Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2247: The shadow of the ghost

Chapter 2247 the shadow of the ghost stone


And at the moment when Yuhong's thunder and lightning fell on the monster beast, the aura on the monster beast quickly dropped.

In the eyes of that monster beast, it was even more impressive.

You know, this monster originally thought that it would be extremely easy to kill this Yuhong, but he didn't expect that the strength of this Yuhong was so terrifying.

At least now his physique was destroyed, and this made the monster beast's heart a touch of fear.

"Even if you destroy my physique, you won't be my opponent!"

Suddenly, it seemed that something had been thought of. In the eyes of the monster beast, there was a complex light flashing in his heart.


The next moment, the monster beast's figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

When it appeared again, the figure of the monster beast had already fallen towards Yuhong.

The sharp minions of the monster beast grabbed Yu Hong's head directly.

If the demon beast's claws fell on Yuhong's body, Yuhong would definitely be caught into a ball of ground meat.

"This monster is so fast, the power on his claws is so strong!"

"If a claw of this monster beast falls, how can Yuhong survive!"

"Yuhong's strength can't be underestimated. He was so fast just now, maybe he can avoid the claws of this monster!"

"Yuhong really doesn't know what he thinks, why he has to stand up and fight this monster beast, if it is beheaded by this monster beast, it really won't be worth it!

"Yeah, Yuhong is also a fool. We haven't taken any action. He stood up and shot at the monster beast alone. He wants to contribute his own strength to perfect us!"


Seeing this scene in the void, a group of figures began to discuss.

In their eyes, at this moment, there is even more impressive.

Regarding the battle between the monster beast and Yuhong, they were all guessing.

Among them, more people still think that the monster beast will be the final winner. After all, the aura of the monster beast is much stronger than that of Yuhong.

"Want to solve me just like that?"

"You don't have this strength yet!"

Looking at the demon beast's claws, about to fall towards him, Yuhong's eyes suddenly shrank, and he said coldly.

At this moment, the breath of Yuhong's body rapidly soared.


Immediately, Yuhong made countless seals towards the void.

I saw at this moment, in the void, lightning and thunder, countless power of thunder and lightning, wantonly on Yuhong.

Yuhong looked like the Thunder Emperor, and the aura on his body was extremely vast.

The monster beast looked at the aura on Yuhong's body so terrifying, a complex gleam flashed in his eyes, but one of his claws fell towards Yuhong as well.


A dead word fell, Yuhong's hands stretched directly above his head, and the countless thunder and lightning forces all gathered towards Yuhong's fists.

Yuhong's punch directly greeted the monster beast's claws.


And at the moment of the collision, a bursting sound rang, and the huge body in the void was directly shattered.

I didn't even hear a scream, the monster's body was directly shattered by the power of Yuhong's lightning.

"This...this is really shocking, Yuhong actually beheaded that monster?"

"Yes, this Yuhong's strength is so strong!"

"If Yuhong's strength is not strong, how could he stand up and fight this monster!"

"The body of the monster beast was turned into fragments, why didn't you see the ghost stone in the monster beast's body?"

"I seem to see a light flashing when the monster body turned into fragments, but why didn't I see it!"


Seeing the monster beast's body turned into fragments, countless warriors instantly exploded the pot.

Yuhong's strength is good, but Yuhong directly shattered the body of the monster beast into pieces, which really went beyond their expectations.

At this moment, they were shocked by Yuhong's strength.

Surprisingly, they thought of the ghost stone in the monster beast, and thought of their purpose.

Their eyes are looking everywhere, they want to see where this ghost stone is.

"Boss, the body of this monster beast turned into fragments. The strength of this Yuhong is really strong!"

"The result of this war is really as you said!"

Hearing all these discussions, the fat man looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes flashed with a deep, deep voice.

But when the fat man finished saying this, he didn't get a response, and then the fat man looked behind him.

But I didn't see Mo Wentian's figure. Mo Wentian was still behind him just now, but there was no trace at this moment.

Suddenly, the fat man's heart became nervous.


But at this moment, a wave of void wave came.

Immediately, a figure appeared in front of the fat man.

This figure is not someone else, but Mo Wentian.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath didn't fluctuate at all. It's just that the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth was raising an arc at this moment.

It looks like he has something happy.

"Boss, you..."

"Where did you go?"

The fat man watched Mo Wentian appear, his eyes flashed, and he said quickly.

"Where did you go?"

"I just went where I should go!"

The curvature of the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became more intense.


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man's heart became more and more confused.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.


Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out of Yuhong's mouth.

The breath of Yuhong's body dropped rapidly.

Obviously, in the battle with the monster beast just now, Yu Hong also suffered serious injuries.

The power of thunder and lightning on Yuhong's body was completely dispersed at this moment.

"Boss, this Yuhong is also injured!"

Seeing this scene, there was a flash of awe-inspiring words in Fatty's eyes.

"Yuhong can slay monsters, but with his strength, he can't take the ghost stone!"

The icy voice sounded, and an extremely cold light appeared in Mo Wentian's eyes.

"Boss, you said that the ghost stone was originally in the monster beast's body. How come the body of the monster beast was turned into fragments, why didn't you see the shadow of the ghost stone?"

It's okay if Mo Wentian didn't say this. As soon as Mo Wentian said this, the fat man instantly thought of the ghost stone and said quickly.

"This ghost stone, naturally, is in the hands of the person who should be there!"

Mo Wentian's expression was extremely indifferent.

From Mo Wentian's look, Mo Wentian couldn't see the slightest emotion.

Hearing that, the fat man didn't even have the slightest doubt about Mo Wentian.

But what he didn't know was that when Mo Wentian was not behind him just now, Mo Wentian had already snatched the ghost stone.

"Yuhong is injured, Yuhong's strength is so strong, and the monster beast that was killed was injured. It seems that the strength of the monster beast is really strong!"

"It's not the point that Yuhong is injured. The point is that the ghost stone can only see a light, not even the shadow!"

"It's really weird. No one has taken this ghost stone, and it will not disappear out of thin air!"

"No one would take advantage of the mess to take away the ghost stone, right?"

"Yeah, I seemed to see a figure flashing by that light just now, but I can't even see what he looks like!"


The figures exploded in an instant.

In fact, their purpose is that ghost stone.

But at this moment, the ghost stone did not even see the shadow, which made their hearts puzzled.

Who took the ghost stone away? The eyes of the figures looked at others.

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