Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2080: status

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Chapter 2080 Status

"Submit to see what you want to do?"

"Boy, if you want me to surrender, don't even think about it!"

"I am the king of the three-headed tiger tribe of Yuan Hutang. I cannot surrender to the hands of an emperor who satisfies you!"

"If I surrender, what face will I have in Yuan Hu to hang around in this peak!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yuan Hu said coldly.

That looks like it seems impossible for him to surrender.

But his body was very honest, and he was trembling now.

Especially his knees, as if to bow down towards Mo Wentian.

This is why Mo Wentian didn't cover his soul. If Mo Wutian's spirit covered him, Mo Wentian had a hunch, Yuan Hu would change his mind immediately.

After all, the pain of soul suppression is not so easy to bear.

"is it?"

"Ant, you have to say, your teeth are still very hard!"

"But your body is very honest, but this emperor wants to see, how long can you persist!"

Looking at Yuan Hu's appearance, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and raised a wicked smile.

Mo Wentian's spirit at this moment did not suppress Yuan Hu.

He just wanted to see how long this Yuan Hu could persist under this 1200-foot-long spirit.

Mo Wentian was sure that this person could not persist for at least a quarter of an hour. This was still under the condition that Mo Wutian maintained the status quo without any pressure.

If you don't ask Tian to exert coercion, this person will surely surrender immediately.

"Body is honest?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yuan Hu's look changed suddenly.

His body was shaking, and he knew it.

In fact, Mo Wentian said in his mind that he was no longer firm at this moment.

But because countless three-headed tiger disciples are here, if he has surrendered in this way, how will he be the king of these three-headed tigers in the future.

"I knew that Wang would not surrender!"

"Our king is the strongest of the Emperor of Heaven, so it is possible to surrender to a successful emperor of the emperor!"

"If the king surrendered the emperor's successful ants, we three tigers will have any face to survive in this peak!"

"The king's body is trembling. I don't see how long Wang can hold on!"

"If the king surrendered, how will our three-headed tiger tribe stand on this peak?"


Listening to Yuan Hu's words full of firmness, the disciples of the three-headed tiger tribe also rose a little firm.

But looking at Yuan Hu's trembling body, countless disciples of three tigers changed their minds.

They couldn't tell why, at this moment, there was a hunch in their hearts.

This Yuan Hu will surrender!


At this moment, in the void, the magical sky transformed into the appearance of the elder of the fox tribe, and the battle with Jian Zhentian started.

Jian Zhentian's figure flew directly backwards.

But Jian Zhentian's face was full of smiles, and a scorching heat rose in his eyes.

That look, it seems that at this moment, he saw something that made his eyes shine.

"The king has been seriously injured by the monster. He even looked at the monster with a smile on his face?"

"But this monster is transformed into the appearance of the elder elder of the fox. I think it must be the monster that has performed charm!"

"Who does this monster transform into? It's not good. Why do you want to transform into the elder of the fox?"

"Yeah, our king can start with anyone, but he can't start with the elders of the succubus!"

"If our king can't get his hands on, he will die in the hands of this monster today!"


Watching Jian Zhentian fly out, his breath quickly dropped, but Jian Zhentian still smiled, as if he was seriously injured and still very happy, countless disciples of Stegosaurus clamour.

At this moment, a moment of worry arose in their hearts.

They were worried about Jian Zhentian in front of them. They can be sure that if they continued to stand, Jian Zhentian was afraid that they would be beheaded by Xuan Tian.

At this moment, the disciples of the Stegosaurus clan really wanted to wake up Jian Zhentian, but they also knew that this sword Zhentian would not be so easily awakened. At this moment, he is still the elder elder fox of the magical phoenix. Of charm.

"Useless things!"

Xuantian looked at Jian Zhentian with a look of disdain in her eyes.

That look, did not seem to put Jian Zhentian in front of his eyes at all.

"Magic sky, this sword shocking sky has been almost solved by you!"

"At this moment, even if you let him cut off one arm, he will not hesitate!"

Just then, a figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

This figure, not others, is Youer.

Youer knows the relationship between Jian Zhentian and the elder of the fox family.

Youer knows that the elder elder fox of the fox family is extraordinary to this sword Zhentian, so you can say so.

"Let him cut off one arm, would he not hesitate?"

"Yu'er, what is the relationship between this sword Zhentian and the elder elder fox?"

Listening to Youer's words, Xuantian said with a puzzled face.

"Relationship with the elder of the fox fox tribe?"

"I only know that his relationship with our elder is not ordinary, but what the relationship is, you don't know!"

In Yuer's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed by.

"Magic sky, this sword shocking sky, you have almost learned!"

"Remove illusions!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian looked at Huantian and said coldly.

"Okay, boss!"

Wen Yan said that Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly agreed.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, the magical sky flashed and turned into a furry look.

And just when the magical sky turned into a furry look, the look of that sword shocking suddenly changed.

"Jian Zhentian, you have been seriously injured!"

"Obviously surrender to the emperor, and your stegosaurus will also surrender to the emperor. The emperor can let you survive!"

Looking at Jian Zhentian, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.


"Want me to surrender?"

"Boy, I cannot surrender to you, nor can my Stegosaurus surrender to you!"

Listening to Mo Wutian's remarks, Jian Zhentian thought he had heard it wrong, but he looked at Mo Wutian straight and looked at himself. Jian Zhentian believed that this was really what Mo Wutian said.

Jian Zhentian looked at Mo Wentian and said with a firm face.

He is the king of the stegosaurus, and his status, even in the entire Fengfeng, is one of the best.

It is impossible for him to surrender, not to mention Mo Wentian in front of him. The cultivation is only the emperor's perfection. Even if Mo Wentian's cultivation has reached the peak of the emperor, even if he is complete, he will not submit.

"What kind of calculation is this kid doing? He will not only subdue the three-headed tiger tribe king, but also our sword dragon tribe king?"

"I really don't know where this kid came from, so confident, he wanted to take us all down!"

"Our king cannot surrender, and our stegosaurus will never surrender!"

"I still don't believe it. With the strength of our stegosaurus and three-headed tiger tribe, I can't kill this kid!"

"Be sure to kill this kid, otherwise, what majesty will our stegosaurus have?"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the numerous disciples of the Stegosaurus clan instantly exploded.

At this moment, the breath of countless Stegosaurus disciples rose rapidly.

In their eyes, the intention of killing was unabashed.

If the eyes can kill people, Mo Wentian at this moment has been beheaded countless times.

"Not surrender?"

"Looks like you chose to die?"

Listening to the rumors, Mo Mantian's eyes, Han Mang skyrocketed.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly grew.

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