Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2198: Follow him not bad

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Chapter 2198

"Master, the disciples of this family, they ..."

At the moment, looking at the disciples of the Xi clan, it seems that they are bound by something. It is a problem to want to move. The eyes of the six-winged bat can't help but look towards Mo Wentian.

At this moment, the eyes of the six-winged bat were full of awe.

"It's impossible for them to escape!"

"As for your identity, they can't disclose it!"

Mo Wentian looked at the six-winged bat with a slight corner of his mouth and raised a curved arc.

"Thank you Master!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the six-winged bat, his face sincere.

"Six-winged bat, follow the Emperor, and the Emperor will enhance your strength!"

"Make you the person you want to be!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he had thought of something. Mo Wentian looked at the six-winged bat with a complex flash of light in his eyes and a serious expression.

"Thank you Master!"

"Six-winged bats must only obey the master's orders!"

Hearing the words, the six-winged bat was stunned for a moment, and he recovered, and quickly bowed down to Mo Wentian with a respectful look.

"Get up!"

"Bendi has a lot to do!"

Mo Wentian looked at the respectful six-winged bat in front of him, his hands raised slightly.

The body of the six-winged bat seemed to be dragged up with a touch of upward force.

At the next moment, Mo Wentian did not hesitate, stepped out, and walked toward the patriarch.

At this moment, the Devouring God Sword shivered in Mo Wentian's hands.

"Boy, you ..."

"What do you want to do?"

The Patriarch Patriarch looked at Mo Wentian and walked towards himself with a sword of Devouring God, and a look of fear rose in his eyes.

He just felt that the other arm was cold.

The arm at the moment does not seem to be his arm.

His body was shaking at the moment.

Just now Mo Wentian made a seal to bind the disciples of the Xi clan, but he witnessed it.

There is a strong hunch in his mind at this moment. Mo Wentian in front of him is definitely not simple.

"What do I want to do?"

"Don't you believe that the Emperor can kill you?"

"Don't you think that the Emperor cut off one of your arms, just luck?"

"Bendi will show you now, whether this is Bendi's strength or Bendi's luck!"

A cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian looked at the patriarch patriarch, and the strange smile on the corner of his mouth made people look, only feeling the body shivered.

With that, Mo Wentian's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared behind the patriarch.

Immediately, without any hesitation, the Sky Devouring Sword in his hand fell directly towards the arm of the Patriarch Patriarch.

"Do not……"



Just at the moment Mo Wentian engulfed the Divine Sword, a screaming sound rang out instantly.

One arm fell to the ground in an instant.

A strong **** smell diffused instantly.

At this moment, both arms of the Xi patriarch were cut off by Mo Wentian.

"how about it?"

"I believe in Emperor's strength?"

Mo Wentian looked at the patriarch who was rolling on the ground, and a wicked smile spread from the corner of his mouth.

"Believe in your strength?"

"Boy, you ..."

"You are so abominable, you just stepped on my feet with my self-esteem, I will not let you go!"

Mo Wentian didn't say this, but when Mo Wentian said it, the patriarch patriarch had a killing intention in his eyes.

If it is said that the eyes can kill, the eyes of the patriarch patriarch at this moment do not know how many times Mo Wentian has been killed.

"You won't let me go?"

"I don't need you to let me go, you don't have this opportunity!"

A cold voice sounded, and in Mo Wentian's eyes, a killing intention rose.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, the Devouring God Sword seemed to understand Mo Wentian's words, shaking in Mo Wentian's hands.


A dead word fell, and Mo Wentian's Sky Devouring Sword directly fell towards the patriarch patriarch.

"Boy, you ..."

"You wait for me, I will never let you go, you wait for me!"

Watching Mo Wentian beheaded towards himself again, a flash of killing intention flashed in the eyes of the patriarch.

Immediately, the figure of the patriarch flickered and disappeared.

But at the moment when the figure of the patriarch disappeared, Mo Wentian didn't even feel the slightest fluctuation of his breath.

Obviously, the patriarch patriarch completely covered up the breath, even Mo Wentian did not feel the patriarch patriarch's breath.

"This ethnic group really deserves to be a cultivating race!"

Seeing the figure of the patriarch of the Xi clan disappear, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, and he couldn't help saying.

"Master, this patriarch patriarch escaped, which is not a good thing for you!"

At the moment, the six-winged bat, looking back, looked at Mo Wentian, his brows frowning, Shen Sheng said.

"The patriarch patriarch fled just now, and the cost is not small!"

"He wants to cause trouble to Emperor Emperor, at this moment, I am afraid that he does not have this ability yet!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"the host……"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the six-winged bat opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"It's just a six-winged bat. I'm afraid it's you. It's impossible to go back to the six-winged bat family!"

"You follow Ben Emperor's news, you will be leaked out by this patriarch patriarch!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something, Mo Wentian looked at the six-winged bat and said with a cold face.

"Master, I have followed my master, so I never thought about going back to the six-winged bat family!"

"My information leaked, it doesn't matter, but I want to get more information in the future, but it will not be so easy!"

The six-winged bat looked at Mo Wentian and said seriously.

In the mind of the six-winged bat, since he had identified Mo Wentian, he never thought of leaving Mo Wentian.

But the six-winged bat tribe is the core of the news in the entire trail mountain range. His identity is leaked. I am afraid that if he wants to get more news in the future, it will not be so easy.

In the mind of the six-winged bat, he didn't think of himself. What he thought was all for Mo Wentian.

"No problem!"

"The Emperor must pass this assessment and kill some monsters and beasts, absolutely enough!"

Mo Wentian watched the six-winged bat look dim for a moment, stepped forward, and patted the six-winged bat on the shoulder. The corner of his mouth was slightly widened, and a touch of arc raised.

"Thank you Master!"

After pondering for a while, the six-winged bat looked up at Mo Wentian, grateful.

"Six-winged bat, follow the Emperor, the Emperor will not treat you badly!"

"Your talent is actually good, but your physique is too bad. When the emperor completes this assessment, there is a chance that the emperor will let you temper the physique!

Suddenly, it seemed that he had thought of something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a fine, cold voice.

"Tempered body?"

"the host……"

Listening to Mo asked, the six-winged bat was full of gratitude.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

At this moment, the hearts of six-winged bats increasingly recognized Mo Wentian.

If Mo Wentian would not let him go in the future, he would not leave Mo Wentian.

In the six-winged bat family, although he is the boss, he is still not highly valued in the family.

But in Mo Wentian, he felt the importance he had never had before.

In the mind of the six-winged bat, there is only one idea at the moment, that is, he will obey Mo Wentian in the future.

Follow Mo Wentian, it will not be bad in the future.

The six-winged bat has great news. It depends on people's skills.

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