Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1706: Reuse

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Chapter 1706: Reuse

"Guquan, the boss is talking to you!"

"I'm willing to gamble and lose, surrender to our boss!"

Looking at Gu Quan's sluggish appearance, Xiao's figure flickered, and she fell beside Mo Wentian, looking at Gu Quan, with a look of arrogance.

"This ... who is this? The breath on this monster seems familiar, but for a while, I couldn't remember where it was familiar?"

"The appearance of this monster is also very strange. He has a dragon-like body, but he has no dragon horns and no claws!"

"Who cares who he is? He dare to stand up and speak like that, he has nothing to do with the boy Mo Motian, and we can't offend this monster!"

"Mo Wentian is already so wicked. The cultivation of this monster is much stronger than that of Mo Wentian. Will this monster be more powerful?"

"If this monster is really so terrible, then it is impossible for us to go out of this heavenly world?"


Looking at Xiao Yan, every figure exploded instantly.

They also started to guess about Xiao's identity.

They always felt that the small cricket in front of them had a strong sense of familiarity, either from the breath or the shape of the small cricket, but for a while, they couldn't remember, where did they come from?

"Wish to lose!"

"I surrender!"

After pondering for a while, Gu Quan raised his head, and a humiliating glance flashed in his eyes, but he could still grit his teeth.

"Bendi likes to talk!"

"Gu Quan, rest assured, submit to the Emperor, the Emperor will not treat you!"

"Your cultivation, if the Emperor guesses right, it will not be long before he breaks into the middle of the deity, and the emperor can promise you that within one month, the emperor will definitely make your cultivation to the middle of the deity ! "

Seeing Gu Quan promised to surrender, Mo Wentian raised a radian from the corner of his mouth, and the low voice was all bright.

The ancient spring in front of him is somewhat beyond Mo Wentian's expectations. Mo Wentian thought that this ancient spring would not be so easy to surrender.

But I did not expect that Gu Quan was also a good speaker.

Suddenly, Mo Wentian couldn't help raising his good opinion about Guquan.

"Thank you Master for that ancient fountain!"

After hearing the words, Gu Quan only felt a warm heart, and even changed his title, saying with respectful expression.


Mo Wentian gave Gu Quan an indifferent glance, nodded, and nodded.

"Let go of your mind and let this emperor leave a mark of the soul!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian flashed a cold ray in his eyes, lowering his voice.

"Yes, master!"

Gu Quan did not refuse in the least, and quickly agreed.

Immediately let go.

"Relax, leave a mark of the soul, and this ancient spring promised directly?"

"People leave a mark of soul and soul, but that means that from then on, his life and death are in the hands of Mo Wentian, and Gu Quan agreed so easily!"

"Guquan is really stupid. Why is he so obedient to ask questions?"

"If I were Guquan, I would never surrender. It would be a great shame to surrender to a warrior in the middle of the emperor!"

"Can you not surrender, what do you think will be waiting for Guquan? With the strength of Mo Wentian and Po Yu, do you think Guquan can stop it?"


Watching Gu Quan directly promised to come down, the eight people immediately made a noise.

"Shin of God!"

At the moment when Gu Quan's mind was let go, Mo Wentian flashed coldly, shouting coldly.

Immediately, Mo Wentian made a series of Indian tactics.

The next moment, I saw a quaint slave character formed in the void.

With the appearance of this slave character, a boundless breath spread instantly.

"to make!"

With a sip, Li Shenyin went directly to Gu Quan's brows.


Gu Quan himself was rolling on the ground as if he were suffering tremendous pain at the moment.


Gu Quan's eyes were terrified, and screams rang out.

A quarter of an hour later, Gu Quan's screams stopped.

"the host!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Gu Quan's face was full of respectful look.

It looked like an obedient dog and did not dare to show any disrespect to Mo Wentian.

"Get up!"

Do not ask Tian look very indifferent.

Raising his hand slightly, Gu Quan's body stood up involuntarily.

It seems invisible that there is an upward force that holds his body up.

This was something Guquan had never felt before. For a while, Guquan had not returned to God.

"Guquan, the rain!"

"Here are the eight people left to you!"

"Unsubmit, then die!"

Looking at the ancient spring and the rain in front of him, Mo Wentian flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"

After hearing that, Yuyu and Guquan agreed quickly.

"Boss, you give them the remaining eight?"

"Don't you want to conquer all eight of them?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiaoyi said puzzledly.

"Don't you think that if the Emperor is not here, wouldn't they surrender?"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said no answer.

"Boss, I see!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's face rose with a touch of enlightenment. "


The next moment, Mo asked Tian Leng to drink, stepped out, and walked directly towards the main hall.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian quickly followed.

With Mo Wentian's departure, the place was lively.

"Jiezhu left like this? What do the remaining eight Jiezhu want to do?"

"The Po Yu and Gu Quan were just conquered by the Jie Zhu, and the remaining eight people came with the Po Yu Gu Quan. Isn't the Jie Zhu afraid that Gu Quan and Pou Yu would let these eight people fail?

"Since the lord of the world has given the matter to the two of them, the lord of the world naturally has a plan, so we don't need to worry about it!"

"Yes, let's take a look at how the rain and Guquan deal with these eight people!"


The eyes of the disciple who ate the heavens fell completely on the body of the ancient rain ancient fountain at this moment.

They are still on the spot and just want to see how the rain and Guquan will handle the remaining eight people!

"Give you another chance, surrender to the Lord, or die!"

Looking at the remaining eight people, in the eyes of Po Yu, the killing intention was terrible.

"Pou Yu, I ... I'm willing to surrender!"

"We surrender, you and Guquan have already surrendered, and we are willing to surrender!"

"I also surrender!"


As one of them surrendered, the others hesitated for a while and promised to surrender.

Although it was a bit of humiliation to surrender to a warrior in the middle of the emperor, what was the humiliation compared to his life?

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