Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 857: War monster

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Chapter 857: War Demon

I saw on the left side of the hall that there was an aisle that could not be seen at a glance.

"This is a passage!"

"Go in and see!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a bright light rose, coldly.

The next instant, walked directly into the passage.

A quarter of an hour later, Mo Wentian and others came to the end of the channel.

Appearing in front of the crowd was a cave, in which the aura was extremely rich.

In the center of the cave, there is a sculpture the size of a few feet. The man on the sculpture is not someone else, but the person in the portrait.

I saw the sculpture holding a Divine Sword, and on top of the Divine Sword, there was an extremely dazzling light.

"Be careful!"

Mo Wentian flashed coldly in his eyes, and said coldly.


Xiao Yan and Magic Sky also immediately became alert and nodded.

"Who dares break into this place!"

"court death!"

Suddenly, an extremely cold voice sounded through the cave.

"This person's strength is certainly not weak, Xiaozhang, Xuantian, you first enter the Asking Pavilion!"

Mo Wentian raised a bad hunch, this person must have shot like them.

Although Xiao Xi and Magic Sky's Xiu Wei have reached the level of Heavenly King, this Xiu Wei is in the presence of the King of Heaven, and it is not an exaggeration to call it scum.

"Boss, then you ..."

The terrible breath came, Xiao Yan and Hun Tian opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything.

"I'm fine!"

Mo Wentian waved his hand slightly, his face full of firmness.

"Don't worry, he didn't want to hurt me so easily, but so here ..."

Looking at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian are not willing to leave, Mo Wentian said again.


Xiaoyan and Magic Sky took a deep breath.

They don't understand the meaning of this word, of course they understand.

They are here, not only can't help Mo Wentian, and even Mo Gentian to protect them, this is undoubtedly a drag on Mo Wentian.

"Boss, be careful!"

"Boss, be careful!"

Xiaoxiong and Huan Tian looked at Mo Wentian with worries, and some reluctantly entered Wen Tiange.

As Xiaoyu and Magic Sky entered Wentiange, the cave changed rapidly.

I did not know when, at the entrance of the cave, a door quickly blocked the entrance, and the sculpture in the cave opened his eyes suddenly.

As those eyes opened, the cave became extremely dark in an instant, and the rolling magic engulfed towards Mo Wentian.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost!"

"Get out!"

The cold voice, in Mo Wentian's eyes, was full of cold mang.

I have been able to survive in this castle for so long and have never been out. I am sure that this person's current strength will not be too strong.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

A dark voice sounded.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

Rather than saying that he is a man, it is better to say that he is a mutilated demon. The devil's spirit is rolling on his body, and his whole body is even more mutilated.

One of his arms had disappeared, but the other hand had no arms, only palms, and no flesh and blood on his two legs, only the white bones.


Mo Wentian sneered.

He never asks Tian that this has always been the case, even though the demon in front of him has reached the terrible heavenly realm.

But Mo Wentian is sure that this person's strength will certainly not exceed the mid-day King.

"You practice ancient magic skills, devouring the demon body?"

Mo Wentian seemed to find something, looking at the demon in front of him, the flickers of Hanmang said.

"Yes, boy, you have a good vision. This is the practice of devouring the demon!"

It was said that the demon approached Mo Wentian, and those eyes flashing with magic light looked at Mo Wutian, and said coldly.

Devouring the demon body is the ancient magical skill. This method can quickly improve cultivation. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, there are many people who have wrong minds and martial arts and practice this method.

But the person in front of him knew at a glance that his practice of devouring magic was incomplete.

Not only is it incomplete, this person's self-cultivation is incomplete, which shows that he has devoured even his own flesh and blood, which shows that he has fallen into the abyss of the demon.

"Your practice of devouring the demon body is incomplete. Submit to the Emperor, and the Emperor will grant you the complete devouring body!"

"And point you, let you break through the emperor and leave this place!"

Looking at the man in front of him, Mo Wentian sighed coldly.


"Just let me surrender?"

"Hahaha ..."

An ironic laughter rang through the cave.

A human being, a human being in the mid-term state of genius, even called him the demon vassal?

"Hahaha ..."

The wild laugh sounded again.

As if this was the funniest joke he heard.

"The way of the devil can swallow heaven and earth, swallow everything ..."

Mo Wentian looked at the man who laughed endlessly, his face was bland, but he was indifferent.


"You should have devoured the Demon Spell, this ..."

"how can that be?"

Hearing that Mozun looked at Mo Wentian, his face was full of shock.

The method of engulfing the demon body is the secret in the demon world, and the complete cultivation method of engulfing the demon body is only known to the demon master of the demon world.

"The Emperor has no time to talk nonsense with you!"

"The Emperor gives you two choices, surrender or die!"

Mo Wentian's cold voice sounded again in the cave.

In front of Mozun, if Mo Wentian wants to be killed, he can be killed, but Mo Wentian has another plan.

After all, the cultivation of the demon statue has reached the realm of the king of heaven. Now the prohibition against the realm of the king in the nine nether caves has been broken by the sky. Take this demon and go to **** the artifact. Less effort.

In any case, having this demon in hand will be of great benefit to the establishment of the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.

"Boy, even if you have the complete Devouring Demon, you still don't want me to surrender!"

"Give up the Devour Demon, or the deity will kill you now!"

A cold voice came, followed by a terrible killing spirit, sweeping towards Mo Wentian.

"Shadow mystery!"


Mo Wentian gave a cold drink, and nine Mo Wentian suddenly appeared.

All of the nine Mo Wentians clenched their fists, and the power of his body was even more out of the air.


Looking at the roaring peerless Shenlong in the void, the demon exclaimed.

The deities seemed to be a little daunting about that dragon, but the next moment, his eyes were cold, and he was again killing Mowen.

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