Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1715: Situation in the Devourer Realm

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Chapter 1715: The Situation in Devouring Heaven

"Senior Pearl, this is your avatar. This avatar you gave me will affect your strength. I can't ask for it!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian just felt warm in his heart.

However, Mo Wentian rejected it instantly. This avatar is strong, but this will affect the cultivation of the old man of Shenzhu.

Although Mo Wentian didn't know what the old man of Shenzhu left, specifically for what purpose, but there was a hunch in his heart that the old man of Shenzhu was going to do something, it must not be simple!

The old man of the **** bead must do more than he needs.

"Boy, this is for you. This avatar has never been given to anyone!"

"Hold it for you. With your boy's so arrogant character, you will need this seat!"

Seeing Mo Wentian's refusal, the old man of Shenzhu patted Mo Wentian's palm, and the rune was directly integrated with Mo Wutian's mind.

"Senior Pearl ..."

A close connection came, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed in an instant.

"Okay, kid, I should go!"

"Arrogance is a good thing. You also have this arrogant capital, but sometimes it has to be suitable. After all, there is no shortage of geniuses in the world, and only geniuses can survive. If there is no fate, what kind of fate is it!"

The old man of Shenzhu sighed softly, a thick voice sounded.

"Buzz ..."

After that, the figure of the old God Bead flashed and disappeared directly into the void.

In situ, there is only Mo Wentian and Xiaoyin Fantasy Sky.

"Boss, did Shenzhu leave so?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and looked a little daringly.


"Senior Pearl is going to do his affairs. I hope Senior Pearl can finish all his things, and we can still have a chance to meet!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's face rose with a look of sadness.

Really don't say, come here with the old man of the **** bead, the old man of the **** bead just left, really makes Mo Wentian very unaccustomed.

Especially at the moment when asked in the Pavilion, the **** bead that had been following him for a long time had disappeared.

"Boss, this God Pearl senior has left. I feel that there are countless breaths coming out of the door in the Qitian Mountains. I think we should leave here quickly!"

Suddenly, it seems that something was sensed, Xiaoyan frowned slightly, and said quickly.

"Yes, the Qitian Mountains are weird. We can't wait here until we don't have enough strength!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Mo Wutian's eyes rose with a dazzling light.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared directly in front of Qitian Mountains.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian also flickered closely following the figure and disappeared.

At the moment when Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi disappeared, countless figures came from the depths of the Qitian Mountains.

"Let's go? Why did you leave so quickly? This speed seems good!"

"I seemed to smell a familiar breath just now. This breath is like a protoss!"

"People of the protoss? How is this possible, haven't the protoss of the protoss been beheaded and killed? How could there be people of the protoss?"

"The Protoss is actually very good. If there was no such thing as a million years ago, the Protoss was still ruled by the Protoss, and we would not be suppressed in this Qitian Mountain!

"It's a pity. If that person is really a Protoss, if he comes, I would be willing to help!"


Each figure looked at the direction Mo Motian left, and the light flashed.

Then, every figure left quickly and entered the Qitian Mountains.

An hour of time passed quickly.

The figures of Mo Wentian and others, when they reappeared, already appeared in the hall of Devouring Heaven.

"Boss, Senior Shenzhu left, and we will be one less since then!"

"Why do you say Senior Shenzhu left so anxiously?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, frowned slightly, and was curious.

"I don't know why Senior Pearl Zhu left, but since Senior Pearl Zhu chose to leave, there must be a reason for him to leave!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, Han Mang flickered, and in the low voice it became colder.

"Boss, what are we going to do next?"

At this moment, a fluffy figure flickered on Mo Wentian's shoulder, and fluffed out his furry claws, scratching his head.

"What next?"

"It's time to deal with the matter of Devouring Heaven!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of coldness.

Although the Devourer of Heaven has been conquered, Mo Wentian has also refined some elixir that has injected the power of the soul into some disciples. However, there are many disciples in Devourer. In order to be safe, he must rectify it.

After all, these disciples of heavenly gods are the foundation of his foothold in the heavenly gods.

These disciples, Mo Wentian will not tolerate any mistakes.

"Boss, do you want Qi Yun to come!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, with a complex look.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Immediately, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and disappeared.

For a moment, two figures appeared in the hall.

This figure is Xiao Yan, and the other is Qi Yun.

"Meet the Lord!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun knelt down instantly, his face full of respectful expression.

"Get up!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian raised his hand slightly, Qi Yun's body stood up involuntarily.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Qi Yun hurriedly made a small gift toward Mo Wentian.

"Qi Yun, how are the disciples' cultivation in the Devourer World?"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and said coldly.

"Return to the Lord of the Realm, the disciples who took the elixir in the Devourer World, Xiuwei have been promoted to varying degrees!"

In Qi Yun's expression, he did not dare to show any disrespect.

"Report to the Emperor, the disciples' cultivation!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian flashed a light, cold voice.

"Yes, Master!"

"Now in the world of Devouring Heaven, the strongest is Xiuyu and me, and it is only a step away from the middle of Tianzun!"

"As for the other disciples, Xiu Wei hasn't done statistics for me, but I can reply to the master soon!"

Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian and said quickly.


"The practice of the disciples in Devouring Heaven, you must report to the Emperor regularly!"

"Also, the most important thing is what the emperor values ​​most, is the sincerity of the disciples!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's expression suddenly became serious.

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