Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1726: Loud noise

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Chapter 1726: The Loud Sound

"Okay, boss!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate, and quickly agreed.

Immediately, the figure flickered and disappeared.

With Xiao Yan's departure, only Mo Wentian and Magic Sky remained in place.

"Boss, where did the magic sky go to practice?"

Looking at the direction in which Xiao Xiao's figure disappeared, Huan Tian's eyes were awesome.

"I don't know. He must have found a good place to practice!"

"He's still very clever. Knowing that the hall has been broken and repaired by him, it has been shattered. The hall needs to be rebuilt. He went to another place to cultivate!"

Mo Wentian shook his head slightly, but the corner of his mouth raised a radian.

"Boss, this breakthrough by Xiao Xiao can destroy a lot of buildings in Devouring Heaven!"

"These buildings ..."

After hearing the words, Xuantian seemed to be thinking of something, the light flashed in his eyes, and the voice was deep.

"These buildings need to be rebuilt!"

"This god-eating world will not stay here all the time, but here is at least our base camp for at least a period of time. This place is not only to be rebuilt, but also to be set up!"

"Before we don't have enough abilities and resistance from other worlds, we must be as low-key as possible, so that people in other worlds can't find that Qi Tianjie has changed hands and has become a god-eating world!"

Before Mo Tian could finish speaking, Mo Wen Tian interrupted the words.

At this moment, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Although the strength of the Devourer Realm has been improved a lot, it is still far from the other worlds in the Celestial Realm.

Moreover, Mo Wentian's strength is only now able to fight against the general Tianzun mid-level realm.

His cultivation is that he will not go out to eat the gods until he breaks through.

Bao Jianfeng is sharpened, his sword is not sharp, he will not shoot!

"Boss, I see!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, in the eyes of Xuantian, the slightest rays of light passed by.

"Just understand!"

"Magic sky, I am worried that Xiao Xi ’s cultivation has just broken through, and his breath is not very stable. Go and see where he cultivates!"

"Cultivate with him too. Just because your Ziyou Dan has not been refined, you can also refine. Even if you can't improve, you can at least enhance your breath!"

Looking at the magical sky, Mo Wentian said the flash of light in his eyes.

"Okay, boss!"

Without any hesitation, Xuantian quickly agreed.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, the magical figure flashed and disappeared directly into the void.

With the disappearance of Phantom's figure, only Mo Wentian was left in place.

"Xiaoyu, your cultivation is a breakthrough!"

"The magical cultivation is not far from the breakthrough!"

"It is also time for the emperor's cultivation to be promoted!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

It is just that his practice is to break through, but it is not just as simple as the need for strength.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's brow was squinted tightly, and the light in his eyes flashed.

"No matter, deal with the matter of Devouring Heaven first!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes looked around, and they saw that all within a circle, all turned into ruins.

Beyond ten thousand feet, all the figures stood stunned.

Their eyes looked at Mo Wentian where they were.

"These disciples are really attached!"

Looking at those disciples who have eaten the heavens and gods outside Wanzhang, Mo Wentian couldn't help shaking his head.

Mo Wentian's spirit and spirit were unfolded. Beyond Wanzhang, the situation of countless disciples was completely in Mo Wentian's mind.

The countless disciples, many of them, have already suffered minor injuries.

This Mo Wentian is very clear that the injuries they suffered were caused by Xiao Yan breaking through and repairing.

And some disciples have blood spilled from the corners of their lips, and their faces are pale.

As for some people who are high, their faces are very pale, it seems that they have also endured great coercion just now.

"Qi Yun!"

Breathing softly, Mo asked Tian coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

As Mo Wentian said this, a figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

This figure is not someone else. It is Qi Yun. Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look.

"Qi Yun, this hall and all the destroyed buildings need to be rebuilt!"

"You arrange your disciples to bring it all back up as fast as possible!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing that, Qi Yun agreed without hesitation.

"Hurry up and arrange!"

Seeing Qi Yun had not left, Mo Wentian coughed coldly.

As Mo Wentian said this, Qi Yun bowed back slightly towards Mo Wentian.

But Mo Wentian is standing still.

Those disciples outside Wanzhang's heaven and earth world came back to God after seeing it, watching Mo Wentian's direction, and talking about it.

"Master Xiaoyan's cultivation is a breakthrough, and Master Xiaoyan's cultivation is a breakthrough to the early state of Heavenly Supreme!"

"Are you afraid that your old eyes are faint. It's not just the early days of Tianzun's cultivation, it's not too far from the middle of Tianzun!"

"In the middle of Tianzun, there is only one step away. With the strength of Xiaojun, is it not enough to face the strongest in the later days of Tianzun?"

"Master Xiaoyan ’s breakthrough in cultivation is a joyous thing, but at the same time it also motivates us. We must also improve the cultivation!

"Yes, the Lord is very good to us. We must not let the Lord down!"


After talking about each other, they headed towards their respective courtyards.

After an hour, countless disciples in the world of Devouring Heaven fell into cultivation.

"It seems that Xiao Xiu's cultivation is a breakthrough, which has a great impact on the disciples!"

Looking at the countless disciples, they were all caught in cultivation, and Mo Wentian was extremely satisfied.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's mind also raised an idea. Since the improvement of Xiu Wei ’s influence on his disciples is so great, if his cultivation is improved, the impact on his disciples will only be more Big.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

"Tear ..."

Just then, a voice from the void ripped through.

"not good!"

"Someone comes!"

In Mo Wentian's heart, a bad premonition rose instantly.

The figure flashed, and Mo Wentian's figure went directly toward the voice.

For a moment, Mo Wentian's figure appeared again at the source of the sound when it appeared again.

When Mo Wentian's figure just appeared, two figures descended from the void.

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