Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1919: confusing

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Chapter 1919: Misunderstanding

At this moment, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, a touch of killing rose.

The terrible Xiao killing air rose from Mo Wentian's body.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Several of our elders from Tianminghai have come. I think this kid is not willing to leave our Tianminghai alive!"

"What exactly is this kid, why do I not see the slightest fear in his eyes? It seems that he is not afraid of the elders in front of him!"

"Yeah, this kid's state of mind is probably too good, our masters have no such state of mind!"

"Where is this man, this kid, it is just evil!"

"What about the evildoer? He still wants to die today!"


Watching the appearance of the elders, countless days of disciples in Minghai exploded.

At this moment, their hearts are even more confident.

What's more, as if at this moment, he had already seen a scene of the death of Mo Wentian and others in the hands of their elders in Tianminghai.

The corners of their mouths couldn't help but rise, and a bright light rose in their eyes.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Why do you come to my treasure house of heaven and sea?"

Just then, one of the three stood up.

The breath on this person has reached the perfection of the Celestial Master, but the breath on this person is still worse than that of the elder dragon.

This man is a middle-aged man and looks younger than Long Xiangtian.

The middle-aged man who stood out was not someone else, but the second elder of Minghai this day.

The second elder stepped forward, looking at Mo Wentian, and the cold eyes in his eyes did not hide.

"Who am I?"

"Old miscellaneous, you did not know just now, then the emperor said again!"

"The Emperor is your master!"

"As for what the Emperor came to do, the Emperor is already in the treasure trove of the Underworld on this day. What do you say the Emperor came to do?"

Looking at the elder Tian Minghai standing out, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

The two elders in front of him, although they have also broken through, have reached the perfection of heaven.

But the breath on him still fluctuated. Obviously, this man's cultivation has just broken through.

Long Xiangtian Mo asked that Tian Shang was not in his eyes, not to mention the elder Tian Minghai in front of him.

As for fear, that's impossible!

He didn't ask God, he had never feared anyone.

He is asking about the existence of Ding Dingfeng. If he wants to become the king of the Celestial Realm, will he be afraid of the celestial perfection warriors in this area.

Thinking in this way, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a firm and firm eyes.

"Boss, aren't you saying that in the sky and sea, only the elder and the lord of the world are the perfect state of heaven?"

"Why did the cultivation of these two elders also reach the perfect state of Heavenly Supreme?"

At this moment, looking at the elder Tian Minghai standing out, Xiao Yan flashed a magnificent, can't help.

"Master Hui Xiaohui!"

"Our second elder, the previous repair was not a breakthrough, so this repair must be settled soon!"

Before waiting for Mo Wentian to speak, Long You stood out, looking at Xiao Yan, with a respectful expression on his face.

"Short break?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Xiaoyu probed towards the second elder of Minghai that day.

When Xiaoyi detected the fluctuating breath in the second elder, Xiaoyi's tight brows suddenly stretched away.

The breath of the two elders fluctuated endlessly, and he wanted to beheaded. Xiaoyi had full confidence.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's war intentions could not help rising.

"Little sister, listen to me!"

"What we lack most in our Devouring Heaven world is strength. If these people can stay, we try to stay!"

Looking at the war-filled little magpie, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

Xiao Yan has followed him for so long. Mo Wentian knows Xiao Xiao's character very well.

If he doesn't stop it, I'm afraid it won't be long before Xiao Xiao will step forward and fight with the elders.

Mo Wentian's heart was very clear.

If the elders in front of them are alone, no one is Xiaoyan's opponent.

But now his Devouring Heaven Realm lacks strength, and the trouble of relying on Heaven Realm has not been completely solved yet.

He and Mo Qingqing escaped from Yitianjie. Mo Wentian had a premonition that it was impossible for Yitianjie to let them go.

Although he successfully stirred up the contradiction between the disciples of Yitianjie and Yitian, this contradiction will not last long.

When Yitian returns to God, he will send someone to look for the traces of Mo Wentian and Mo Qingqing.

"Although Qi Tianjie is a bit remote, Yitianlai is not missing!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's look also became serious.

"Boss ..."

At this moment, listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

The next moment, Xiao Yan's warfare disappeared quickly.

"Second elder, this kid is the most arrogant person I have ever seen!"

"I asked you to come, it is this boy who has entered our treasure house of Heavenly Sea!"

"He also ransacked the resources outside our Treasure Sea Treasury!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Long Xiangtian stood out, and a flash of fierce eyes flashed in his eyes, saying coldly.


"This kid ransacked the outer layer of our Heavenly Treasury?"

"Although the outer layer of our Heavenly Treasure Sea Treasury stores some lower-level cultivation resources, these resources are also very impressive to take out!"

"This kid ransacked the outer layer of our treasure house?"

Listening to Long Xiangtian's remarks, the eyes of the second elder were full of magnificence.

In his heart, it was incredible.

You know, the treasure house of Tianminghai, even those elders who do not control the treasure house of Tianminghai, are not qualified to come to this treasure house.

What's more, even if they come to this treasure house, it is impossible for them to open these institutions.

But in front of Mo Wentian, the repair is just a complete situation of the emperor, and he even looted the outer layer of Tianming Haibao, which made people's minds incredible for a while.

"The elder, it's not just the outer layer of the treasure house!"

"Don't you sense that the shield of your middle treasure house has been taken away?"

Watching the changes in the appearance of the elders and the second elders, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

"That shield in the middle treasure house?"

"Boy, it's you!"

"It turned out to be you!"

"This is impossible!"

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian. When Mo Wentian said something, Long Xiangtian's face suddenly changed.

The eyes that looked at Mo Wentian were full of incredible.

That's a shield!

That is the shield that countless people can't take down!

Some of those countless robbers have even reached the realm of Heavenly Emperor, but they can't be robbed.

Unexpectedly, Mo Wentian in front of me even took the shield off!

"With Bendi, nothing is impossible!"

"This shield is here. Show me how?"

Looking at the elder elder's impressive face, Mo Wentian's radian rising from the corner of his mouth became richer.

Speaking of it, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. When his heart moved, an artifact appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

This artifact is the shield.

I saw on top of this shield, at this moment, in addition to shining light, there was a layer of magical power covering it.

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