Devouring Myriad Ghosts System

Chapter 681: Demon Clan Double Dragon Sovereign

The demon spirit stared at Hu Ling'er, and then replied, "Yes, this is the demon vein."

Although Hu Ling'er had already guessed it, when she heard Yao Ling's own confession, her delicate body still trembled suddenly.

The demon veins, she really found the demon veins, the mother has never touched the slightest clue of the demon veins in her life, and she really found it.

Hu Ling'er's little heart was beating violently, finding the demon veins not only meant revitalizing the demon clan.

Hu Linger's mother told her that there are not only tens of thousands of innocent demon eggs stored in the demon veins.

Moreover, there are many pills, magic weapons and immortal-level exercises accumulated by the monster race for tens of thousands of years.

It is a great chance and good luck to get one at random, and if all the accumulation is obtained by one person, it is enough for a demon god to come out early.

Hu Ling'er's ambition is constantly flourishing. She wants to revitalize the Yaozu, but she wants to become stronger herself and avenge her mother.

Pass through the cave, and immediately enter a Nayu space where a powerful demon formation is sealed.

The demon spirit moaned the formula, took out another disc, and put it on the gate of the formation.

Li Daochong thought that the gate would open like this, but unexpectedly this was just a prelude.

As soon as the disc was placed on it, the entire demon formation flickered, and then two phantoms in the shape of dragons flew out.

The two dragons, one black and one white, are as long as a hundred feet long, and their pressure is comparable to that of a cultivator.

Hu Ling'er was overwhelmed by the evil spirit emanating from the two phantom dragons, and lost the ability to move.

Even the demon spirit showed embarrassment and took a small step back involuntarily.

The dragon clan is the most powerful royal clan among the monster clan, not one of them, but it is a pity that they were as strong as the dragon clan back then, and they were not able to survive under the claws of the underworld.

It shows the horror of the underworld demon.

The white dragon and the black dragon looked down at the demon spirit, and the dragon's eyes kept shining with brilliance, enveloping the demon spirit inside.

It seems to be identifying the identity of the demon spirit, and after a few seconds, it seems that the confirmation is complete.

"Yaoling, have you found the descendants of the Yaozu?" Bailong's thunderous voice suddenly sounded.

"Qilong Zun, this is the orphan of the Nine-Tails Clan, a pure descendant of the Nine-Tails Clan." The demon spirit hurriedly said.

While watching Li Daochong, he was secretly amazed by the levels of the Yaozu.

If the demon veins were not guided by the demon spirit, even the fit cultivators might not be able to find them, and even if they found them, it would be a problem to get in.

When they got here, they had to face two phantom dragon shadows, whose monster aura was about the same as that of a peak cultivator.

The combined force of the two dragons is more than enough to deal with the monks in the early stage of fusion, and because they are only formed by the condensed monster energy, they don't care about life and death at all. Once someone breaks in, they will fight desperately.

Even if the demon has reached the level of the magic python, he should not even think about breaking through the guards of these two dragon shadows.

The two dragon shadows are connected to the demon formation, and Li Daochong's spiritual sense clearly senses that this demon formation is the link of the final defense, and the demon power contained in it is extremely huge.

Li Daochong's divine sense was immediately bounced back when it came into contact with the demon formation. The feeling at that moment almost shattered Li Daochong's spiritual sense. Fortunately, he was astute.

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Li Daochong's back was in a cold sweat. If he was not paying attention just now, his sea of ​​consciousness would be wiped out.

Li Daochong couldn't imagine how powerful the cultivation base of this demon formation would be.

Even if this demon vein is discovered, the assailant does not have the power to reach the sky. If he wants to obtain the last treasure of the demon clan, it may be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Presumably, only those demons from the Nether Realm would have the chance to obtain the treasure if they found this place.

For example, that prince of the Yinsi clan, His Royal Highness.

Li Daochong knew that he was not a monster, so he was an outsider here, so he just stood aside and watched. As for the treasure, he had no interest in it.

Spiritual pills, magic weapons, and exercises are of no use to Li Daochong, and he does not rely on these things in his cultivation.

"Nine-tailed tribe?" Bailong muttered after listening to the demon spirit's introduction, then turned his gaze to Hu Ling'er, and a beam of brilliance shot at her like a scanner.

"The blood of the Nine-Tails is very pure, and they are descendants of the direct line. It's a pity that the cultivation base is much worse.

Otherwise, you can enter the demon veins to find opportunities. "Bailong affirmed Hu Ling'er's identity, but obviously did not allow her to enter the demon vein.

"Yao Ling, after more than two thousand years, haven't you found a suitable candidate?" The black dragon on the side suddenly said, with a bit of displeasure and impatience in his tone.

Ssangyong has been waiting for too long, and even their existence is a little impatient.

The revival of the Yaozu has been dragging on like this, I'm afraid it will be ruined.

Yao Ling's heart tightened, and he immediately knelt down and said, "Dragon Lord, Yao Ling has been diligently looking for a suitable candidate for more than two thousand years, but the death energy on this Black Jupiter is getting stronger every year, and now it has been suppressed by death." Occupying most of the area, it has long lost its former glory, there are no pure monster clans, the blood of the monster clan has been diluted a lot, and no geniuses have emerged. It is impossible for a pure-blooded monster clan genius to appear again in the cultivation environment of Black Jupiter, this Nine-Tails The descendant of the clan is not the Black Jupiter demon clan, but a coincidence that broke through the seal on the Black Jupiter and came here, and the demon spirits took the courage to bring her here after testing many times, and I would like to ask Long Zun to enlighten me."

When the demon spirit spoke, the brilliance in Bailong Longzun's eyes kept locking him. Once he said half a lie, Bailong would immediately find out.

Yao Ling naturally didn't dare to lie. After finishing speaking, Bai Long nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice, "You have really done your best for the Yaozu all these years. Searching seems simple, but it is also boring. You can survive for more than two thousand years. Like one, it is not easy, even if you are just a demon spirit, you can do it for such a long time without changing your mind, and find your own way out, you will be credited with your credit."

Speaking of which, Bai Longzun paused for a moment, a pair of long eyes flashed, as if he was thinking about something, finally sighed, and continued.

"Forget it, the underworld is strong, and it's no wonder you. After Black Jupiter was sealed by the fairy back then, although peace was preserved, it cut off the chance and good luck of the indigenous monster race here. After all, fish and bear's paws can't be both. Well, since this descendant of the Nine-tailed Clan can come here, she can be regarded as a predestined person of the Monster Clan, so the Monster Vein cannot let her in, but the Black Dragon Venerable and I will give her some good luck, but whether she can achieve something depends on her. It's up to you."

Hearing this, Yao Ling was overjoyed. It was actually a bit risky for him to bring Hu Ling'er here this time.

The temperament of the two Longzun demon spirits is very clear, every twenty years he will come here to report some of the outside world.

Hu Ling'er does not meet the requirements of the successor of the demon veins. If Long Zun is displeased, the demon soul of his demon spirit is very likely to be wiped out. It is not difficult to recast a new demon spirit. The treasures in the demon veins Demon spirits can be created easily.

Judging from Bai Longzun's attitude, Yao Ling's gamble was right.

After Bai Longzun finished speaking, he opened his mouth, and a white sphere the size of half a fist flew out and landed in front of Hu Linger.

"Little demon fox, this is the Nine-Tailed Pill left behind by the last Nine-Tails Empress of your Nine-Tails Clan before the fall. If you cultivate the seventh tail within a short period of time, the gate of the demon vein will be open to you. If you come back three years later, if you fail to cultivate the seven tails, then don’t come again. Everything here must not be revealed to the outside world. Clear." Bai Longzun said.

Hu Ling'er looked at the Nine-Tails Pill in her hand in disbelief. As a descendant of the Nine-Tails, how could she not know this kind of treasure of the Nine-Tails.

Hu Ling'er trembled uncontrollably, knelt down in front of Shuanglongzun with a puff, and kowtowed, "Linger will definitely live up to Longzun."

The black and white dragon masters nodded, and the black dragon also said, "Little demon fox, let me give you something too."

After finishing speaking, a beam of brilliance spewed out from the mouth of the black dragon and shot at Hu Ling'er.

In an instant, Hu Ling'er felt that the demon core in her body grew rapidly as if being blown away, her whole body was warm, and the long white tails behind her were revealed one by one.

Three long tails and one small white tail, three and a half, and the half of the small tail grew up bit by bit.

It doesn't stop until it reaches two-thirds of the long tail.

Hu Ling'er's cultivation broke through the demon core stage in one fell swoop, and entered the demon infant stage, which is the Yuanying stage of human cultivation.

A small nine-tailed fox appeared when the demon core opened, but there were only four tails, and the other five were so small that they could hardly be seen unless one looked closely.

"Demon spirit, you have worked hard without any merit these years, and I will give you some demon power so that you can act more confidently in the future. Bai Longzun and I have sensed some unstable factors over the past year. I don't know the reason, but the induction of the demon formation can't be wrong, I'm afraid that the black Jupiter will soon be unable to cover it." The Black Dragon Venerable also sprayed out a ray of brilliance and landed on the demon spirit as he said.

The cultivation base of Yao Ling's body skyrocketed accordingly, and like Hu Ling'er, he broke through to the demon baby stage in one fell swoop.

Yao Ling's breakthrough in cultivation was greater than that of Hu Ling'er, and it didn't stop until the later stage of Yao Ying.

"Thank you, Dragon Lord." Yao Ling knelt down and buried his head deeply on the ground.

"You go, little demon fox, remember the three-year agreement, Bai Longzun and I are waiting for you to come again, I hope you don't let us down." Black Dragon Zun said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Hu Ling'er and Yaoling and the two demons spoke in unison.

After speaking, he got up and left. Li Daochong had been standing near the door, watching everything quietly, and then turned around and left.

"Stop, they can leave, but you can't, you are not a monster race, if you enter this place, you will know the shocking secret of the monster race, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different, since you come in, don't leave, stay here at ease Come on, or die."

Just as Li Daochong turned around, Bai Longzun's voice sounded like thunder.

Lying in a trough!

Li Daochong's heart skipped a beat.

Hu Ling'er and Yao Ling also stumbled, screaming inwardly that something was wrong.

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