Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1957: Force Heaven Realm Lord who is willing to gamble to lose

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Chapter 1957: Forced Realm Master Who Will Gamble To Lose

What's more, in the heart of the Litianjiejie at this moment, I am very grateful for asking nothing.

Had it not been for Mo Wentian's mercy, he would have become a dead body at this moment.

"Don't fight anymore? Did our lord directly admit defeat?"

"Is this person really so terrible? Our master, who has never been flinched in the face of those who are better than him, has confessed in front of this kid. It seems this kid is really terrible!"

"There is another trick, the master of the power heaven world directly gave in. This is his last chance!"

"He conceded, wouldn't our Litianjie and Bingtianjie become the subsidiary forces of his Devouring Heaven!"

"What kind of world is Devourer World, is this world strong?"


Listening to the words of Li Tianjiejie, countless warriors instantly exploded the pot.

They looked at Mo Wentian, with a look of astonishment in their eyes.

"Admit defeat, this is the right choice!"

"Even if it is me, I am not his opponent!"

The word of the argument came, the Lord of the Bingtian Realm, and then came back to God and took a deep breath.

The Lord of the Bingtian Realm, Xiu Wei is better than the Litian Realm, but he is also very clear when he looks at the battle between Mo Wentian and the Li Tianjie Realm.

His strength, even if it is better than the master of the heavens, he is not an opponent of Mo Wentian.

At this moment, Bingtianjie's heart is convinced of Mo Wentian's strength.

"Submitting to our boss, to subjecting us to devour the heavens, is your right choice!"

Looking at the owner of Bingtianjie, Xiao Yan flashed a light in his eyes, and his face was cold.

At this moment, Xiaoyan was so imposing, as if he had won the battle.



Xiao Yan's look was extremely arrogant.

Looking at Xiaoyao like this, in the heart of Bingtianjie, the anger suddenly soared.

But the thought of Mo Wentian's horror just now, the owner of Bingtianjie opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

His head went down at the moment.

"Boss, this lord of the heavens is very familiar!"

The next moment, Xiao Han's figure flickered and fell in front of Mo Wentian. Looking at Mo Wentian, he couldn't hide his happy words on his face.

"Very familiar?"

"No one is going to die!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

The master of Li Tianjie already knows that he can't defeat Mo Wentian. If he is still unwilling to lose this time, how to say, the next move, Mo Wentian will not let him unscathed.

Such an abacus, the masters of Li Tianjie will still fight.

At this moment, the master of the Litianjiejie looked at Mo Wentian, and all changed.

"Boss, you are right!"

"It's just that the Lord of the Celestials concedes. Will he be willing to bet on the surrender of losing?"

"And the Lord of Ice and Heaven, will they surrender?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoxi nodded in approval.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, a deep voice.

"The Lord of the Ice Heaven Realm is also a terrible person!"

"They will surrender!"

Mo Wentian's eyes froze slightly, and the sound was extremely cold.

"Boss, then take these people down!"

"I don't know how much treasure is in this celestial realm, how much more cultivation resources than celestial realm!"

Unable to say why, Xiao Yan thought of the treasure house of Bingtianjie.

When thinking of the treasure house, Xiao Yan's eyes instantly flashed a very bright light.

"I don't know how much this cultivation resource is!"

"But I know that the people of the ice heaven are going to submit!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a radian.

"My dear, this is something I'm sorry about you!"

"I'm not his opponent, I will force Tianjie to submit!"

And at this moment, the lord of Li Tianjie stood out and looked at the lord of Bing Tianjie with a sincere face.

"Don't say that, you and I are family!"

"I said a long time ago, you force the heavens to surrender, and I Bingtianjie is willing to surrender!"

The owner of the Bingtianjie flashed a fine light in his eyes and said with a serious face.

"Our Lord is willing to surrender!"

"The strength of Bingtianjie is stronger than that of Litianjie, but since it is a family, it is of course difficult to share with each other, and to have happiness and share!

"Our Ice Heaven Realm and the Li Heaven Realm have both surrendered, surrendered to the hands of an emperor's successful warrior!"

"Now I know that Xiu Wei is not the only measure of strength!"

"Submit him, I will follow him to improve martial arts!"


With the words of the Bingtianjiejie, countless Bingtianjie disciples talked.

But none of them were unwilling to submit, and they had no objection to the practice of the Lord of the Ice Heaven Realm.

"All right!"

"Since you have already discussed it, shouldn't you have expressed it a little!"

Looking at this scene, the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth, the rising radian, became richer.

Just from the discussions just now, Mo Wentian can know that the management in this ice world has always been very good.

Not to mention, the cohesion in this ice heaven must be very good.

This is exactly what Mo Wentian values.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart raised a touch of thought.

After conquering the people of Bingtianjie and Litianjie, he must reuse them.

"Show me?"

"I Bingtianjie is willing to surrender!"

"I force Tianjie to submit!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the lord of Bingtian Realm and the lord of Li Tianjie looked at each other and quickly bowed down to Mo Wentian with a very respectful look.

Seeing the Bingtianjie and Litianjie masters bowed down, the numerous Bingtianjie disciples and Litianjie disciples bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

"Boss, you have surrendered!"

"They actually surrendered!"

Seeing these countless disciples kneeling down towards Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes raised a touch of joy and couldn't help it.

"Boss, this is the only force that we have so much courage to subdue!"

And at this moment, the magical figure flashed, fell in front of Mo Wentian, stretched out the furry claws, scratched the road that scratched his head.


"This Bingtianjie and Litianjie are good!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"


At this moment, sounds rang out.

Countless figures, looking at Mo Wentian, looked extremely respectful.

"You all get up!"

The indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian's eyes lifted slightly, the countless figures, the body stood up involuntarily.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Lord!"


Each figure was slightly polite towards Mo Wentian.

"Where is the Lord of the Ice Heaven Realm and the Lord of the Heaven Realm?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, and Shen asked.



As Mo Wentian said this, two figures appeared instantly in front of Mo Wentian.

These two figures are not others, they are the masters of Bingtian Realm and the masters of Li Tianjie.

They looked at Mo Wentian and looked respectful.

What's more, there was a touch of admiration in their eyes, which was a kind of admiration for the strong.

"Report to the Emperor, what's happening in your world!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing that the two did not hesitate, and agreed quickly.

"I have a disciple in the world of ice ..."

"Among them, Tianzun satisfactorily, and there are five people at the top of Tianzun ..."

Immediately, the celestial master of the ice heaven began to report the situation of the ice heaven.

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