Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1703: Do your best

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Chapter 1703: Do Your Best

"He is really the boy who asked Mo Wentian. He heard that the boy directly rejected the one asked by Elder Ju Yi to accept his disciples?"

"This boy is really too arrogant. If this is replaced by someone else, it will not be accepted as a disciple by the grandfather crying grandpa begging grandma, but I did not expect that this boy dare to openly refuse the invitation of elder juyi!"

"Yeah, this kid is still a little ant from the ancient relics of the world about the same size as Qitianjie!"

"I really don't know what this kid thinks. Being a disciple of Elder Ju Yi, even in the top three worlds, I have to give Elder Ju Yi a little bit of noodles!"

"If you lose your chance, there will be no chance. You will not come again when you have a chance!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, ten people looked at each other and returned to God, and their eyes were full of impressiveness.

They never imagined that the arrogant person in front of him was simply asking questions.

You know, recently, Mo Wentian's name has spread throughout most of the heavenly world, even if they don't want to know.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"Elder Ju Yi's personal disciples, you dare to refuse, it seems I want to look at you!"

With a gentle cough, Po Yu stepped forward again, her eyes narrowed, her face cold.

At this moment, Mo Yu's heart is even more envious.

You know, his cultivation is about to break through to the middle of the heavenly respect, and Mo Wentian is just a warrior in the middle of the emperor.

A big realm difference is simply the difference between a sky and a ground.

Not to mention him, even if it is a warrior from any world in the Celestial Realm, who doesn't want to be an elder disciple of Elder Ju Yi, it is an elder disciple!

If he was given this opportunity, he wouldn't even think about it, and promised it!

He really didn't understand why Elder Ju Yi chose Mo Wentian as his autobiography disciple!

Thinking in this way, Su Yu's heart was puzzled.

I can't say why, at the moment, in the heart of Pou Yu, the feeling of rising up to Mo Wentian in front of me is coming again.

Otherwise, how could Elder Ju Yi look after him and accept him as a disciple!

"Squeak ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of Po Yu, how jealous eyes could not be concealed.

The hands hanging on both sides couldn't help but clenched, the joints creaked.

"You don't need to look at Bendi, you just need to know that Bendi is not something you can provoke!"

"Subtle ants, surrender to the Emperor!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian watched the look change into the rain, his eyes flashed a complex gleam of light, cold voice.

Having said that, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the spirit directly unfolded.

The one thousand feet of spirits shrouded over the rainy spirits in an instant.

"No, it's the soul suppression!"

"How can this kid's spirit be so strong!"

With the power of Mo Wentian's spirit, suppressing toward Yuyu, the look of Yuyu changed instantly.

A bad hunch rose instantly, and a breath of death came over him.

"Yi, your soul, but Yaobaizhang, you will not be the opponent of this emperor!"

"Frankly submitting to the Emperor is your right choice!"

Looking at Panyu's panic-like appearance, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, but he even raised a touch of radian.

"Want me to surrender to you and dream!"

Her eyes narrowed, and a flash of coldness flashed in her eyes.

"Hunt ants, the chance has been given to you. Since you don't want it, you can't blame it!"

"Soul suppression!"

Seeing that Pyo Yu was still doing this resistance, Mo Wentian looked cold and angrily.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's terrible spirit power directly spread into the rain soul.


At the moment Mo Motian entered the power of the soul, a spit of blood spewed out of Mo Yu's mouth.

"If you don't submit, then die!"

The icy voice sounded, and the intensity of Mo Wentian's spirit became a little bigger.

In fact, Mo Wentian didn't really kill the rain.

When I first arrived in this heavenly world, Mo Wentian needed strength most, and the rain in front of him was a moldable talent. Mo Wentian is naturally useful!

But he didn't know these rains, he only knew that he couldn't bear the power of this terrible soul.

His pride was completely defeated by this terrible spirit at this moment.


"I'm willing to surrender!"

Suddenly, Soul Rain looked at Mo Wentian, and spit out a few words from his mouth, as if these words required a lot of effort.

"Tongtong ..."

Having said that, Yu Yu's knees fell directly on the ground.

"It looks like you're still acquainted!"

Looking at the rain falling down on the ground, Mo Wentian raised a radian.

"Since you have surrendered, let's be happy!"

Seems to think of something, Mo Wentian looked at the rain, yelled coldly.


Listening to the words "Happy God", the look of the rain is changing again.


"Is this unwilling to let go?"

Looking at the dull appearance of Moyu, Mo Wentian said coldly.

"I'm willing to let go!"

"I let go!"

Panyu's eyes were full of panic.

Do not ask Tiantian that the power of the soul that enveloped him is terrible.

The terrible spirit seemed to be able to shatter his spirit. He was really scared!

He was afraid that Mo Wentian would really shatter his soul and kill him!

"Shin of God!"

But at the moment when the spirit of the rain was released, Mo Wentian flashed coldly, shouting coldly.

Immediately, Mo Wentian made a series of Indian tactics.

The next moment, I saw a quaint slave character formed in the void.

With the appearance of this slave character, a boundless breath spread instantly.

"to make!"

With a sharp drink, the slave **** mark went directly to the eyebrows of the rain.


The whole man, Yuyu, was rolling on the ground as if he were suffering huge pain at the moment.


In the eyes of Po Yu, the horror screamed loudly.

Only a quarter of an hour later, the screams of the rain stopped.

The next moment, Soul Rain got up from the ground, kneeling respectfully before Mo Wentian.

"the host!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Po Yu's face was full of respectful look.

It looked like an obedient dog and did not dare to show any disrespect to Mo Wentian.

"Get up!"

Do not ask Tian look very indifferent.

A slight support of the hand, an upward force, so that the body could not help but stand up.

"Thank you, master!"

Slightly stupefied for a while, before returning to God, Po Yu quickly said.

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