Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 883: Ten breaths, cut ten people

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Chapter 883 Ten Breaths, Cut Ten People

"Boss, are you really going to kill this old dog?"

Just then, a little doubtful voice came from Xiaoyan.

"Kill him?"

"It's really about killing him, but it's not the right time. Sky Fox is still in his hands. Don't know what's going on with Sky Fox now?"

"You can't cut it off until he gives up Sky Fox!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a cold cold mang rose, a cold voice said.

Looking at this scene of Lu Yan, his body could not help shaking.

Just now that his sword was shot, even if it was a warrior in the realm of Heavenly King, he would not dare to resist directly.

But Mo Tian, ​​the warrior in the later days of the Heavenly King, not only directly resisted the past, but also took away his magic holy sword, but between one hundred thousandth and the breath, even the spirit mark on the magic holy sword Erased.

Even at this moment, Lu Yan had forgotten that he was a powerful man in the late days of the King of Heaven, and now he could not ask the sky, but only in the late days of Tianjun.

In the face of Mo Wentian's sword, he just had a fascinating look on his face and even forgot to shoot.

"Booming ..."

A fierce blast came, and I saw a few hundred feet of sword marks on Lu Yan's side.

From a distance, it's terrible.

"The power of this sword is terrible!"

"Mo Wentian, wouldn't you really want to kill the demon king?"

"Master Demon, but the strong man in the later period of the King of Kings, it is impossible to kill the demon King in the late days of the King of Kings by asking Mo Tian!"


Looking at the terrible sword marks, outside the Demon, the figures were full of shock.

"Lu Yan, old dog, Bendi gave you a chance today!"

"Honestly hand over the Sky Fox, and I will show mercy to you, spare your life!"

Seems to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at Lu Yan, his eyes were full of cold and arrogant.

"Mo Wentian, do you still want that woman?"

"Hahahaha ..."

Lu Yan looked back, looked at Mo Wentian, and laughed wildly.

"Old miscellaneous, what are you doing with Sky Fox?"

Mo Wentian looked at Lu Yan's expression, and could not help but raise a bad hunch in his heart, and yelled coldly.

It was because of him that Tianhu followed this ancient relic, and it was because of him that he stayed in the heavenly city of Jiuyou clan ...

If something happened to Sky Fox, Mo Wentian would not forgive himself.

The next moment, stepped forward and came directly to Lu Yan.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Wentian grabbed Lu Yan, who laughed endlessly, his eyes flashed with coldness.

"Boy, are you angry?"

"Is it trying to kill me?"

"If you kill me, don't you ever want to see that woman again in your life!"

Somehow, looking at Mo Wentian so nervous and angry, Yin Yin said.

Lu Yan seems to have determined that Mo Wentian will never kill him before seeing Sky Fox.

"Boss, this old dog is simply too arrogant!"

"Dare to be so arrogant in front of you, let me kill him!"

Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, and said with a ferocious look.

"I don't know where the fox is, this old fox is so cunning!"

"If he beheaded him, where would the Emperor find Sky Fox?"

The cold voice sounded in Xiao's mind.

Mo Wentian looked at the void, and a cold cold mang rose in his eyes.

"Boss, don't say this old mess, what should we do?"

Xiaoyan's eyes were full of doubts, and she said again.

"How to do?"

"He doesn't say that there is a way for Bendi to let him say it!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed coldly.

"Fan Zeng, who do you care most about and value?"

Seems to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at Fan Zeng in front of him, said coldly.

"Going back to the master, what this old miscellaneous value most is his old friend, the elder's daughter in this demon!

Fan Zeng fainted a moment, then returned to God with respectful words.

"Go and get all the oldest people who value you the most, and bring them to the Emperor!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

"Yes, master!"

Fan Zeng slightly rose and stood up.

The next moment, the figure flashed, and went towards the highest palace of the demons.

"Fan Zeng, come back to me!"

"Mo Wentian, what do you want to do?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, especially when he saw Fan Zeng's figure heading towards the highest palace, Lu Yan's eyes flashed wildly.

Do not ask Tian that rumor, that means, Lu Yan is not unaware.

At this moment, he was really scared!

The daughter of the elder elder devil, but he has loved people for many years. In his heart, he weighs more than his own son Lu Fengqing.

"What do I want to do?"

"You will know soon!"

The radian rising from the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became richer a bit, but in those eyes looking at Lu Yan, there was a cold chill.

"Boy, if you treat me like a child, I promise, Lu Yan, in this life, you don't want to find your woman again!"

Lu Yan looked at Mo Wentian, and the killing in his eyes was undisguised.

"You can try!"

Looking at the appearance of the landing rock, Mo Wentian calmed down, but the low voice was full of chill.

"How did Fan Zeng go towards the palace where the elder was?"

"How is this going?"

"I seem to have heard Mo Wentian saying that he wants to catch the devil who cares most!"

"It seems that all the beauties of the Lord of the Devil King Cangjiao will be arrested. Among the demons, this time they will lose face!"


Seeing Fan Zeng's figure disappeared, all the talents came back to God.

The next moment, the crowd exploded the pan, and everyone looked different, but most people's faces rose red.

For the devil, the demon king, the top-ranked kings in ancient relics, there are a few beautiful women in the Golden House who are really normal.

But if all of them are found out and displayed in front of people of all races, this is another matter.

A quarter of an hour later, Fan Zeng appeared in front of Mo Wentian with several fluttering figures in his hands.

"Master, bring all you want!"

Fan Zeng looked at Mo Wentian and said respectfully.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Mo Wentian glanced and nodded slightly.

I saw Fan Zeng's two hands, fully carrying ten women of different styles.

These women are beautiful, but they are too tacky.

These women were placed in front of Mo Wentian, and he was too lazy to look at it.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Hurry up and let them go!"

Lu Yan looked at the figure that appeared, his face changed greatly, and said coldly.

"What do I want to do?"

"Bendi is not a good-tempered person, Bendi gives you ten breaths to consider!"

"There are exactly ten people here, kill one by one breath, just right!"

Mo Wentian looked at Lu Yan in front of him, his eyes flashed endlessly, and his deep voice was extremely cold.

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