Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2016: Battle for honors?

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Chapter 2016 Battle for Honor List?

"It's a terrible power. This dragon is so powerful. No wonder our masters can't stop it!"

"This dragon seems to prevent us from leaving. It seems that today we cannot leave this heaven!"

"What the **** does this dragon want? He wants to stop us from leaving. What good is this to him!"

"But he obeyed the boy's words. The boy conquered our lord. He left us. Did he want to conquer us?

"Conquer us? This kid wants to conquer our entire Yutianjie?"


Xiao Yan's terrible and boundless Long Wei came, and the countless disciples of Yu Tianjie shivered.

Their faces, at this moment, were extremely pale.

After all, their cultivation is still too weak, and they are not Xiaoyan's opponents at all.

Xiao Yan's roar, Xiu's lower disciple, has already suffered internal injuries.

The disciples who are more advanced are not much better, and the breath on them is also falling rapidly.

"Ben doesn't want to do anything to you!"

"As long as you are honest with your lords, it is OK to surrender to the Emperor!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's figure flashed, standing proudly in the void.

Looking at the countless disciples of Yu Tianjie, Mo Wentian said coldly.

"Submit? This kid really wants us to submit?"

"He wants to subdue us. What is he trying to do?"

"In the heavenly world, but the strong forces are not allowed to subdue the weak forces. This boy's doing this is against the rules of heavenly world!"

"The atmosphere of this kid's body doesn't look like any other world. Who is he? Which power does he come from?"

"He doesn't seem to be the one in our heavens at all!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, the countless disciples of Yu Tianjie discussed again.

Their hands fell on Mo Wentian at this moment.

They looked at Mo Wentian, their eyes didn't blink, they seemed to want to see what was normal from Mo Wentian's body.

They were even more curious about Mo Wentian's identity.

"As for the identity of the emperor, you surrender to the emperor and soon know what the identity of the emperor is!"

"The Emperor now gives you a chance to submit to the Emperor honestly!"

"Otherwise, rely on heaven to rely on Yuan. You give me a shot, and this heaven will not have to exist!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed as he heard the comments.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian said to Yitianlai and Yiyuan, saying coldly.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"

Hearing that Yitianlai and Yiyuan didn't hesitate at all, and agreed quickly.

They looked at Mo Wentian and looked respectful.

"Master? This yitianlai and yiyuan actually call this kid the master?"

"Is this kid conquering Yitianlai and Yiyuan?"

"Yitianlai and Yiyuan are the lords and elders of the heavenly kingdom. This boy has conquered both Yitianlai and Yiyuan. It seems that this heavenly kingdom has also been conquered!"

"Relying on heaven and relying on Yuan, they have already surrendered, do we still have no resistance? Honest surrender is the most correct choice!"

"I don't want to die, I want to surrender!"


Watching Yi Tianlai and Yi Yuan look so respectful to Mo Wentian, especially the master of Yi Tianlai and Yi Yuan, let countless disciples of Yu Tianjie explode the pot.

At this moment, they dare not have the slightest concubine for Mo Wentian.

In front of Mo Wentian, Xiu Wei, although the emperor was in a successful state, this person must not be simple.

At the same time, countless disciples of Yu Tianjie bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

"Boss, these disciples are afraid!"

"They are willing to surrender!"

Looking at the disciples of Yu Tianjie who was kneeling down, Xiao Yan's face raised a touch of joy.


Mo Wentian just quietly nodded.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

That scream had stopped.

A figure climbed up from the ground.

"Aftershock meets the master!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Yu Zhentian said respectfully.

For Mo Wentian, Yu Zhentian did not dare to show any disrespect at this moment.

"You get up!"

Mo Wentian raised his hands slightly, it seemed that there was an upward force in general, and Yu Zhentian's body stood up involuntarily.

"Thank you, master!"

After a while, Aftershock Tian suddenly thanked Mo Wentian.

"Yu Zhentian, the Emperor of Yu Tian Jie has completely conquered, but you still have to take care of Yu Tian Jie!"

"Yu Yujie's management is not good. When the Emperor comes next time, he wants to see a new Yu Tianjie!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Yes, master!"

"I will definitely manage this heaven!"

力 A powerful voice sounded, and aftershock Tian's eyes were full of firmness.

"So good!"

Mo Wentian nodded.

"Boss, do you still give Yu Zhentian the management, will this ..."

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and a look of worry rose in her eyes.

"If Aftershock Tian wants to die, he will only obey the orders of the Emperor!"

"What's more, I didn't say anything about my identity!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Okay, we're almost done with the rest of heaven!"

"It's time to explore something big outside!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian remembered the words of the old man of ancient books, and there was a faint, cold voice in his eyes.

"Buzz ..."

After speaking, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and others quickly followed.

After an hour, the figures of Mo Wentian and others have left Yu Tianjie and reached a seemingly crested mountain.

Above this mountain, the aura is extremely rich.

"Yi Feng!"

Looking at a huge monument in front of that mountain peak, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, why did we come to this peak?"

Xuantian's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder. Looking at Mo Wutian, in his eyes, it was difficult to hide a little doubt.

"Inquire about what is going to happen in the heavenly world!"

Do not ask the look of the sky, extremely cold.

"A big event in this heavenly world?"

"Boss, what's going to happen in the heavenly world?"

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian. Mo Wutian's remarks completely aroused the wonder of Chuang Tian, ​​extended his furry claws, and scratched his head.

"I don't know what is going to happen in the heavenly world!"

"That's why I came here to investigate the peak!"

Mo Wentian could not help but roll his eyes towards the magical sky.

If he knew what would happen in the heavenly realm, would he still need to come here to investigate?

"Boss, what you said!"

"My head was shorted just now!"

Xu Tian was so humorous when Mo Wentian said so.

"Brother Qi, your cultivation has reached the perfect state of Heavenly Supreme, only one step away from the state of Heavenly Emperor!"

"With your current cultivation as strength, you can definitely enter the top ten of the honor list!"

"Yes, Brother Qi, as long as you enter the top ten of the honor list, you can enter the top ten worlds in the heavenly world to cultivate!"

"As long as you enter the top ten world practice in Tianxian Realm, no matter which world you are in, your practice will improve rapidly. It is easy to break through to the realm of Heaven!

"But I heard that this time the battle for honors, but there are countless Tianjiao, brother Qi, be careful!"


Suddenly, there was a sound of discussion.

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