Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2011: Go to Yutianjie

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Chapter 2011 Going To Yu Tianjie

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​you can rest assured!"

"I will try my best to manage this reliance on heaven!"

Mo Qingqing looked at Mo Wentian and said earnestly.

"Qing Qing, I believe you can manage this heavenly world!"

Mo Wen stepped forward, patted Mo Qingqing's shoulder, and said sincerely.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I will not disappoint what you expect of me!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Qingqing's eyes were full of firmness.

"Okay, it's too late!"

"These disciples are still waiting!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Ahem ..."

"You all get up!"

"My identity, presumably you all know!"

"You can be my queen, not the Emperor of the North Mo Heaven Realm, but the Lord of the Realms who depend on you!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Mo Qingqing gave a cough, and looked at the disciple who leaned against Tiantianjie and said coldly.

"Of course, we know Mo Qingqing's identity. She used to be the emperor of North Mo Tianjie. Her cultivation is also very good!"

"Mo Qingqing's cultivation for strength is really good, but I heard that she is in the North Mo heavenly world, but she has never managed things, will she manage it?"

"We rely on Heaven to naturally give it to someone who can take care of it. This Mo Qingqing still looks good!"

"The person that the host confesses will not be bad, so we will obey the host, and Mo Qingqing will be our master in the future!"

"But the master said he was going to improve our cultivation, wouldn't he keep his word?"


As Mo Qingqing's words came out, countless disciples of Yitianjie exploded instantly.

Their eyes were looking at Mo Qingqing at the moment.

Their eyes, without blinking, seemed to want to see something ordinary from Mo Qingqing.

In front of Mo Qingqing's identity, they are very clear, but they have some doubts about Mo Qingqing's management ability.

But since Mo Qingqing is the one selected by Mo Wentian, they are hard to say anything.

"It seems that you are not very satisfied with me becoming your lord?"

Listening to the sounds of discussion, Mo Qingqing's expression fell cold, and the sound was extremely cold.

At this moment, the terrible coercion on Mo Qingqing spread even more.

"So terrible coercion, this coercion is not much worse than Yitian!"

"This Mo Qingqing's practice seems to be only one step away from the early days of Tiandi!"

"This Mo Qingqing's strength must not be weak, I think we are still honestly surrendering!"

"She came to be our lord of heaven, but it's actually good!"

"In terms of strength, she can indeed be the master of our world!"


With Mo Qingqing's coercion, he invaded toward the countless disciples who depended on heaven, and the countless disciples who depended on heaven felt only extremely impressive.

Originally, they felt that Mo Qingqing's practice was not far behind them.

Unexpectedly, Mo Qingqing's cultivation has grown so much that this coercion has made some martial arts unbearable.

Their faces turned pale at this moment.

"Boss, aren't you saying that you still have to conquer Yu Tianjie?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light, deep voice.


"It's time to go to Yu Tianjie!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

As for the reminder of the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian has not forgotten that he must conquer this space.

"and many more!"

And the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Boss, what else?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian and looked puzzled.

"These disciples who rely on heaven seem to be not so good at dealing with it!"

"Let me explain something!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, these disciples who rely on heaven do not seem so obedient!"

"Will I take a lesson!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's eyes looked at the countless disciples who depended on heaven.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"Take a lesson?"

"No need!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and shook his head.

"All the disciples who rely on heaven will listen to this emperor!"

"Mo Qingqing will be the New Territories Lord who relies on Heaven. When the Emperor is not relying on Heaven, you all must obey Mo Qingqing's management!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, the figure flashed, standing proudly in the void, watching the numerous disciples who relied on heaven, said coldly.

"The host has already spoken, and we can't refuse it!"

"Reject the master, this is looking for death!"

"What the master says is whatever. The master said that Mo Qingqing is our New Territory Lord who relies on heaven. She is our New Territory Lord. We will obey her in the future!"

"The master is saying that he wants to leave us to rely on heaven?"

"The master's talents are terrible. How could our heaven-defying world keep the master!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, countless disciples who relied on heaven did not dare to disagree in the slightest.

Looking at Mo Wentian one by one, his heart was even more recognized.

However, at this moment they were a little curious about Mo Wentian's whereabouts.

Mo Wentian handed over this reliance to Mo Qingqing to manage. Obviously he was leaving this reliance.

"The Emperor is not killing innocent people. As long as you obediently obey the words of the Emperor, the Emperor promises you will do it!"

Mo Wentian looked at the countless disciples who relied on heaven, and said with a cold face.

"Buzz ..."

After speaking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. When his mind moved, space rings appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Here are some cultivation resources that the Emperor gave you!"

"Cultivate well, for the person who cultivates for ascension, the Emperor has rewards!"

With a wave of Mo Wentian's hand, the cultivation resources in the space rings were presented in front of everyone.

These countless cultivation resources are not recognized even by those disciples who care about the heavenly treasure house. In fact, these cultivation resources are the treasure house of their heavenly love.

Looking at the countless cultivation resources, the countless disciples who leaned on the heavens were stunned for an instant.

Looking back, they instantly exploded the pot.

"This ... are these training resources really for us?"

"Isn't all these cultivation resources weak, and the master has given us these cultivation resources?"

"The master is a real talker, and he follows such a trustworthy owner, yes!"

"The master's strength and cultivation are not weak, at least it is beyond the early days of the Emperor of Heaven. We are following the master and must not be worse!"

"I have a hunch, following the master, we can stand on top of this heavenly world!"


Looking at the countless cultivation resources and countless disciples who rely on heaven, they felt a burst of blood boiling.

All of a sudden, their admiration for Mo Wentian grew rapidly.

You know, in the heavenly realm, the original heavenly realm was in the hands of heavenly realm, and all the cultivation resources of heavenly realm were swallowed up by heaven alone.

They did not get any cultivation resources at all, which is why it is not very strong for the disciples to rely on heaven.

At this moment, these disciples relying on heaven looked at the countless cultivation resources, and their eyes could not help but widen.

There was even a hot glow in their eyes, and they even felt a little gratitude in their hearts.

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