Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1567: The beast owner who fled

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Chapter 1567: The Runaway Beast Master

"Old miscellaneous, you are so old that you are so naive!"

"It's ridiculous!"

With Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's ridiculous voice came instantly.

Xiao Yan didn't have the slightest affection for the beast owner in front of him, and even Xiao Xiao's heart wanted to kill him.

"Boy, you ..."

"But you promised me. After you said I said something I knew, you should let me go!"

Looking at Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi's look, the beast owner's heart suddenly panicked.

After thinking about it, he could only talk nonsense with his eyes open.

In the heart of the beast owner, there was only one idea at the moment, and that was to let Mo Wentian let him go, no matter in what way, as long as Mo Wentian could let him go.

"When did Bendi promise to let you go?"

"Old miscellaneous, I know you shameless, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless!"

Listening to the Beast Lord's words, he asked Mo Tian's expression coldly, and his voice was extremely cold.

The degree of shamelessness of the beast owner in front of him was beyond the imagination of Mo Wentian.

For a moment, Mo Wentian could not find words to describe it.

"Boss, what is this nonsense!"

"Don't you say you want to give this old mess to your disciples?"

And at this moment, Xiaoxi took a step forward and couldn't help it.


"The things that the Emperor wants to know are already known, this old mess, you throw it to the disciples, and tell the disciples how they want to deal with it!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian nodded.

Immediately, it seemed to be remembering something, and a dazzling ray of light rose in his eyes, a deep voice said.

"Okay, boss!"

"The disciples will give you a satisfactory answer by then!"

Xiao Yan didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

At the next moment, the figure of Xiao Xiao flashed, and the beast owner rolled towards the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Ask me!"

"You ... I won't let you go. You can kill me, but you can't kill heaven!"

"And the demon soul that works with Tianji, you will die in this ancient relic ..."

But at the moment when Xiaozhu rolled up the Beastmaster, the Beastmaster laughed wildly, but in those eyes that looked at Mo Wentian, it was extremely vicious.

At this moment, the beast owner has given up in his heart, he has exhausted, and he can't escape the palm of Mo Wentian.

Suddenly, he had begged to be sincere, and instantly exposed his true colors.

"You old clumsy, too much nonsense!"

Before waiting for the Beast Master to finish, Xiao Xiao's brow frowned slightly, and one tail was drawn towards the Beast Master's mouth again.


A scream came out instantly.

For a moment, Xiaoxuan took the beast master and appeared at the gate of the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.

In front of the gate at this moment, there are countless disciples who eat the kingdom of heaven, as if they are all waiting to deal with this beast owner.

Watching Xiaoxi bring the owner of the beast, in the eyes of those disciples, a dazzling ray of light rose instantly.

At the same time, the breath of each one of them suddenly skyrocketed.

"Master Xiaoyan really brought the old owner of the beast owner!"

"The emperor speaks for nothing!"

"I did not expect that the beast owner who has been running in the ancient relics will have today!"

"The owner of the beast was chopped up and killed my family. Today I must drink his blood and choke his flesh!"

"From the king of the ancient relics to this point, it is estimated that there are only beast owners!"


Watching Xiaozhang bring the beast owner, countless disciples of Devouring Kingdom of God, talked.

"Well, this old mess is up to you!"

"The boss said, do whatever you want!"

The cold voice sounded, Xiaoyan's dragon's tail loosened, and the wolf's endless figure suddenly fell from the void.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Master!"


After hearing the words, countless disciples who devoured the kingdom of heaven knelt down towards Xiaoyu, and their faces were full of gratitude.

It seems that Mo Wentian and Xiaozhang gave the beastmaster to them for disposal, and resolved their general hatred.

"Mo Wentian, Xiaoyu, I won't let you go!"

"I won't let you go!"

As soon as Xiao Xiao was about to leave the pole, a loud scream sounded.


A cracking sound followed.

With the sound of this cracking sound, I saw that the body of the beast owner exploded directly and turned into countless flesh.

The countless flesh fled wildly.

"not good!"

"This old mess is trying to escape!"

Slightly hesitated, Xiao Xiao came back to God, and a bad hunch rose in his heart.

The figure flashed and quickly followed.

But Xiaoxun's speed was still a little slower. Although the countless flesh was blasted by him, there were still a few flesh fled.

You know, the owner of the beast becomes flesh, as long as it is a flesh, he can condense again into flesh.

He will not fall!

Looking at the flesh that fled and left, Xiaoxi's heart was a little bit regretful.

"I'm so overwhelmed!"

Nana whispered in his mouth, and Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a cold chill.

But at this moment, even regrets were useless, and the beast owner had fled.

"Escape, this beast owner escaped?"

"This beastmaster is really desperate. He turned into countless flesh like this, even if he fled one or two, but his countless flesh has been bombarded by Lord Xiaoyue, and his strength will drop greatly of!"

"I didn't expect this beast owner, in the end, there is still such a means!"

"Although the Beast Lord is not dead, but with his current strength, even if he is alive, that's enough for him!"

"That's right, I'm afraid he's just a rat crossing the street because of people who offended him in his arrogant past!"


Watching the two fled and fled away, countless disciples who consumed the kingdom of heaven, talked again.

"This matter, you must tell the boss!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, his eyebrows frowned slightly, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Xiao's figure appeared in the hall of Devouring Heaven Kingdom.

Watching Xiao Xiao's figure appeared so quickly, Mo Wentian and Xuan Tian were slightly surprised.

"Small sister, is the matter resolved?"

After returning to God, Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan, his face indifferent.

"Boss, that old miscellaneous incarnation became flesh and fled for two!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, looking dignified.

In his eyes, there was a touch of complicated eyes.

"Incarnate into blood?"

"Escaped two?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of magnificence.

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