Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1616: exchange?

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Chapter 1616 Exchange?

"We were found?"

"Isn't Mo Tiantian's cultivation just the beginning of the emperor? How could he find out that we exist?"

"Ask the Emperor whether he can be measured by ordinary people. His strength is not measured by cultivation!"

"Now that we are found, let's go out!"

"Huh ... this terrible power!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, the warriors of the hidden forces in the dark suddenly became loud.

Some warriors didn't want to come out, but felt that the thousand souls of Mo Wentian, like a mountain, suppressed their souls, they stood up instantly.

Watching some warriors stand up, for a moment, all the warriors stand up.



Mo Wentian looked at the more than a dozen people who appeared, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile of evil smile.

But Xiaoyan and Tianhu aside, they were all shocked.

These hidden warriors were not even aware of them.

Mo Wentian said this, so many people suddenly appeared, and for a moment, they stayed in place.

"Ask the Emperor, I am an alien clan leader, and I know that I am not your opponent by virtue of my strength!"

"You can kill or kill. I only have one request, and that is to give me happiness!"

After groaning for a while, a figure stood out among the crowd.

This figure is a middle-aged man, but his appearance is very weird.

There was an eye in the center of his head, and in that eye, looking at Mo Wentian, there was no fear at all, and his voice was extremely firm.

That look, it seems that at this moment, he has made enough preparations to be beheaded by Mo Wentian.

"An alien howling?"

"Slay you? Happy to you?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"When did the Emperor say he was going to kill you?"

Looking at Yiming, Mo Wentian burst into laughter.

When did he say that they would be beheaded?

"Don't kill us?"

"Don't kill us, you let us out, why?"

The strange stunned for a moment, turning back to God, looking at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng asked.

For Mo Wentian, Yi Ming still has a little understanding, Mo Wen Tian is not a kind-hearted person.

Although his aliens have nothing to do with the Kingdom of Devourers, they just saw in the dark that Mo Wentian captured the Dragon Dragon Sky Map.

In Yiming's view, Mo Wentian would not leave them alive.

However, he did not expect that Mo Wentian did not want to kill them. For a moment, it really made the strangers wonder.

"Ahem ..."

"In the hands of Bendi, as you can see!"

"There are two pictures of the Dragon Dragon Sky!"

Mo Wentian coughed, and his expression cooled down instantly.

Looking at the group of martial arts, Mo Wentian flashed a chill in his eyes.

"Ask the Lord, what do you mean by that?"

Yiming looked at Mo Wentian, and her heart became increasingly puzzled, and she asked subconsciously.

"In the hands of the Emperor, there are three pictures of the Dragon Dragon Sky, but only one is enough to enter the Dragon Dragon Sky Map!"

"If you want to enter the Celestial Realm, get something for it!"

"The number of gods and dragons in the hands of the Emperor is limited. If you want it, take out the treasures of your clan. As long as it is satisfactory to the Emperor, the Emperor will exchange it for a century!

Mo Wentian's figure stood proudly, a faint voice sounded.

At this moment, Mo Wentian also thought that this group of warriors who had hidden forces played a very important role in their clan.

Rather than being enemies with these people, it is better to be friends with them.

In this way, his kingdom of heaven-eating gods is in this ancient relic, and when he leaves, these hidden forces will not dare to invade.

What's more, the old man of Shenzhu said that among these warriors, there were Dan people.

And his practice is now only the early state of the emperor. His practice may not have broken through for a long time.

There is a strong hunch in Mo Wentian's heart. His cultivation is that if he wants to break through, he will send this peerless elixir.

"Bitch is teachable!"

"Boy, don't let the old man down!"

Looking at this scene, in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu, there was a touch of pride.

He just gave a little pointer, Mo Wentian thought more than he thought.

At this moment, the old man of Shenzhu was more and more satisfied with Mo Wentian.

"Boss, do you want to use this magic dragon sky map and exchange these warriors for treasure?"

At this moment, the figure of Xiao Xiao who had returned to God flashed to Mo Wentian and asked quickly.


"It is useless to keep the two supernatural maps of the Dragon Dragon. It is better to change some things we need!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Swap the Dragon Dragon Sky Map with Arcana? Ask the Emperor, is this true?"

"I originally thought that my Dan people would never have a chance to martial arts shrine again, but I never thought that I would ask the emperor to be willing to come up with two pictures of the Dragon Dragon Sky!"

"Ask the Emperor of Heaven if he really wants to come up with the Dragon Dragon Sky Map, and quickly pass the news back to the tribe, and take the treasure from my tribe!"

"The mid-level artifact of my Dan clan, the Supreme Dan furnace is on me. I don't know if the Emperor would like to change it!"

"The witchcraft beast of my alien race is the most powerful existence of my alien race. As long as this witchcraft beast is present, even the strongest in the realm of heaven is enough to kill. Ask the emperor and me Exchange? "


In the Yulong Palace, it became lively.

At this moment, Mo Wentian looked at the group of people with a smile.

"Boss, these people seem to want to exchange the two Dragon Sky pictures in your hands?"

"Who are you going to give these two Dragon Dragon Sky Maps to?"

Listening to the sound of the discussion, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint light, suppressing the voice.

"To whom?"

"Of course, whoever is more sincere, exchange it with anyone!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth, the rising radian, became richer.

"Ask the Emperor, I have an artifact in the middle of the imperial rank, and it is also the supreme treasure furnace of my Dan!"

"I want to exchange a picture of the Dragon Dragon Sky with you, okay?"

The next moment, a figure stood out among the crowd.

This person was dressed in white, and looked like a fairy bone.

With that said, a hearth appeared in the man's hands when his heart moved.

The Dan furnace looked plain from a distance.

But the divine pattern flashing above the Dan furnace was mysterious and boundless.

"Extreme Dan furnace!"

Mo Wentian watched the Supreme Dan furnace appear, his eyes narrowed slightly.

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