Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1007 Go against the sky!

On the 'Seven Steps Transformation Road Bridge', the blood of countless sages and quasi-emperors is stained, and countless ideas are roaring. They are very unwilling. How many people can reach their level in their lifetime?

But they ended up falling here!

The Tao that they have condensed in their lives is just like this, and they will never turn over again. Xuanyuan saw that the bloodstains of the sages and quasi-emperors on the "Seven-step Transformation Road Bridge" started from the first step, from shallow to deep, and at most It is a pity that most people did not cross domains in the seventh step, because they were about to succeed but failed!

You must know that those who can step into the peak of the sages are all dragons among men, they are all once the proud sons of heaven, and they are even considered the existence of the emperor's sons. Many people can only look up to the achievement, which is out of reach, but in the end they die above these seven steps and end up sadly. For them, this way of death is too aggrieved.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, calmed the turmoil in his heart, faced the bridge, and said coldly with his eyebrows:

"It doesn't matter if the sages and quasi-emperors all fell on this bridge, I am me, and I am unique."

"Boy, you have to think about it. This 'seven-step road bridge' will integrate your Tao and its Tao into one, and let your flesh and blood melt into it. Of course, if you walk through these seven steps If it is, then its Tao will also accomplish you, but the evil is greater than the blessing!"

At this moment, Zhanhuang no longer supported Xuanyuan as before, but instead discouraged him:

"The real kings and emperors, they all understand one thing, that is, if they can give up, a strong man will cut off his wrists, so why not be able to do it all over again!"

Li Yue's face turned pale, her voice trembled, and said:

"Senior Zhanhuang is right, I have a way to avoid catastrophe, so I can keep you safe!"

"You will never understand what it feels like to be tolerated by God with a special physique like mine. You can avoid it for a while, but you can't avoid it for a lifetime. When you were in the 'Central China', you would be hunted down by the world. Now you come to This "Nanyan World" God wants to put me to death again, he uses the "Seven Steps of Dao Bridge" just to scare me, and then let me have a shadow on God's catastrophe, let me have Dao heart If there is a flaw, even if I escaped this time, it will become my fatal weakness the next time I cross the catastrophe. This is his ultimate goal. Same, you don’t need to say any more, what God’s will is, in my opinion, is a piece of shit, only by constantly breaking through your own power can you not be controlled by others!”

Xuanyuan crossed his hands, signaling them not to say anything more. At this moment, Xuanyuan's will had become extremely firm, and it was useless for anyone to say, only to cross this 'seven-step bridge of transformation', and the future road Will be magnanimous.

"Huh!" God's thought snorted coldly, and said no more. He has hundreds of millions of thoughts, descended to various worlds, and mastered the law of heaven's punishment. The power of robbery and punishment that each thought can control is limited.

Xuanyuan stepped out, and the moment he took the first step, the fragments of the "hell melting pot" around him burst into pieces, bit by bit, and directly merged into Xuanyuan's body, not only did not cause the slightest damage to Xuanyuan Instead, he helped Xuanyuan dissolve the Tao in the "Hell Furnace", and let the ten thousand black villains in Xuanyuan's earth soul practice back and forth, and finally evolved the "Hell Furnace".

Once the 'fire of hell' touches the body, it is extremely difficult to extinguish. The terrifying breath of hell in it is enough to make people crazy, but it can cause great harm to the soul through the body, causing the soul to fall into the 18th floor of hell for eternity Not to be reincarnated is a terrifying supernatural power that traps and kills the opponent's soul and completely wipes it out!

Seeing this scene, Zhan Huang said with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth:

"This kid is really too daring. He even dared to walk the 'Seven-step Huadao Bridge'. This is just the first step. Every step that follows will be extremely terrifying!"

Li Yue couldn't control her emotions, her eyes were full of tears, she gritted her teeth, looked at Xuanyuan, and prayed for him in her heart, this was something she could do now.

Xuanyuan took the second step, and a wave of power of transforming Tao directly rushed into Xuanyuan's arm. This is the Tao in the "Seven Steps of Transforming Dao Bridge". Annihilation, this is the scariest thing.

I saw Xuanyuan's arm melting bit by bit. In the end, Xuanyuan's entire arm turned into nothingness. Mingxian originally had the power of regeneration. As long as the source is still there, anyone can be reborn, let alone reach the realm of the earth fairy Yes, but Xuanyuan's arm, which was melted by the power of transformation, gives people a feeling that it will never grow again, as if everything has been transformed into the great way of heaven and earth, even if the source is there, it is useless!

Liyue finally couldn't bear it any longer, and cried out loudly, two lines of tears rolled down, begging to the Emperor of War:

"Senior Zhanhuang, please, save Xuanyuan!"

"It can't be done. If I go, there will only be more terrible punishments, and now I can only look at him." Zhan Huang admired Xuanyuan's courage to move forward. Help Xuanyuan resist this power of transformation.

Seeing the silent smile on one of his arms, and the power of transforming Tao into his body, Xuanyuan raised his brows and let out a cold drink:


I saw countless Dao of Wanhua intertwined and manifested. This is Xuanyuan's natal Dao, which can defuse all attacks and attacks in the world. There is also a mysterious Dao chain in it, full of the mystery of immortality. While transforming the Dao, it also activated the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art", which is one of the nine ancient arts. Thanks to Yuan'er, Xuanyuan learned half of the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art". It was very useful, Xuanyuan couldn't imagine what the consequences would be without the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique", Yuan'er saved herself again.

Seeing that Xuanyuan actually melted those arms with the power of transforming the Tao, and then condensed them with the power of the Dao, Zhan Huang couldn't help being shocked, and said in shock:

"Oh my god, this is, this is "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique", it is a supreme ancient technique, I never thought that this kid would know such a supreme ancient technique, and he has also cultivated to a certain level, I said how could he be so confident Woolen cloth!"

Hearing this, Li Yue was pleasantly surprised, wiped away her tears, and hurriedly asked:

"Can Master Xuanyuan use the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique" to cross this 'seven-step bridge of transformation' safely?"

"There is a chance, but it's hard to say. God's thoughts are unpredictable. Maybe Xuanyuanhui's half of the ancient art has been included in it. Every step of the 'Seven-step Transformation Bridge' is a shocking change. Let's see how Xuanyuan reacts."

The Emperor of War did not dare to boast, "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art" is certainly powerful, but this 'Seven-step Transformation Bridge' has made many sages reach their peak, and half-step quasi-emperors have all fallen in the last step, and that is the most important thing.

Xuanyuan didn't take the third step in a hurry, but used the power of transformation that melted away from his arm, felt its intertwined trajectory, felt it bit by bit, the power contained in each pattern, Xuanyuan knows that only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be victorious in all battles.

A moment later, when Xuanyuan had a certain understanding of the power of transformation, he was extremely shocked. He thoroughly felt how terrifying the power of transformation was, and the power of transformation that melted away one of his arms was just an iceberg It's just a corner of it. Xuanyuan already knew how amazing the power of transformation will be. He integrated this power of transformation into his body and turned it into everything. Daoqiao' still has some help.

After finishing all this, Xuanyuan no longer hesitated, and took the third step, everything was carried out silently, without any brilliant magical means, without gorgeous fighting energy flow, only real, silent and silent death, this Once, a pair of Xuanyuan's arms disappeared directly instead of melting bit by bit. This was an instant destruction. Seeing this scene, Li Yue's heart twitched violently. No wonder the Emperor of War said that, This is only the third step.

Xuanyuan's expression remained unchanged, and the arms that were melted away in that moment grew out again, and the more terrifying power of transforming Tao was transported and transformed in Xuanyuan's body, and was drawn to Xuan Yuyong's body. Every corner consumes some of Xuanyuan's original power.

Although "Immortal Against the Sky" is powerful, it still needs to consume the power of the original source, but relatively speaking, it minimizes the consumption of the original power of oneself, and uses the avenue of heaven and earth to condense one's physical body and enhance the essential power of one's physical body .

Although Xuanyuan consumed a little of the original power to condense his own arm, the benefits brought to Xuanyuan were enormous. When Xuanyuan integrated these powers of transformation into his body again, he stepped out directly. the fourth step.

In the eyes of Li Yue and Zhanhuang, this time, Xuanyuan's limbs dissipated directly, and Xuanyuan didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, he condensed his own limbs with the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique", the granulation wriggled, the avenues intertwined, everything was undergoing transformation The baptism of Tao, every time it is condensed with the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique", Xuanyuan's physical body undergoes an essential transformation and an extremely high leap.

Liyue's mood was terrified, a feeling she had never had before, and Zhan Huang frowned:

"Sure enough, things are just as I imagined. Although the "Immortal Defying Heaven Art" is powerful, the power of transforming Tao is too terrifying, almost destructive. Xuanyuan's understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth is too shallow, unlike those sages Peak, half-step Zhundi is so vigorous, even if his inheritance is profound, he can't stop it. Once his whole body is melted in an instant, Xuanyuan will perish between heaven and earth, even if there is "Immortal" "Anti-Heaven Technique" will not help!"

Hearing this, Li Yue felt that she was about to be unable to breathe. She calmed down her mind and said in a heavy voice:

"No, I believe in Mr. Xuanyuan, he will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties. Every time I think it is a mortal situation, he can always break everything. I believe this time, it will be the same."

Zhan Huang took a look at Li Yue, didn't say much, and sighed:

"I hope so. After this catastrophe, if Xuanyuan can be reborn from the ashes, his potential will be limitless. I'm afraid he grew up under great pressure all the way. Otherwise, it's impossible With such determination, it is good to be able to go smoothly all the way, but to practice one way is to face difficulties, go against the sky, and with this child, I can already see the emperor's shadow."

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