Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1943: Explain clearly

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Chapter 1943 Clear Explanation

"Okay, boss!"

Xuantian agreed without hesitation.

Immediately, the figure of Magic Sky flashed and left the hall.

As the magical sky left the hall of Devouring Heaven Realm, only Mo Wentian remained in the hall.

"Sky Fox seems to be different recently!"

"Go and see her!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.

"Buzz ..."

After speaking, Mo Wentian flickered and disappeared into the hall.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared in a small courtyard of Devouring Heaven.

As Mo Wentian entered the small courtyard, the door of the small courtyard opened, and a glamorous shadow greeted him quickly.

This Qianying is not someone else, it is Tianhu.

This time, Sky Fox did not directly jump up, but lowered its head, beeping towards Mo Wentian.

Sky Fox looks very different from her past.

"Tianhu, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Tianhu this way, Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly, and there was even a doubt in his eyes.


Sky Fox replied, but with a snorting cry, her muzzling mouth became even more beeping, and even her cheeks bulged.

In fact, it was okay to ask Mo Tian not to ask. Mo Tian asked Mo Tiantian's mind, and Mo Qingqing and Yinger were instantly remembered.

As soon as Mo Qingqing and Yinger were thought of, Tianhu's heart suddenly felt a sour taste.

Sky Fox's hands on both sides couldn't help holding it tightly.

"Tianhu, aren't you upset by this emperor?"

Looking at the unusually superb look of Tianhu, Mo Wentian became more and more confused.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​you like everyone calling you Brother!"

When Mo Wentian said this, Tianhu didn't speak for a long time.

It took a long time for Tianhu to raise his head and look at Mo Wentian, his face rising with a touch of rosy red.

"Love you being called my elder brother?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, wondering in Mo Wentian's heart.

For a moment, Mo Wentian didn't understand what Tianhu meant.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I'll tell you straight!"

"I am jealous!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's confused face, a flash of light flashed in Tianhu's eyes, as if he had made up his mind and bit his teeth.

She was just jealous. She ate the vinegar of Mo Qingqing and Yinger, especially Mo Qingqing asked Brother Tian, ​​so that the anger in her heart instantly burned.


"What vinegar do you eat?"

Listening to Tianhu, Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu and asked subconsciously.

Mo Wentian thought he didn't have any close contact with any woman, and Mo Wentian didn't think there was anything to be jealous about.

"Mo Qingqing!"

"she was……"

Looking at Mo Wentian's confused look, Tianhu's heart was anxious.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"I understand!"

"Tianhu, what you said is that you have Mo Qingqing's vinegar!"

"Tianhu, don't get me wrong. I have no feelings for men and women for Mo Qingqing and Mo Qingqing!"

"I asked her and Yinger to come and eat our gods, purely for them to help me!"

Listening to the name Mo Qingqing, and thinking of what Tian Fox said, Mo Wentian understood it instantly.

It turned out that Sky Fox was eating the vinegar of him and Mo Qingqing.

But he had no other feelings for Mo Qingqing than gratitude.

In Mo Wentian's view, after all, Mo Qingqing and Yinger were traded to Yi Tianlai by Mo Quyi, the lord of the northern Mo Tianjie, to save him. If he did not arrive in time, I would not dare to imagine the results of Mo Qingqing .

The thought of Mo Wentian was grateful to Mo Qingqing.

In Tianminghai, if Mo Qingqing had not stopped Yu Zhentian for him, he would have died here if he asked Tian and Tianhu.

Mo Wutian hasn't talked to Tianhu about it. Mo Wentian didn't intend to talk to Tianhu about it.

But now this incident has aroused the jealousy of Tianhu. Mo Wentian has secretly made a decision. This must be made clear to Tianhu.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I have no misunderstanding!"

"I just have in my heart ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Tianhu's pretty face turned redder.

"Tianhu, there are some things that should let you know!"

Before Tianhu finished speaking, Mo Wentian interrupted Tianhu's words.

At this moment, Mo Wentian looked extremely serious.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​you say!"

Sky Fox breathed a sigh of relief, stabilizing the emotional way.

"In Tianminghai, we met Mo Qingqing and Yinger, do you remember?"

Mo Wentian groaned for a while, looked at Tianhu, and said solemnly.

"I remember when Mo Qingqing and Yinger said they would follow you into Tianminghai, you refused!"

Skyfox blurted out subconsciously.

For the first meeting with Mo Qingqing and Yinger, the scene of that scene instantly appeared in the mind of Tianhu.


"After that, you and I entered the Tianming Sea. In the Tianming Sea, you and I shared the power of thunder and lightning, and knew the power of emotion in your body!"

"And when you withstand the power of thunder and lightning, Yu Haojiu's young master Yu Hao came to find the fault. I originally wanted to kill Yu Hao directly, but Yu Tianjie's Yu Zhentian came!

"The master of Yu Tianjie, the strength is the perfect condition of Tianzun. With my previous strength, I am not his opponent at all!"

Mo Wentian looked at the sky fox, his eyes flashed a complicated light, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​this ..."

"You never told me these things!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Tianhu's eyes couldn't help fainting a layer of mist.

"I haven't told you these things!"

"But these things really happened. I didn't want to tell you, but I didn't expect it to make your mind misunderstood. I think this thing is better explained to you!"

Don't ask Heaven to take a step forward, reach out and take the Sky Fox into his arms, lowering his voice.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​it's my fault!"


Mo Wentian didn't take her into her arms. Once in Mo Huatian's arms, the crystals in Tian Fox's eyes dropped instantly.

"You are not bad!"

"Tianhu, listen to me!"

Before waiting for Tianhu to finish speaking, Mo Wentian interrupted.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"The lord of Yu Tianjie sees that I am going to kill Yu Hao. He naturally wants to kill me!"

"I am not his opponent, that is, at this time, Mo Qingqing and Yinger helped each other, not only killed Yu Hao, but also seriously injured Yu Zhentian!"

"Yu Tianjie's strength was not strong, nor was Mo Qingqing's opponent to the North Motian Realm, but I did not expect that this North Motian Realm colluded with people who depend on it!"

"And the relationship between this heaven and the people who rely on it is very close. You know everything about this later!"

Mo Wentian coughed, and said with a serious look.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

"I should thank Mo Qingqing and Yinger, I shouldn't have such a thought!"

After listening to Mo Wentian's words, Tianhu's heart raised a touch of guilt.

The crystal in that eye couldn't stop falling.

"Tianhu, this doesn't blame you!"

"Bendi just didn't want to make you misunderstand. To me, Mo Qingqing is just a little sister. I don't think of her like you!"

Mo Wentian reached out and wiped the tears in the corner of Tianhu's eyes, and the corners of his mouth gave a slight grin, raising a radian path.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

When Mo Wentian said this, Tianhu's pretty face was ashamed.

At this moment, Sky Fox even wanted to find a hole to drill directly into it.

"Tianhu, are you jealous now?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu and asked with a smile.

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