Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1967: Pack one

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Chapter 1967: Packing One

"Boss, what about the people from Bei Mo Tianjie and Tianminghai?"

"Should we tell them to come?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light, deep voice.

"People in Tianminghai don't care!"

"People in the North Motian Realm are too far away. I am afraid they will come for a while, so don't let them come!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed.

Tianminghai and Beimo Tianjie are both ranked in the top five hundred worlds. Their number of disciples is in the hundreds of thousands. These disciples want to come to eat the gods, but they have to pass hundreds of worlds.

Too many, this will inevitably cause a sensation. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Mo Wentian does not want them to come.

As for standing on the united front, Mo Wentian had a hunch in his heart, and it was not far from standing on the united front.

"Boss ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's solemn look, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

"The masters, the disciples of Bingtianjie and Litianjie, have all called up!"

"As long as your Lord orders you, we will follow you back to eat the gods!"

Just then, Ji Wujing appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing said respectfully.


Mo Wentian looked at the countless disciples of Bingtianjie and Litianjie, and there was a flash of satisfaction in his eyes, and he nodded.

"You can follow the emperor to go back to eat the gods, which is very pleased to the emperor!"

"You are all disciples of this god!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, and his face was cold.

"The Lord of the Territory is also very polite. We surrender to the Lord of Lords. This is our blessing. The Lord of Lords is willing to lead us back to eat the gods. This is our honor!"

"Yes, the Lord of the Realm is too deserving of us too. The Lord of the Realms who relies on heaven is the strongest in the realm of the Emperor of Heaven. The Lord of the Realms let us go, how dear we are!"

"Go back to Devouring Heaven, and the Lord will fight again!"

"Will the Lord of Lords be the opponent of Yitian?"

"That reliance on heaven will certainly not be our opponent's opponent!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, countless disciples felt only a burst of blood boiling.

At this moment, Mo Wentian has become a hopeful existence in their hearts.


"Go back and eat the gods!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian went directly in the direction of Devouring Heaven.

Seeing this, countless disciples followed.

At the moment Mo Wentian and others left, the two figures ripped open the void and landed directly where Mo Wentian had just disappeared.

These two figures, if Mo Wentian is here, must be recognized. These two figures are not others, they have helped him several times, two old wives and old men.

The old man and the old man watched Mo Wentian wait for others to leave, his eyes could not help but wince.

"Resentment of Heaven, Li Tianjie, Bing Tianjie, Bei Mo Tianjie, Tianming Hai, all were conquered by him!"

"I think I'm underestimating him!"

Looking at the leaving back, the cold voice of the old lady sounded instantly.

"Wife, even if this kid brings back the cultivation resources in the world treasure house, it is impossible for these mediocre disciples to make great breakthroughs!"

The old man's eyes narrowed for a moment, his expression gloomy.


"The world that this boy conquered, the talent of his disciples, is too ordinary!"

"It's too far away from his growth!"

Listening to the old man's words, in the eyes of the old man, Han Mang flickered endlessly, and his voice became even colder.


"My lord has high hopes for him. All the hopes of our protoss are in him!"

"He must not disappoint the wishes of adults!"

Suddenly, the old man seemed to think of something, and looked dignified.

"Old man, this boy has gone back to devour the heavens!"

"The cultivation practice that relies on Tiantian, but has reached the early stage of Emperor Tiandi. With this boy's current strength, it is not an opponent of Yitianlai.

The old woman took a deep breath, and there was a complex light in her eyes.


"Protecting this kid is an order given to us by our adults. We can't let that kid be troubled!"

Listening to the words of the old man, the old man's eyes flashed a light, quickly said.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, the old man reached out to tear the void again, and the figure flickered, and disappeared into the void.

The old man quickly followed.

As the old man followed, the fissure in the void started to heal.

But a few breaths, the fissure in the void healed.

No trace of it could be seen, as if the old man and old man just now had never been there.

But at the moment when the void crack healed, a figure from tens of thousands of feet shrank, his eyes narrowed.


"This is the fifth time. The next time the Emperor must know your identity?"

The cold voice sounded, and in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered even more.

This was the fifth time that Mo Wentian felt those two breaths. He knew that these two breaths were not others, but the old man and old man who had helped a few times.

The exact identity of the two men, Mo Wentian did not know what it was.

But Mo Wentian has an intuition that this old man and old woman must not be simple.

"Buzz ..."

When Mo Wentian was in doubt, when he asked Tiange, a wave came.

Immediately, a figure appeared in Wentiange. This figure was the old man who had been sleeping for a long time.

"Boy, don't try to find out who they are!"

"They are the people who help you!"

"They can believe it!"

"They won't hurt you!"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a faint, cold voice.

"Ancient book seniors ..."

Listening to the old man of the ancient books, Mo Wentian flashed a complex light in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Boy, the strength of Yitian is not bad!"

"If your kid can't fight, don't resist!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a cold, cold voice.

The old man of the ancient books, although very indifferent, can't ask the sky to understand that the old man of the ancient books is caring and telling him.

"Thank you for reminding our seniors!"

Mo Wentian hurried a little gift to the old man of ancient books, and his eyes moved with a touch.

The old man of ancient books has followed him for so long. It is natural to know the nature of the old man of ancient books.

Although the old man of ancient books would not say any good words, when he was in danger, the old man of ancient books sacrificed his strength to save him.

Although the old man of ancient books is always light and light, Mo Wentian's heart is clear.

"Boy, be careful!"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, the slightest rays of light passed by.

After that, the figure of the old man of the ancient book flashed and disappeared in the Wentian Pavilion.

"Since Yitian has come to eat the gods!"

"Just don't want to go back alive from my Devouring World!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"Boss, the five elders, give me one first!"

"I solved it and come back to pack the second!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes also raised a sense of war.

At the same time, Xiao Wei's dragon power is immense.

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