Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 867: Cannibalism

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Chapter 867: Cannibalism

"Xiao Jinghen, Duan Fan!"


Mo Wentian stood up, looking at the figure who was lying on the ground, a smile of evil spread from the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"

On hearing that, Xiao Jinghen and Duan Fan stopped quickly.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and disappeared directly in place. When he appeared again, he appeared in front of Fan Zeng.

"You want to surrender to the Emperor?"

Looking at Fan Zeng kneeling on the ground, Mo Wentian's face was full of cold and arrogant.

"Master, I will submit to you!"

"As long as you don't kill me, I submit to you!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Fan Zeng's eyes were full of fear, and he repeatedly scratched his head with respect.

"Don't kill you?"

"You please Bendi, Bendi will not kill you!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, and an evil smile aroused instantly.

Although his face was smiling, Fan Zeng, who was kneeling in front of him, felt a cold chill on his back.

"As long as the host doesn't kill me, I'll do anything!"

Fan Zeng looked at Mo Wentian, and was full of flattery.

He was really scared at the moment, he was scared!

He is afraid of death!

He is a magnificent King of Heaven. He has a long life span. Compared with his life, everything else is nothing.

"Really willing?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's evil smile became more intense, looking at Fan Zeng, indifferently.

"Really willing!"

"As long as you don't kill me, master!"

Fan Zeng nodded again and again, it looked like the same obedient dog.

"Don't call your master so early, but I still want to accept you as a dog of this emperor!"

Fan Zeng yelled at a master, and Mo Wentian flashed coldly, drinking coldly.

"Boss, do you really want to accept Fan Zeng?"

There was a doubt in Xiaoyan's eyes, he looked at Mo Wentian, and said in a loud voice.

"Yeah! Boss, although Fan Zeng's strength is good, but this person turned out to be so good at seeing the rudder that you subdued him ..."

In the eyes of Xuantian, there was a flash of cold mansions.

"If he was obedient, it wouldn't matter if Bendi accepted him!"

"As long as the teacher's surrender is in the hands of the emperor, he also wants to see the wind to make the helm, unless he is dead!"

The cold voice sounded in the minds of Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian.

"The boss is right. In this case, after conquering his words, our team of Devouring Heaven Kingdom is a little stronger!"

Xiao Yun thought for a while, and immediately understood, grinning.

"Little sister, you have been following me for so long, you are really enlightened!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and a bright light rose in his eyes.

"Well, now that you sincerely want to surrender Bendi, then Bendi gives you a chance!"

"Kill all the demons behind you, Bendi will let you be my dog!"

Mo Wentian pointed at the cold shivering people behind Fan Zeng, kneeling down.

"Brother Fan Zeng, we are tens of thousands of years old brothers, you can't listen to Mo Wentian this kid!"

"Yes, Brother Fan Zeng, let's join hands to kill all of Mo Wentian's group. In this way, we will not only be rewarded by the Lord Beastmaster, but also improve the status of our demons in the Lord Beastmaster! "

"Brother Fan Zeng, you must not listen to the letter of Mo Wentian, he wants us to fight internally!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, a group of disciples of the clan suddenly became frightened.

"You shut up!"

"Which of the masters will you question?"

"Sisters, sorry!"

Fan Zeng stood up suddenly, looking at the group of disciples in front of him, with a terrible sense of murder in his eyes.

"Well, you fan, you want to kill us!"

"We are your classmates!"

"Fan Zeng is crazy, brothers, let's fight against Fan Zeng together, but we can't let Fan Zeng kill us!"

"Yes, shoot together, you can't let him slaughter!"


Listening to Fan Zeng's words, the crowd exploded in a pan, and all the figures stood up directly from the ground.

"Oh my God, this fan has survived for himself, and really did everything!"

"Ten thousand years of fellow students have to be beheaded, his heart is really vicious!"

"It's not just vicious, it's just for life!"

"The water in the Devil is too deep!"


Outside the hall, listening to Fan Zeng's words, his look changed suddenly.

"Fan Zeng, what are you trying to kill, kill!"

Mo Wentian saw Fan Zeng hesitate to sullenly.

For the disciples of the Mo clan, Mo Wentian didn't feel the slightest favor.

The Mozu sent people to kill Mo Motian three times. To the enemy, Mo Motian would not have the slightest softness.

"Yes, master!"

Fan answered quickly and respectfully.

"Sisters, let's go!"

"Blue Dragon Excalibur, kill!"

With a cold drink, Fan Zeng's eyes were terrible.

The next moment, I saw his hand, Qinglong Divine Sword shot, and beheaded towards the group of disciples of the Demons.


"Do not……"

"Fan Zeng, you killed us, you must die!"



But in one breath, screams came.

For a moment, all the disciples of the demons fell by the side of Youchi, and a stream of blood sprayed out, flowing into the dark liquid of Youchi.

As the blood flowed into the pool, it quickly turned into blood, and it seemed to have been swallowed up, but one hundred thousandth of a breath had disappeared completely.

"Master, what you have ordered is done!"

Fan Zeng knelt before Mo Wentian, with a respectful expression on his face.

On the blue dragon sword in his hand, blood flowed down the sword body, but in the eyes of Fan Zeng, there was no fluctuation at all.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Mo Wentian nodded slightly.

"Fan Zeng really shot and killed all his demons!"

"It really worked for my life!"

"In the early days, King Tian's strength was really strong. He shot with a sword, and all the disciples in Tianjun's realm died under his sword!"

"Xiao Jingchen surrendered to Mo Wentian, and Mozun also surrendered. Now even Fan Zeng of the Mozu is surrendered to Mo Wentian's hands. It seems that the ancient relics are going to become heaven!"


The crowd calmed down and looked at the figures that fell to the ground, and couldn't help sighing.

"Master, I have done what you ordered, shouldn't you let me go now?"

Seems to remember something, Fan Zeng flashed in his eyes.

"Let you go?"

"When the Emperor promised to let you go, you said you wanted to surrender to the Emperor, then let go of God and let the Emperor leave a mark!"

The cold voice sounded, looking at Fan Zeng in front of him, Mo Wentian's eyes were full of arrogant look.

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