Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1621: Strong suppression!

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Chapter 1621 Strong Repression!

The next moment, Mo Wentian unfolded.

A thousand feet of spirits went directly toward the shroud.

"Buzz ..."

Thousands of spirits, like a mountain, go directly to the suppression of Yiming.

At this moment, the strange sound has not yet felt Mo Wentian's terrible thousands of gods, and is still working on his secrets, and wants to fuse Xiaozhang's repression with Witch's strange beasts for his use.

"Little earthworm, you will die today!"

"Hahahaha ..."

The strange laughter sounded, and the strange sound looked into Xiao Yan's eyes, the eyes were extremely horrible.

I saw in the void, behind the sorceress, countless monsters and phantoms appeared, including lions and tigers, and dragons and pengs ...

Countless monsters and phantoms, Zhang Ya dance claws swept away towards Xiao Yan.

But when Yiming thought that Xiaoyao would be successfully suppressed, on top of his spirit, a thousand spirits directly suppressed it.


The strange noise rolled up on the ground instantly, and it looked like pain.

And as Yiming's Yinjue stopped, the Witchcraft Beast in the Void stopped in the Void.

"What's going on? Isn't this strange sound just casting his most wicked witchcraft of alien races? Why did he suddenly do that?"

"The strange noise is so abominable, that it has used such a vicious means!"

"No, I feel the power of a soul. I am afraid it has reached a thousand feet!"

"Spiritual spirit of Qianzhang? Spirit of Qianzhang, that is only needed by the strongest in the state of heavenly respect!"

"Ask God, ask God's spirit!"


Watching the sudden change of the strange sound, the warrior who had hidden the forces was horrified.

Suddenly, I do not know who it was, and felt the power of Mo Wentian.

The eyes of each figure looked towards Mo Wentian, and their eyes were full of awe-inspiring colors.

But in their hearts, there was a touch of admiration for the young man, that was from the bottom of his heart!

"Do not……"



And just then, screams came again.

I saw in the void that the noise was rolling on the ground, and the drops of sweat, the size of beans, even dripped from his forehead.


At this moment, Xiao Yuan also found the anomaly, and the figure flashed to Mo Wentian's side.

"Xiaoying, this strange noise is a means to make a vicious way!"

"You step back and wait for me to suppress him first!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed coldly.

"Suppressed? Isn't that thousand-souled soul really asking God?"

"Ask the emperor's cultivation, isn't it only the emperor's initial state? How can his spirit be so great?"

"The horror of asking the Emperor is never measured by cultivation!"

"It's terrible to ask God!"


With Mo Wutian's remarks coming out, those warriors who were not sure about Mo Wutian's spirit were identified instantly.

They couldn't help but take a breath!

Mo Wentian's fear is beyond their imagination.

At this moment, they are all fortunate that Mo Wentian is willing to exchange a place for them to enter the channel.

"Boss ..."

At the moment Xiao Xiao looked at Mo Wentian, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

But Xiao's figure retreated.

After following Mo Wentian for so long, Xiao Yan also knew that Mo Wentian's shot at this time must be a means of abnormal sounding, not something he could counter.

"My strength is still worse!"

There was a complex gleam of light in his eyes, and the secret way in Xiaoyan's heart.

Xiao Yan thought in his mind that if his strength was strong enough to solve this strange sound, then there was no need to ask a question.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, a wave of void wave came.

I saw the figure of the old **** bead appeared in the void.

"Boy, you have suppressed this old mess!"

"But don't kill him!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian, and the light in his eyes passed by, suppressing the voice.

"Don't cut him?"

"Senior Pearl, why is this?"

Mo Wentian frowned slightly, wondering in his heart.

"Boy, this old miscellaneous strength is indeed inferior to you and Xiaozhang, but this witchcraft strange beast will help you to enter the martial arts holy land!"

"And you want this witchcraft beast to use for you, not you to suppress it. This witchcraft beast has been raised with the blood of this old miscellaneous monster. You must control this witch monster ! "

In the eyes of the old man of the **** bead, there was a touch of complex light, and there was a slight dignity in the thick voice.

"So it is!"

"Senior Pearl, thank you so much, I will stay here!"

Mo Wentian nodded, and there was a flash of enlightenment in his eyes.

The original Mo Wentian's idea of ​​directly solving the strange sounds also strangled!

After a quarter of an hour.

The screams of strange noises stopped, got up from the ground, and came to Mo Wentian's side.

Yiming bowed down directly towards Mo Wentian.

"Yi Ming meets the master!"

Yiming looked at Mo Wentian, her eyes full of respect.

This looks like an obedient pug, and it's a far cry from the arrogant noise.

As Yiming knelt down towards Mo Wentian, the sorceress and beast in the void had disappeared.

As the figure flashed, the Witchcraft Beast also descended from the void, came to Yiming's side, and bowed down towards Mo Wentian, looking equally respectful.

"Master? Yi Mingchen obeyed the Emperor?"

"Ask the Emperor this is forcibly suppressing the strangeness!"

"Thousands of spirits, who can stop them?"

"Ask Emperor Tian to suppress the abnormal sound, it seems that he does not intend to kill it!"

"Yinming should be glad to ask the Emperor that he did not kill him, at least he has a life!"


Listening to the strange sound of the master, the warrior hiding the power, there was a complex light in his eyes.

"Get up!"

Mo Wentian's hand was raised slightly, his expression indifferent.

And Yi Ming's body, with Mo Wentian's slightly raised hand, stood up involuntarily, as if there was an invisible upward force, dragging his body up.

"Thank you, Master!"

The Yiming fainted a moment, and then returned to God, and hurriedly respected the gift of Mo Wentian.

"Yinming, you will be Bendi's dog in the future!"

"This Witch Mischief Bendi will not capture you, but you will listen to Beni in the future!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, and his face was cold.

"Yes, master!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yiming quickly agreed.

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