Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1563: The end to him

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Chapter 1563: Ending Against Him

At this moment, the beast owner begged for mercy towards Xiaoyu.

What's more, even Grandpa screamed.

With the sound of the grandfather from the beast owner, the countless warriors exploded instantly.

"Did I hear that right? The beast owner even called Grandpa Xiaoye?"

"Grandpa? Hahahaha ... Dignified beast owner, the king of the ancient relics, is actually called Grandpa Xiaoye, it is ridiculous!"

"It seems that the beast owner is desperate, in order to survive, but can do everything!"

"It really made me look amazing. Wasn't he very arrogant and arrogant before? I didn't expect that there would be a day called Grandpa!"

"Master Xiaoyan, please don't spare this beast owner, no matter what his name is, even if he is called Grandpa, you can't let him go!"

"Yes, this beast owner is so abominable!"


Talking, the countless warriors approached the Tianshou Mountains, and they seemed to be beast owners who wanted to see the wolverine closer.

Unable to say why, looking at the Beast Lord in front of them, they just felt extremely happy in their hearts.


"Old miscellaneous, did you hear that, these are your disciples, but let me not let you go, grandpa!"

Listening to the sound of the Dao, Xiao Xiao's eyes fell on the beast owner, and the voice was full of taunting Tao.

"Grandpa, please forgive me!"

"As long as you forgive me, I promise I won't go to the Kingdom of Heaven to trouble you and the emperor again!"

It was said that in the depths of the beast owner's eyes, there was a shadow of gloomy eyes.

But it was just an instant, and the light of the eye disappeared instantly, and it was all for mercy.

Looking at Xiao Yan, if the beast owner can kneel at this moment, he must have already kneeled down, and his voice is full of sincerity.

It seems that at this moment, he really realized that his own previous mistakes were general.

"Boss, this old mess is really shameless!"

But looking at the magical sky in this scene, there was a look of contempt in his eyes.


"When will this beast owner face?"

"However, this old mess, I don't think he is sincerely asking for forgiveness!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to find something, and the light in his eyes skyrocketed.

"Not sincerely asking for mercy?"

"Boss, you mean, this old mess is trying to play tricks?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xuantian stretched out her furry claws and scratched her head.

His eyes were puzzled.

"Yes, this old miscellaneous is just wanting to relax Xiao Xiao's vigilance, so he shot at Xiao Xiao!"

Han Man flashed in his eyes, and Mo Wentian lowered his voice.

"Boss, then I'll tell Xiaoyu this!"

Hearing that, as soon as the mind of the magic sky moved, a note appeared in the hands of the fantasy sky.


"This point of discrimination, Xiao Yan must have it himself!"

Seeing the magical sky will be heard, do not ask Tian quickly stopped.

"Boss ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Magic Sky opened up and wanted to say something, but in the end it didn't say anything.

At the same time, the note in Phantasy's hand was also retracted.

"Grandpa, please forgive me!"

"Don't kill me, I won't really go to the trouble of eating the Kingdom of God in the future, I will simply ask the Emperor in the future, I will take a detour and ask Grandpa to let me go!

And at this moment, watching Xiaozhang's slow response, the beast owner said again.

In the eyes of the beast owner, his look was extremely earnest, and it seemed that he was sincere in asking for forgiveness at the moment.

But at the moment, the beast owner had another idea.

"Little reptile, want to kill me?"

"Wait for me to come out of your body and see how I can kill you!"

Deep in the eyes, there was a shadow of gloomy eyes, the secret way in my heart.

His hands, at this moment, secretly clenched into fists, their nails were trapped in the flesh, and the slightest blood spilled out.

"Old miscellaneous, do you want to ask for mercy now?"

"It's late!"

"But grandpa, I won't kill you, you still have some use for the boss!"

"But although I don't kill you, I can still teach you!"

Listening to the beastmaster's words for mercy, Xiao Yan's heart was not moved at all, but he looked at the beastmaster with a cold expression on his face.

At the same time, Xiao's breath quickly skyrocketed.

To the beast owner in front of him, Xiao Yan's heart, but there is no slight feeling.

If it weren't for Mo Wentian saying that there was something left to keep about this old mess, I'm afraid Xiaoyu at this moment would have wanted to kill this old mess.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

"I'm pumping you into a pig's head. Your father won't recognize you!"

The next moment, Xiaoxiong looked at the beast owner and said angrily.

Having said that, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate at all, and the hundreds of feet of dragon tail drew directly towards the beast owner in his body.


As Xiaoyan's tail fell, a scream sounded instantly.

From the next quarter of an hour, a scream came from time to time.

"Little sister, that's enough!"

"This old mess, you're pumping down, I'm afraid I can't even talk!"

Just then, Mo Wentian's voice sounded.

Although I did not see the appearance of the beast owner at the moment, Mo Wentian could already imagine it. At this moment, the beast owner has as many wolves as there are wolves.

No one has ever been miserable since Xiaoxuan!

"Well, boss, I'll give you this old mess!"

Hearing that although Xiaozheng had not been addicted yet, he still agreed.

With that said, the body of the beast owner was hovering tightly and released instantly.


A figure suddenly descended from the void.

That figure, at this moment, seemed to be a blood man, and a strong **** smell spread out from him.

The breath on this person is now reduced to the extreme, as if the next moment, he will fall.

"Boss, it's too miserable for this old miscellaneous person to be pumped by Xiaoyu?"

Looking at the Beast Owner, Magic Sky couldn't bear to look directly, said in a deep voice.

"Opposite me, and oppose the Kingdom of Devour!"

"This is the end!"

Mo Wentian's eyes glanced around, the cold voice sounded.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's spirit and spirit are unfolding, and within a vast circle, there are actually many warriors. These warriors are some of the hidden forces in ancient relics.

Mo Wentian said this to those who hide the power.

Sooner or later, he will leave the ancient relics, but it is impossible for him to take all of his kingdom of heavenly gods.

And if he leaves, these hidden forces may attack his kingdom of heavenly gods while he is not in the relics of ancient times. He said that he wanted to use the horrifying appearance of the beast owner to deter the hidden forces.

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