Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1730: survey

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Chapter 1730: Investigation

"Get up!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian raised his hands slightly, as if there was an upward force, dragging their bodies directly.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian walked directly into the hall.

"Qi Yun!"

A cold drink.

"Yes, Master!"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Mo Wentian. Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's expression was extremely respectful.

"Qi Yun, quickly break your cultivation to the mid-level of Tianzun!"

"Bendi wants you to do something!"

Looking at Qi Yun, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Master, what do you have to order directly?"

Qi Yun's eyes flashed with a respectful look.

"Qi Yun, the main thing you do this time is simple but not easy!"

"Wait for your cultivation to break through to the mid-level of the Supreme Master, this Lord will command you!"

Do not ask Tian Ling to know the spirit and unfold, and explore the already agitated breath in Qi Yun's body, and said coldly.

Mo Wentian has a kind of intuition. In front of Qi Yun, as long as he refines the elixir he gave to Qi Yun, his cultivation can break through to the middle stage of Tianzun.

In this way, his strength to eat the heavenly realm will increase, which is a good thing for Mo Wentian.

"Yes, Master!"

"Then I'll go down first and fix it!"

Toward Mo Wentian slightly, Qi Yun turned around and disappeared into the hall.

"Qi Yun, what you can make!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian looked at the direction in which Qi Yun disappeared, and a cold cold mang rose in his eyes.

After Qi Yun left the hall, he returned to his own courtyard.

Sitting cross-legged, Qi Yun began to refine the elixir.

"Buzz ..."

As the Indian tactics were played out, the power over the elixir quickly gathered toward Qi Yun's body.

Qi Yun's breath soared rapidly.

An hour of time passed quickly.

"Break me in the middle of heaven!"

The sound of angry drinking sounded, the power of Qi Yun's body rolled.

"This is the voice of Director Qi Yun? In the middle of Tianzun, this is the breakthrough of Qi Yun's management?"

"General Qi Yun's repairs have not made a breakthrough for hundreds of thousands of years. Hearing is that Qi Tianzun has directed General Cloud to start!"

"Yeah, isn't it saying that Qiu Yun's cultivation can't be broken anymore? But why does Qi Yun's breath come from him?

"It is the Lord of the Realm. The Lord of the Realm helped Qi Yun to unleash the power that hindered Qi Yun's breakthrough, and Qi Yun can make a normal breakthrough!"

"The Lord of the Realm is really too strong. Not only is our ban on the formation of Tenjin World stronger than dozens of times before, but even the powerful and binding power can be solved!"


Listening to Qi Yun's loud drinking voice, countless disciples of heavenly gods, his eyes looked at Qi Yun's courtyard.

In their hearts, they are extremely impressive.

After all, Qi Yun's cultivation has never been the slightest improvement for many years. They know it.

But now, Qi Yun's cultivation is not only about breaking through, but also depends on the situation to break through to the middle stage of Tianzun in one fell swoop, which makes them not surprised.

A quarter of an hour passed.

In a small courtyard that eats the heavens, a figure sitting cross-legged stood up.

This figure is not someone else, it is Qi Yun.

At this moment Qi Yun's power was rolling, and the vast breath spread out.

"My practice is broken, my practice is finally broken!"

The sound of exclaiming sounded, Qi Yun's face was full of joy.

"The master said that after my cultivation was broken, I had a task for me!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, the secret way in my heart.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, without any hesitation, the figure flashed and disappeared directly into the courtyard.

When he reappeared, Qi Yun's figure had already appeared outside the hall of Devouring Heaven.

"Master, my cultivation is already beyond the mid-level of the Supreme Master!"

"The Lord has something, despite his orders!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun said respectfully.


"Your cultivation has broken through to the middle of the Supreme Master. Your talent is not bad!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun in front of him, investigated it, and nodded in satisfaction.

In front of Qi Yun, Xiuwei's talents are indeed pretty good. Mo Wentian has a premonition. With Qiyun's talents, Xiuwei is not impossible to be promoted to the peak of Tianzun or even a perfect state.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Qi Yun said with gratitude towards Mo Wentian.

His cultivation is able to break through, and Mo Wentian's credit is not small. For Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's heart is extremely loyal at this moment.

Even if Mo Wentian was asked at this moment to let him go to the sword and the sea of ​​fire, he would not say anything more.

"Qi Yun, since your cultivation has been successfully broken, then you go outside and inquire about the two for Bendi!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. In Mo Wentian's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed, suppressing the way of the voice.

Ji Wujing and Ji Ming came to Devouring Heaven to find him for no reason. Although Ji Wujing and Ji Ming gave reasons, he couldn't help but feel strange.

To be safe, he still wanted to find out.

"Who does the Lord want me to inquire about?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's eyes flashed a light.

"Ji Wujing, Ji Ming!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and said coldly.

"Ji Wujing?"

"The master said, but Ji Wujing, the young master of the Ji family?"

Hearing the words, Qi Yun's eyes instantly flashed a very bright light.

"Yes, it is Ji Wujing, the young master of the Ji family, and his follower Ji Ming!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun's instantly changing look, and frowned slightly.

Qi Yun's appearance seemed to know that Ji Wujing was ordinary, which made Mo Wentian's heart raise a hint of doubt.

"Master, you want to know the news of Ji Wujing and Ji Ming. I don't need to go outside to investigate!"

"I know everything about them!"

After getting Mo Wentian's affirmative answer, Qi Yun's face rose with a happy expression, and said quickly.

Qi Yun seems very clear about Ji Wujing and Ji Ming.

"You tell Bendi, why are you so clear about Ji Wujing and Ji Ming?"

Looking at Qi Yun, Mo Wentian's face was full of doubts.

Qi Yun pointed out that according to Mo Wentian, he had always stayed in Qi Tianjie, and had never gone out to Qi Tianjie.

Why is he so clear about Ji Wujing and Ji Ming?

This makes Mo Wentian's heart not doubtful?

"Going back to the world, this Ji Wujing Master Ji has a distant relative blood relationship with me!"

"Although we don't meet each other, we often have contacts, so I'm still very clear about his affairs!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's eyes flashed a fine light, and his face was serious.

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