Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1585: Magic battle, fall!

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Chapter 1585: Demon War, Fall!

Magic battle, fallen!

The patriarch of the dreaded demons and demons of the Tribe Realm, and the powerful man with the highest respect, died in the hands of a warrior in the early days of the emperor.

Even if it is passed on to the Celestial Realm and the Celestial Realm, no one will believe it!


And looking at this scene, Ji Wujing has an incredible expression on his face.

"Master Ji, the magic battle has fallen!"

"This demon soul seal has been resolved!"

Don't ask Tian Tianxin a move, put away the Devouring Heaven Sword.

Stepped forward, approached Ji Wujing, and said with a slight grin.

In fact, being able to solve the magic war so easily is somewhat unexpected.

But Mo Wentian's mind was also very clear that he could solve the magic war in this way. This was a large part of Ji Wujing's attack.

Had it not been for Ji Wujing's wrath for the demon war and let the demon war relax his vigilance, he would not have had the opportunity to kill the demon war.

"Magic battle, good death!"

"Damn realm, **** it!"

After receiving Mo Wentian's affirmative answer, Ji Wujing's eyes narrowed suddenly, almost speaking from the teeth.

That look, it seems that Ji Wujing hates the people in the demon world.

"Ji Shaozhu, do you have a great grudge against Ji Family and the Demon Realm?"

Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing, his eyes flashed, and Shen asked.

Regarding the relationship between Ji's family and the demon world, although Mo Wentian has learned something from the dialogue between Ji Wujing and the Demon War, Mo Wentian wants to know more.

After all, he wants to enter the heavenly world. The more he knows about the heavenly world, the more it will help him.

"It's not just my Ji family, there is resentment all over the heavenly world and heavenly world!"

"The demon world should not exist!"

Ji Wujing's expression grew colder.

At the same time, his hands could not help but clenched, his joints creaked.

"Master Ji, it's getting late!"

"Ji Ming and Xiao Yanran are waiting for us, let's go to Tianji Mountain first!"

Looking at the appearance of Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian was very clear. At the moment, Ji Wujing did not want to say anything more.

In this case, Na Mo asked not to ask, but to divert the topic.



Ji Wujing's eyes flickered slightly, and then he stepped out one step and went directly towards the Tianji Mountains.

As Ji Wujing's figure left, there was only Mo Wentian alone.

Mo Wentian looked at the back of Ji Wujing's departure, but frowned slightly.

"Someday you will tell me!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's figure flashed, and she quickly followed.

For a moment, the figures of Ji Wujing and Mo Wentian appeared in the Tianji Mountains one after the other.

"Little Lord!"


"Boss ..."


Watching the appearance of Ji Wujing and Mo Wentian, Ji Ming and Xiao Yan and others greeted them quickly.

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky looked at Mo Wentian's whole body, feeling the volatile atmosphere in Mo Wentian's body, and the face of Yilongyimon was full of worry.

"Boss, you are hurt!"

The next moment, Xiao Xi's figure flashed, and came to Mo Wentian's side, could not help saying.


"It's just a little hurt, no problem!"

The look of Mo Wentian was indifferent.

"Boss, the magic battle is solved?"

It seemed to be remembering something, a faint light flashed in the eyes of Xuantian, a deep voice.


"Resolved, all the demons in this demonic seal have been resolved!"

Mo Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, saying relievedly.

"Ask the Lord, thank you!"

And at this moment, Ji Wujing and Ji Ming were slightly polite towards Mo Wentian, and said sincerely.

"Thanks a lot?"

"Master Ji, thank you so much?"

Looking at Ji Wujing and Ji Ming, Mo Wentian was slightly stunned.

You know, in Mo Wentian's view, this solution to the demon soul seal is not for Ji Wujing, but for himself and for the safety of the disciples of the kingdom of heaven.

"Ask the Emperor, thank you for your help and help me solve this fuzzy seal together!"

"These demon soul seals were originally my mission!"

Ji Wujing's look was extremely serious.

"That being the case, Ji Shaozhu, you and I do not need to thank each other!"

"Each has its own purpose, it can only be said that our purpose is unified!"

Listening to Ji Wujing's words, Mo Wentian said with a slight smile.

"Ask the Emperor ..."

After hearing that, Ji Wujing opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"Master Ji, my injury needs to be recovered!"

"Master Ji must presumably recover from your injury, right?"

Within the body, a feeling of weakness came, and Mo Wentian coughed, lowering the voice.

"Yes, my injury needs to be recovered!"

"The young master will not bother asking the emperor, you are recovered, leave!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing arched slightly.

After that, there was no hesitation, and Ji Ming disappeared into Tianji Mountain.

With the departure of Ji Wujing and Ji Ming, only Mo Wentian and Xiaoyin Magical Sky remained in the Tianji Mountains.

"Boss, why do you want Master Ji to leave first?"

At this moment, Xiaoyan looked at Mo Wentian with a doubt on his face and asked Shen Shen.

"Ji Wujing is really good, but there are some things that he doesn't know yet!"

Don't ask the sky's expression, it became serious instantly.

"Buzz ..."

At the moment Mo Motian's voice just fell, a wave of void wave came, and the figure of the old man of God Pearl appeared in the void again.

"Boy, you're right!"

"Not everyone can fully believe that you can understand this truth before entering Tianxian Realm, it's good!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian and nodded with satisfaction.

"Predecessor Shenzhu, in addition to the disparity in strength in the heavenly immortal world, isn't human thinking different?"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian slightly hesitated, returned to God, and asked subconsciously.

"Boy, you will understand when you enter the heavenly realm!"

"Yes, the time from when the channel opened, but twenty days!"

"Boy, it's time to take care of everything about the Kingdom of God!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu, there was a glimmer of light.

"It's only twenty days since the passage opened?"

"The worries of the Devouring Kingdom of Heaven are all to be solved!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's brow tightened up instantly.

Not just eating the kingdom of heaven, he decided to bring those who entered the heavenly realm, they must choose!

The thought of choosing a person to follow him into the heavenly world, no matter who asks the head of the sky, it is extremely large!

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