Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1931: Tianminghai disciple

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1931 Tianminghai Disciple

"The whole heavenly sea?"

"The Lord of the Heavenly Sea has not yet appeared. When the Lord of the Heavenly Sea is conquered, it will be considered to conquer the entire Heavenly Sea!

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wutian's words, watching Mo Wutian's firm face.

Xiaoyan opened her mouth and tried to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Master, these disciples are all my disciples in Tianminghai!"

Just then, a figure stood out.

This figure is not someone else, it is Longyou. Longyou looked at Mo Wentian and looked very respectful.

"This is all disciples of Tianminghai?"

"What is the total number? What is the situation of Xiu Wei, please report to the Emperor!"

Mo Wentian's eyes glanced at the countless disciples of Tianminghai, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes, and his face was cold.

"Yes, Master!"

"In the heavenly sea, in addition to the disciples who had originally surrendered to the lord, there are some disciples who have already surrendered to your hands!"

"In total, there are 200,000 disciples. As for the cultivation of these disciples, I still need to know something!"

The look of Longyou was extremely respectful.

"Need to know more?"

"Tell Ben the disciples as soon as possible!"

Listening to Long You's remarks, Mo Wentian frowned slightly, and said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

Longyou didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

"Boss, none of these disciples have yet to submit to you!"

"We might as well be here to subdue these disciples first!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light of the Tao.

"Conquer these disciples first?"

"Several elders of Minghai have surrendered this day. These disciples, dare not surrender!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed.

"Boss, you have forgotten a very important person. In this heavenly sea, there is no heavenly sealord who obeys you!"

"The lord of the heavenly sea is definitely not weak, although I have transformed the lord of the heavenly sea to subject these disciples to surrender, but if these disciples of the heavenly sea found me that it was only a morphed heavenly **** The Lord of the Seas, not the true Lord of the Heavens and the Sea, I am afraid there will be variables! "

And at this moment, the fluffy figure of the magic sky flashed and fell in front of Mo Wentian, said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the look of the sky was extremely serious.

"Magic Sky makes sense!"

Listening to the words of Magic Sky, Mo Wentian nodded.

At this moment, Mo Wentian didn't want to conquer these disciples, but it was said by Magic Sky that Mo Wentian also wanted to conquer.

"Boss, are you trying to subdue these disciples before we leave Tianminghai?"

"Let me go, I let all these ants surrender!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, a little cold mang rose in Xiaoyan's eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's breath was even more violent.


"I will solve it!"

Looking at Xiaoyan like this, Mo Wentian quickly said coldly.

"Your lords and elders have surrendered to the hands of the Emperor!"

"Now the emperor gives you a chance to surrender to the emperor, or die!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's cold eyes looked at the disciples of Tianminghai, and his face was cold.

"Submit? What does this boy want to submit to him?"

"He just came out of our treasure house of Tianminghai. He must have taken away all the cultivation resources of our Tianminghai!"

"This kid's strength is so strong, we don't surrender, then the end is really only dead!"

"His strength is good, and I think it's good that we surrender him!"

"Although his cultivation is not strong, he is the master of our lord. We are already his disciples. If we do not submit, we may not let us go!"

"No, what about our lord? Isn't the lord still here?"


As Mo Wentian said this, the crowd boiled instantly.

Among the crowd, some warriors even started to shake.

In fact, for most of the disciples in Tianminghai, who will be the masters of Tianminghai has little to do with them.

They just want to follow a loving and righteous, and also enable them to cultivate as masters of ascension, which is the most important for them.

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. Among the crowd, a group of people began to look for the figure of the master of the heavenly sea.

But what they don't know is that the Lord of the Netherworld that day was transformed from the magical sky. At this moment, the heavenly entity itself appears, and the Lord of the Netherworld that day will naturally not appear.

"Boss, are they looking for the sky?"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light, deep voice.

"Ahem ..."

"You don't have to look for Yuer, there are some things to deal with Yuer, he has left!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light, cold voice.

"Already left? When did the Lord leave?"

"Yeah, when did the master leave, why didn't I feel it!"

"The practice of the Lord of the Realm has reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, and the main leave of the Realm is how you can feel it!"

"The masters are terrible for their strength. How can we possibly see the masters leaving!"

"The lord left, I don't think we should rush to surrender!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, countless disciples of Tianminghai talked.

Their eyes were looking around at the moment. They wanted to find that figure, but there was no trace at all.

At the same time, the minds of these disciples changed their minds at this moment, and they did not want to surrender.

They originally wanted to surrender, it was because of the terrible strength of the magical sky, but at this moment, the dragon rain transformed from the magical sky had disappeared, and their hearts did not want to surrender.

"Master, let me talk to them!"

And at this moment, Long You behind Mo Wentian, said a little gift toward Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded indifferently.

"Brothers, surrender to the Lord!"

"I dare to assure you that you will surrender to the lord of the world, and your cultivation will definitely have a huge breakthrough in the future!"

"The Lord of Lords will surely lead us to the pinnacle of martial arts!"

铿锵 A powerful voice sounded, Long You's eyes were full of firmness.

It is impossible to say why, in Mo Wentian's body, he seems to have seen the future.

Seeing the future, he will follow Mo Wentian to the holy land of martial arts.

"What does Longyou mean by this? Has he obeyed this kid?"

"I believe what Long You said, at the time of our life and death, Long You stood up!"

"I am willing to persuade the dragon, I am willing to surrender to the lord!"

"I'm willing to surrender too!"


As Longyou's words just came down, countless disciples of Tianminghai instantly talked.

At this moment, Longyou was no longer the humble elder of the past in their hearts, but a benevolent figure with a very high profile.

Although Long You took Mo Wentian into the treasure house of Tianminghai and took away some resources, Long You saved their lives.

Although some of these disciples Longyou have not rescued them, Longyou's stand-up to rescue those disciples has spread in the heavenly sea.

Not to mention the others, just say Longyou in front of them. Even if they look at Longyou's face, they are willing to surrender.

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