Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2070: War addiction

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Chapter 2070 War Addiction

From the perspective of Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian, they thought that Xiaoyan was just a snake, but unexpectedly, Xiaoyan turned out to be a dragon.

The most important thing is that Xiaolong's dragon body blocked their way.

This made Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian's anger rise suddenly.

At this moment, a thought rose in their hearts.

If they want to get into the depths of the volcano, they have to settle the cormorants.

Otherwise, they simply cannot enter.

Thinking like this, the figures of Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian flashed and appeared in the void.

Looking at Xiao Yan, in the eyes of the two, there was no bound to kill.

At the same time, the breath of the two of them was even more wanton, and the air of Xiao Xiao's killing was shrouded towards Xiao Yan.

"My ants, grandpa your grandfather, I said long ago that you cannot enter without my consent!"

Watching the figure of the two appeared, Xiao Xun's mouth slightly grinned, raising a wicked smile.

"Little reptile, you completely anger us!"

"Today, even if we can't take down Xiyan Shenhua, we must kill you!"

It's okay for Xiao Yan to say nothing. When Xiao Xiao's words come out, Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian are almost furious.

Looking at Xiao Yan, the killing intention in the eyes of the two was undisguised.

At the same time, the two's fists clenched tightly and the joints creaked.

That being said, in fact, Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian have other ideas in their hearts.

They all wanted the other party to stay and hold back Xiaoyan, and they went into the depths of the volcano to take down Xi Yan Shenhua.

But because they both think so, they don't agree at all. They are not a whole, and it is easier to be cracked.

"kill me?"

"Grandpa, your sister-in-law, I haven't had a happy battle for a long time, come on!"

Looking at the two, Long Wei's body was boundless.

At the same time, Xiao Yan's warfare rose instantly.

And just when Xiaoyi's war intentions spread out, Mo Wentian in the depths of the volcano also sensed Xiaoyi's war intentions.

Mo Wentian really knew Xiao Xiao a lot.

"This little sister-in-law is about to fight again!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian could not help but shook her head.

"Boss, who do you think Xiaoxi's brother is going to fight with?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Yuer's eyes raised a moment of worry and asked quickly.

"Three-Headed Tiger and Stegosaurus!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Three-Headed Tiger and Stegosaurus?"

"Boss, it must be Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian!"

Wen Yan, in the eyes of Youer, the light passed by.

"It should be Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian!"

"We don't need to worry, Xiaozhang hasn't had a war for a long time. Let Xiaozhang's addiction to fight the war first!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

At this moment, Mo Wentian slowed down even more.

"Boss, this ..."

"Why should we slow down?"

Looking at Mo Wentian slowing down the speed, Yuer's heart raised a doubt.

"Xiaoyu hasn't had a war for a long time. He wanted to have the addiction of this war. We can complete him!"

"You, you don't have to worry, whether it is Yuan Hu or Jian Zhentian, if they are in the heyday, they will hurt Xiaoyu, it is really a breeze!"

"But they have been fighting for a long time, and they have suffered minor injuries. Xiaoyu and them can fight!"

Mo Wentian looked at Youer with a slight grin on the corner of his mouth, and raised a radian path.

You're worried, Mo Wentian knows.

Youer was worried. With Xiao Xi's cultivation, Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian could not be defeated.

But Youer's worry is simply superfluous. The battle between Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian was frightening. Although the two of you did not fight, you lived and died, but there is not much difference between your life and death.

"Boss, but my brother-in-law's cultivation is ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the anxiety in Yuer's heart disappeared instantly.

But when you think of Xiao Xiu's cultivation, you feel worried again.

"Youer, rest assured!"

"Bendi and Xiaoyan have been together for a long time, and Benxi knows Xiaoyan's strength!"

"What's more, in the mind of Bendi, Bendi has already regarded Xiaozhang as his relatives, and Bendi will not let Xiaozhang be troubled!"

Before waiting for You'er to finish speaking, don't ask Heaven to take a step forward, lowering the voice.

Do not ask the look of heaven, at this moment is extremely indifferent.

That way, it seemed that he didn't worry about Xiao Yan's safety at all.

Mo Wentian's words are true. In Mo Wentian's heart, he already regarded Xiaozhang as his own relative, and he would not look at Xiaozhang for anything.

"Boss, thank you!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Youer looked at Mo Wentian and said sincerely.

You Er's heart also raised a touch of thought.

In front of Mo Wentian, she also confirmed that he was her boss.

At this moment, You Er also let go of her heart.

"Yuer, you just killed the demon spirit just now, you also spent a lot of power!"

"While Xiaoying fights, let's resume our practice to avoid waiting for you to go out. Xiaoying will be worried if you are hurt!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, raising a touch of radian.

"Okay, boss!"

After hearing that, Youer didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

Immediately, Youer sat down cross-legged.

"Buzz ..."

For a moment, You Er fell into cultivation.

"You are really simple!"

"Little sister, you are a good match for you!"

Watching Youer fall into cultivation, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, the secret way in his heart.

The next moment, Mo Wentian sat down on his knees and fell into cultivation.

And just when Mo Wentian and Youer fell into cultivation.

At the entrance of the volcano, more and more people are coming.

These people are all three-headed tiger and stegosaurus.

"Xiaoyu, you fight this Yuan Hu!"

"Entrust this sword to me!"

And at this moment, the shadow of the magic sky flashed, standing proudly in the void, and said in a deep voice.

"no problem!"

Xiao Niao gave a slight grin, and quickly agreed.

Xuantian and him fight one by one, Xiao Yan's intention in the heart of a sudden surge.

"Yuan Hu's ants, I'll fight your grandpa!"

The next moment Xiao Xiao looked at Yuan Hu and said provocatively.

"Battle with you?"

"Little reptile, dare to block my king's way and see how my king will kill you!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, the killing qi of Yuan Hu's body became even more terrifying.

Immediately, Yuan Hu's figure flickered and disappeared.

When he appeared again, Yuan Hu's figure appeared behind Xiaoyi.

Yuan Hu didn't hesitate at all, and shot directly with a punch, blasting towards Xiaoyan.

"Want to kill me?"

"It's not enough for you!"

The cold voice sounded, Xiaoyan's dragon tail greeted directly with that punch.


A loud sound came, and I saw that punch and tail collided.

Two figures, back and forth.

Just when Xiaozheng and Yuan Hu were fighting together, Magic Sky and Jian Zhentian also fought.

The disciples of the three-headed tiger and stegosaurus who just came down are full of eyes.

"Who is this Shenlong? We are together with our King!"

"And the furry figure, the breath on him seems to have just reached the realm of Heavenly Emperor, how dare he fight the King of the Stegosaurus?"

"Don't underestimate this Shenlong and that furry monster, they are not weak!"

"Don't our king fail their opponents? Even if their strength is even stronger, after all, they are not as good as our king!"

"That's right, they are fighting our king, this is looking for death!"


Watching the war in the void, countless disciples of the three-headed tiger and the stegosaurus spoke.

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