Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 886: Land Rock Internal Injury

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Chapter 886: Lu Yan's Internal Injury

"Give it to you?"

"Boy, I will kill you today and take revenge for my son!

"Magic Ding: Suppression!"

Lu Yan looked at Mo Wentian, the killing in his eyes was terrible, and the way was vulgar.

"You want to kill me with this tripod, ridiculous!"

A cold voice sounded.

Mo Wentian's figure appeared in front of Lu Yan in one step. Looking at Lu Yan, Mo Wentian sneered.

"Boy, give me death!"

Lu Yan looked at Mo Wentian's sneer, and the killing in his eyes suddenly skyrocketed.

Drinking coldly, Mo Shengding smashed directly in front of Mo Wentian.

"Time Roulette!"

"Stop me!"

Looking at the giant tripod with the size of a hundred feet, the repression came, Mo Mantian flashed a cold mang in his eyes.

With a cold drink, the time wheel reappeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

Watching the time roulette appear in the void again, Lu Yan's look suddenly changed.

Just now is the roulette at this time, so that his magic holy sword cannot be cut into Mo Wentian, and Mo Wentian took his magic holy sword.

The next moment, Lu Yan's heart moved, and he quickly put away the demon holy dinosaur, turning it into the size of a palm, spinning in his hands.

"Boy, you have the ability to put this roulette up for me and fight with me!"

Seems to be thinking of something, Lu Yan looked at Mo Wentian, and the flash of Hanmang in his eyes.

"keep it?"

"You have your artifact, and the emperor also uses it. Why did the emperor put away the artifact?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, said indifferently.

I wonder if Lu Yan can understand the meaning of Lu Yan's words, especially Lu Yan's reaction after seeing the wheel of time, completely showing the fear in his heart.

"That's right, this demon king uses two artifacts of the peak of the king level, not to mention, he is still a powerful man in the late period of the King of Heaven, why doesn't he let Mo Wentian, a warrior in the later days of the heaven, use the artifact!

"Don't you see this? This is the artifact in the hands of the demon king who was afraid of Mo Wentian!"

"The demon king of the dignified demons is really shameless. Even if Tianwang fights Tianjun, even if Mo Wentian is not allowed to use the artifact, this is simply shameless!"

"Face? Do the demons have a face? I'm afraid they don't know what a face is?"


A few thousand feet away, the disciples of other ethnic groups in the ancient relics talked.

"Boy, aren't you brave enough?"

Listening to the comments, Lu Yan's eyes became colder and colder.

But the next moment, a cold flash in his eyes, a slight rise in the corner of his mouth, took a step forward.


"This Emperor is too lazy to talk nonsense with you, let's die!"

Drinking coldly, I saw that time roulette, soaring rapidly in Mo Wentian's hands.

However, within a few breaths, it had skyrocketed to the size of a hundred feet, and in the next instant, went directly to the landing rock.

"Magic Ding, stop me!"

The time roulette is great, Lu Yan is not unaware.

Looking at Mo Wentian's time, the roulette was directly repressed, and Lu Yan quickly made a cold drink.

The next moment, I saw that the Demon King in his hand also suddenly skyrocketed, and the mysterious divine pattern on the Demon King lighted up instantly.

Lu Yan's hand held the giant tripod and blocked directly in front of him.

"Want to hide inside?"

"Do you think your deities are strong?"

Seeing that the landing rock was hiding behind Mo Shengding, Mo Wentian sneered at the corner of his mouth, his face full of disdainful words.

Needless to say, this Lu Yan is really afraid of the time wheel.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"My demon dungeon, but even the king's sharpest perfect artifact, don't want to break my defense, do you still want to use your time to break the wheel?"

Hearing that Lu Yan flashed in Lu Yan's eyes.

Immediately, it seemed to be remembered, full of confident words.

"Lu Yan, an old dog, have you forgotten that the emperor's time wheel is an imperial artifact!"

"Not to mention, want to break your defense, why need time to roulette?"

Mo Wentian's arrogant voice resounded in the void.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared.

"Boy, you can do it for me!"

"What kind of skill are you doing so?"

Watching Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, Lu Yan thought that Mo Wentian had run away and let go of his voice.

I don't know why, after saying this, Lu Yan's heart raised a bad hunch.

"Mo Wentian, where did this kid go? Why did I just disappear in the blink of an eye!"

"He wouldn't want to do the trick again, remember that he was like this just now, and took the devil's holy sword!"

"I see it very likely!"

"Mo Wentian this kid is too weird, he is terrible!"

"I see that the demon king encountered Mo Wentian, it was a hard stubble. This time, so many beautiful women have lost so much. I don't think he will account for it in Mo Wentian's hands!"


As Mo Wentian disappeared, the crowd exploded again.

"Who said that the Emperor was hiding?"

"The Emperor is just to break your Devil of God!"

At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice sounded through the void.

Hearing that the crowd looked towards the void and saw Mo Wentian's figure already appearing behind Lu Yan.

"Mo Sheng Ding and Mo Sheng Sword are good partners. How could the Emperor be ruthless to separate them!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said indifferently.

"Ask me, you ..."

There was Mo Wutian's arrogant words again in his ear, and Lu Yan returned to God.

As soon as I wanted to say something full, but I still had time to finish speaking, I clearly felt that a dangerous breath spread towards me.

"Get out of me!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian fisted into the palm of his hand, and a punch blasted directly towards Lu Yan in front of him.

Lu Yan spread a little bit of defense, and his chest was sturdy and he was punched by Mo Wentian.


The next moment, Lu Yan's body flew upside down, arousing dust from the ground.


A bite of blood spewed out of Lu Yan's mouth.

Mo Wentian's fist made only 30% of his strength. The purpose of his fist was not to kill Lu Yan.

I just wanted to get rid of him so that he could take away the Demon Lord.

As for Lu Yan flying out, spitting blood, it was more an internal injury caused by his anger.

"What's going on? Why did Lord Demon go straight to the beginning!"

"It's impossible. Mo Wentian just got the punch of the punch just now, but in the later days of the ordinary Tianjun, Lord Demon, the strong man in the later days of the King, wouldn't he be hurt?

"Yes, the disparity between the power of the late Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor is vastly different!"

"Master Devil, this is really a fight, isn't Mo Wentian the kid?"


Demon disciples looked at this scene and couldn't help talking about them.

Although Lu Yan is underwind, there is no doubt about their trust in Lu Yan.

Those figures, looking at Lu Yan's eyes, were anxious with reverence.

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