Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2201: The Emperor is not interested in your life

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2201 The Emperor Has No Interest In Your Life

Just such a group of people, still want to behead him?

To say that they shot Mo Wentian together, they may have a chance, but they are like a piece of sand, they can not kill Mo Wentian.

"Meaning that everyone gathers firewood with high flames? Boy, are you mocking us?"

"Actually, this kid is right. We are all thinking about gaining ourselves. We don't need to form a team at all. We all shoot at this kid. Whoever beheaded this kid, who this demon is!"

"Yes, who has the big fist, who is the prey!"

"I think we still shot towards this kid and directly beheaded this kid. Let's divide this thing!"

"The people who participated in the assessment this time have similar strengths. Only when we unite can we win the final victory!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the eight people instantly felt a little hot on their faces.

They naturally know the meaning of the high flame of gathering firewood, but all they see is personal interest.

They did not expect that if they were not a whole, it would not be able to capture the benefits at all.

Not only that, they even took their lives into it.

"It seems that there are only a few that can be used in this battle for the honor!"

Listening to this argument, Yuan Ran, who was hiding in the void, had a complex flash in his eyes.

At least for these eight people, Yuan Ran did not want to stay.

These eight people are useless at all.

Emperor Yuan Ran wanted people who were in trouble, and these eight people could only share the same things but not the pain.

If you become an ally with such a person, when you encounter difficulties, these people will leave. What is the difference from having no ally.

Thinking like this, Emperor Yuan Ran couldn't help shaking his head.

"These eight are ants!"

"These ants have little effect on staying, but if they are all beheaded, this does not seem very good!"

"After all, my Devouring God Realm has just been established, and the fame of my Devouring God Realm still has to be spread by these ants!"

But at this moment, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and a dark word in his heart.

Originally, Mo Wentian wanted to behead these eight people, but he thought that his Sky Devouring Realm had just been established.

When he devoured Sky God Realm and still needed resources and strength most, Mo Wentian didn't want to kill these eight people.

Leaving these eight people, these eight people are from different worlds. Conquering these eight people is more effective than killing them.

Thinking like this, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a very bright light.

"Boy, you ..."

"Give you a chance to hand over Yaodan, otherwise do n’t blame me!"

Suddenly, the man standing up looked at Mo Wentian, trembling.

He wanted Mo Yaotian to hold the demon pill in his hand, but everyone didn't take action, but the confidence in his heart was a little insufficient.

"I blame you for being polite?"

"Your fist fell on the Emperor, and tickling is not enough!"

Mo Wentian looked at the man in front of him and said with a sneer.

For the man in front of him, Mo Wentian still has some feelings, at least when everyone did not stand up, this person stood up.

However, what makes Mo Wentian more favorable is that this person is very happy.

Taking part in the assessment is extremely boring, leaving this person alone adds a little fun to the assessment.

"My fists are not enough to tickle you?"

"Boy, you ..."

If Mo Wentian didn't say this, it's okay. When Mo Wentian said it, this person was almost mad.


At the next moment, a blood spit out of this population.

The breath of this person quickly declined.

The person's face also paled.

Looking at Mo Wentian, his eyes were full of anger, but he opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"I think you still have a good rest!"

"Every Emperor hasn't shot at you yet, you have been so embarrassed by the Emperor's words, your mentality is too bad!"

Watching this person's breath decrease, his body shivered.

The arc that Mo Wentian raised from the corner of his mouth grew thicker.

"Is this kid still human?"

"He even spit blood out of Brother Youming from Youtianjie?"

"This kid is a demon!"

"I think this person can survive the last battle in the ring. That is not a fluke, but this person has this strength!"

"We are afraid that we will encounter a hard stubble this time, I think we still don't want to be a demon, let's leave this place quickly!"


Looking at the appearance of Youming, everyone was shocked.

At this moment, some warriors even want to leave this place directly.

They want to leave Mo Wentian and leave here.

But what they don't know is that this is not what they want to leave, they can leave.

"Don't you want the emperor's breathing snake demon pill?"

Listening to this argument, and then watching these martial artists want to leave, Mo Wentian's figure flickered into an identical Mo Daotian.

Nine Mo Wentian stood in front of them, his mouth twitched slightly, and a touch of arc was raised.

In that way, where it looks like an enemy, it is more like a friend.

But at this moment, Mo Wentian's breath rose rapidly.

Mo Wentian made enough preparations, if these want to break out, he will not be polite.

"No, this Yaodan is yours. We want to capture Yaodan. I think it's better to rely on your own strength!"

"You should keep this demon pill yourself. Let's come to disturb you!"

"We still have our own things to do, we will leave first!"

"I'm leaving first too. I think I'll give up for this assessment!"

"Just let us leave, and you are like we made a joke with you!"


Looking at Mo Wentian in front of them, everyone suddenly panicked and said quickly.

At this moment, they had no intention of seizing Mo Wentianxi Snake Demon Pill in their hearts. At this moment, there was only one idea in their hearts, that is, to leave this place quickly and leave Mo Wentian.

But is it really as easy as they say? Mo Wentian will make them leave like this?

How can this be? They arrogantly said that Mo Wentian should be handed over the Serpent Demon Pill.

They forgot, Mo Wentian's memory, but it was good, he didn't forget.

"Just a joke with Emperor Ben?"

"This joke is not funny at all!"

Mo Wentian looked at the person in front of him, and his expression chilled instantly.

These people were originally arrogant, and after seeing his strength, they wanted to leave.

There is no such good thing in the world, Mo Wentian will not let them leave easily.

What's more, Mo Wentian already had an idea in mind that all these people would be left behind.

He wants to subdue all these people. Eight people come from eight different worlds, so that he can understand the situation of other worlds.

"Then ... then you won't let us go, what do you want to do?"

The moment of time seemed to be still, and no one spoke.

For a long time, the figure that had stood up stood up and looked at Mo Wentian, trembling.

"What do you want to do?"

"What does Emperor Ben not want to do? At least for your life, Ben Emperor is not interested!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

Mo Wentian is not interested in their lives, but if these people insist on death, he will not be polite.

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