Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2057: A tool for contention

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Chapter 2057: A Tool For Fighting For Benefit

"Thank you mother!"

Youer looked at the queen of the Meihu tribe, and a grateful gratitude rose in her eyes.

The queen of the fox fox tribe was devoted to thinking about the children, but this night's beauty is an accident.

Xiyan Shenhua can only refine it if anyone wins it.

If it weren't for Xiyan Shenhua's particularity, the queen queen's emperor would have gone by herself to take down Xiyan Shenhua.

"You, it's less than a day away from the opening of Xiyan Shenhua!"

"Hurry up and follow the markings on the map and go to the blooming place of that beautiful flower?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. The Emperor Fox tribe had a flash of light in her eyes, and said with a serious face.

"Yes, mother!"

After hearing that, Youer quickly agreed.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Youer didn't hesitate, the figure flashed, and disappeared into the palace.

And at the moment when Youer disappeared in the palace, all the figures hiding in the void also quickly followed.

"Boss, I didn't expect that Xiyan Shenhua is open. The Emperor of the Phantom Fox Clan has a map?"

In the void, Xiao Yan followed closely behind Mo Wentian.

Recalling the conversation I just heard from the female fox emperor and You'er, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed, and she said quickly.

"Since this Emperor Fox has a map of the blooming place of Xiyan God Flower!"

"We can find the Xiyan Shenhua following her!"

"It's really nowhere to step on the straw sandals, it's nothing to spend!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth gave a slight grin and raised a radian.

"Boss, wouldn't we be kind?"

Xiao Yan looked at the Emperor Fox of the Meihu tribe who was struggling to get ahead, and Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint, deep voice.


"We must take it down this evening, and we still have a lot of things to do in this fairyland!"

Mo Wentian's expression cooled down instantly.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky just followed Mo Wentian closely.

This night, Yan Shen Shenhua, Mo Wentian must be taken away.

After all, only after winning this night's Yan Shen Shenhua, will Xiu be promoted, Mo Wentian can participate in the battle for honor.

When I think of the battle for honor, I don't ask Tian's expression, and he is extremely firm.

And just when Mo Wentian and others, Youyou, and others went to this place where Xiyan Shenhua was in full bloom, Kariya.

"Jian Zhentian, I said, you and me will not be the final winner!"

Yuan Hu looked at Jian Zhentian, panting.

At this moment, Yuan Hu's breath was fluctuating, and the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth was even more striking.

Obviously, in the battle between Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian, Yuan Hu did not get the slightest benefit.

As for the opposite Jian Zhentian, compared to Yuan Hulai, it is not much better.

The breath on him also dropped a lot.

"Yuan Hu, stop your three-headed tiger disciples!"

"My disciples of the Stegosaurus are also willing to stop!"

Jian Zhentian looked at Yuan Hu, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

"it is good!"

"As long as your disciples of the Stegosaurus stop, my three-headed Tiger disciples are naturally willing to stop!"

Listening to Jian Zhentian's words, Yuan Hu quickly agreed without hesitation.

Yuan Hu's mind is very clear that in the battle between the three-headed tiger and the stegosaurus, they will only end up in a mixed battle.

As for who will be the final winner, relying on the strength of their two races, there is no such statement at all.

Yuan Hu also wanted to stop the Stegosaurus. After all, continuing to fight was no good to his three-headed tiger.

"The disciples of the Stegosaurus obey orders!"

"Stop it all!"

Hearing that, Jian Zhentian hesitated for a while, watching the countless disciples of Stegosaurus clan, drinking coldly.

With Jian Zhentian's cry, the countless disciples of the Stegosaurus clan stopped.

"The disciples of the three-headed tiger tribe also all stopped!"

Watching Jian Zhentian stop the disciples of the Jianlong clan, Yuan Hu's eyes flashed a complex light, and he said quickly.

Following Yuan Hu's remarks, the disciples of the three-headed Tigers all stopped.

The war stopped all at this moment, but blood was flowing on the ground at this moment.

Many disciples of the three-headed tiger family and those of the stegosaurus family fell to the ground, and their vitality was completely lost.

Obviously, this is the victim of a war between the disciples of the three-headed tiger and stegosaurus.

"Yuan Hu, finally willing to stop?"

"Look at these disciples, they all fall because of you!"

Jian Zhentian looked at the disciples who fell to the ground, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

"Jian Zhentian, do you blame this on me?"

"This slap doesn't make a sound. Do you think their death is the result of me alone?"

Listening to Jian Zhentian's words, the anger in Yuan Hu's heart rose suddenly.

Looking at Jian Zhentian, Yuan Hu said rudely.

"Yuan Hu, I don't want to argue with you!"

"Presumably you also know that Yan Yan Shenhua is about to open soon. Do you still want to continue fighting?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Jian Zhentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Xi Yan Shenhua?"

"Xi Yan Shen spends less than a day from opening, and the battle with your Stegosaurus will come to an end for now!"

"This evening's Yan Shenhua, my three-headed tiger tribe must fight!"

Listening to Jian Zhentian's words, Yuan Hu's eyes skyrocketed.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Yuan Hu didn't hesitate at all. Even the disciples of the three-headed Tiger family did not settle in. They flickered and disappeared in place.

Looking at Yuan Hu's figure disappeared, Jian Zhentian followed.

As for Jian Zhentian, there are several elders of Jian Feng and the three-headed tiger tribe.

Especially the elder, faster than the average person.

At this moment, the elder seemed to forget the death of the fierce tiger. In his heart, there was only Xiyan Shenhua.

He also wanted to take down Xiyan Shenhua and refine Xiyan Shenhua, which can greatly increase his cultivation.

Watching those figures all leave, there are only some disciples of the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus.

"The king and the elders have already left, and we should not stay here anymore, it is time for us to go back to our three-headed tiger tribe!"

"The chief capital of the corpse is still here. When the elder heard about the news that Xiyan Shenhua is going to bloom, he even ignored the chief executive and went straight to fight for Xiyan Shenhua!"

"In the face of interests, both father and son are like this, not to mention our ordinary disciples!"

"Our king and the king of the stegosaurus race to compete for Xiyan Shenhua. Whoever wins Xiyan Shenhua in the end will be the last winner!"

"Yes, the three-headed tiger and the stegosaurus have completely torn their faces. Whoever wins the Xiyan Shenhua will have a great increase in strength, which is the stronger for whom!


As countless figures left, the disciples of the remaining three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus exploded instantly.

They did not have the slightest affection for the kings of the three-headed tiger and the stegosaurus.

At this moment, they also understand that they are nothing at all in front of interests.

Their lives and deaths are nothing more than a tool for their interests.

Thinking about this, countless disciples of the three-headed Tiger and disciples of the Stegosaurus all left.

They all headed towards their own tribe.

Although their hearts were disappointed with their respective kings, they had nowhere to go, only to return to their respective clan.

But when they left, they looked back at the figures that fell to the ground and couldn't help but sigh.

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