of Devourer, it would be her responsibility!

Now, the beast owner has brought all the disciples of the beast to come, Tianhu's heart is very clear.

With the strength of the current Devouring Kingdom of Heaven, there is no way to counter it.

"Master Tianhu!"

"Master Tianhu!"

At this moment, two figures hurried to the hall.

Looking at Tianhu, two figures bowed down respectfully.

The two who came here were Xiao Jinghen and Fan Zeng who were left in the Kingdom of Devourers by Mo Wentian.

"Ahem ..."

"What are you doing?"

Hearing that, Tianhu turned around instantly, wiping the crystals dripping from the corners of his eyes, pretending to be indifferent Tao.

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