Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2214: The identity of the man in black robe?

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Chapter 2214: The identity of the black robe man?

The young Master Qingtianjie looked at the fat man and could not help but ridicule.

After all, in the opinion of Young Master Qingtianjie, he may not necessarily be the opponent of this fat man.

But he has some tricks, and none of his tricks have been used yet.

He didn't plan to make a trick, but if the fat man didn't know what to do, he wouldn't mind shooting.

"is it?"

"Are we ridiculous?"

Seeing the young Master Qingtianjie mocking the fat man in front of him, Mo Wentian's expression suddenly froze.

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath quickly rose.

If this Qingtianjie young master shot at the fat man, since the fat man recognized him as the boss, he would not look at it.

"Boy, I don't want to see you in general!"

"This young master still has things to do with this young master, too lazy to care about you!"

Watching Mo Wentian stand up, the young Master Qingtianjie looked slightly changed.

After that, the figure of Young Master Qingtianjie flashed and left quickly.

"Boss, did Lord Qingtian Realm leave?"

"Isn't it just arrogant just now?"

"It just left. This state of mind is too bad!"

"If it is replaced with the monsters that I met, he will have no bones at this moment!"

Watching the figure of Qingtianjie Young Master disappear, the fat man's eyes flashed awe-inspiringly.

"The young Master Qingtianjie is a man who thunders and does not rain!"

"No need to bother!"

Mo Wentian seemed to be accustomed to it, and his expression was indifferent.

"Boss, it seems that you are familiar with this young Master Qingtianjie?"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something. The fat man looked at Mo Wentian and couldn't help asking.

"Bendi has some dealings with this person!"

"Actually, our battle for the list is quite boring. It's pretty good to have such a person!"

Mo Wentian looked at the fat man in front of him, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, coldly said.


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Okay, it's not too early!"

"We should go out of this trail mountain too!"

At the next moment, Mo Wentian thought of the time from the assessment, but it was only one day. In Mo Wentian's eyes, a complex flash of light flashed through, lowering the voice.


Fatty hummed and nodded.

Since he recognized Mo Wentian as the boss, the fat man had decided to obey Mo Wentian in the future.

"Oh, fat man, we can't go out from the path of the mountain range. The prince and the girl Yuer haven't come out yet. We are a group and we want to go out together!

Suddenly, I thought to be a group with Yu'er girl and the sage, but the sage and yuer had not yet come out.

Mo Wentian's expression was instantly serious.

"Boss, shall we wait in the same place, or shall we go to find them deep in the footpath mountains?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the fat man, almost subconsciously.

"Waiting at the same place, they may not go this way!"

"Let's go find them among the trail mountains!"

"According to the truth, at this moment they should also be out of the trail mountain range!"

Mo Wentian's expression was very serious.

"Boss, did you say that the girl Yuer and the princess had any trouble?"

Hearing the words, the fat man's brows clenched together, and his heart began to worry.

In fact, the fat man and the prince and the rain girl were only known in groups.

But in the heart of the fat man, since it is a group with the prince and the rain girl, it should come out together and go back together.

At this moment, the fat man was a little worried.

"Fat, I didn't expect that your heart is still good!"

"Emperor Ben still read you right!"

Listening to the fat man's words, Mo Wentian's mouth twitched slightly, raising a touch of arc.

"Thank you boss!"

"My fat man will not cause trouble to your boss in the future!"

Seeing Mo Wentian complimenting himself, the fat man was happy like a child, and the sloppy meat in that face was shaking at the moment.


"Let's go deep in the footpath mountains to see if the Lord and Yu'er are in trouble!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold cold mang.

"Okay, boss!"

Without any hesitation, the fat man quickly agreed.


At the next moment, Mo Wentian drank coldly, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Seeing Mo Wentian disappear, the fat man quickly followed.


And at the moment Mo Wentian and the fat man left, the hidden void.

A figure appeared in the void.

This figure is none other than Emperor Yuan Ran.

Looking at the direction Mo Wentian and the fat man left, he could not help nodding.

That look, it seems to be very satisfied Mo Wentian and fat.

"This is the cohesion that Emperor wanted to see!"

"This kid did not disappoint me!"

Looking at the direction Mo Wentian left, Emperor Yuan Ran said with satisfaction.

At this moment, Emperor Yuan Ran's good impression of Mo Wentian could not help but increase a few points.

In Yuan Ran’s heart, he really wanted to accept Mo Wentian as a disciple.

But he also knew in his heart that such an arrogance like Mo Wentian was not a disciple if he wanted to be a disciple.

"This kid is just too arrogant!"

"If not so arrogant, just be willing to be my disciple!"

Emperor Yuan Ran gave a long, soft breath and couldn't help it.

For Mo Wentian's character, he has been clear for so long.

Emperor Yuan Ran knew that Mo Wentian would not be his own disciple.

In spite of this, Emperor Yuan Ran was most optimistic about Mo Wentian in this battle for honor.

Originally, according to him as the host of this battle for honors, he is not just watching Mo Wentian alone.

But he put all his attention on Mo Wentian. Only when he looked at Mo Wentian, he felt that this battle for respect for the list was meaningful.

"This great Yuan Ran, was so optimistic about this kid!"

"But Yuan Ran was optimistic that it was useless. It was impossible for this kid to recognize him as a master!"

In the hidden void at this moment, the old man and the old looked at each other, and the two almost blurted out subconsciously.

"It's just a pity that this kid can't recognize him as a master!"

"Not to mention him, even our boss, according to the character of this kid, this kid will not recognize him as a master!"

At the next moment, it seemed to think of something. In the eyes of the old lady, there was a flash of fine light that couldn't help.

"That's right!"

"This boy's unruly character is the same as the legendary man millions of years ago!"

In the eyes of the old man, a complex eye flashed.

"Old man, this kid is now back in the deep mountain range, but don't meet the person who shouldn't meet!"

"We still follow quickly, don't forget our mission, can't we let this kid do anything!"

Suddenly, the old lady seemed to remember something, and her expression suddenly became serious.



After hearing it, the old man nodded his head with a hum.

Immediately, without any hesitation, the old man quickly followed in the direction of Mo Wentian's departure.

And just as Mo Wentian and others were heading towards the depths of the Youjing Mountain Range, in a world of Celestial Realm.

A figure, the magic energy rolled, in this person's eyes, even more killing intent.

If Mo Wentian is here, he can certainly recognize that this person is not someone else, this person is the beast owner.

It is the beast master who came through the passage from the ancient relics.

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