Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1012 Spatial Fault

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. It's useless for you to say anything now, because the 'Nanyan World' is still fine, that is to say, your backup army doesn't know where it was destroyed!"

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, he responded with a sneer to Bi's clamor, paused, Xuanyuan teased:

"I think that if you get to the 'Fierce God's Nest', it seems that you should be more dangerous than us. The dignified commander of Longbi, but now he has come to such an end, that is comparable to a trace of the god emperor, and countless people are flocking to it, and In your memory, there are still many secrets of the Protoss, which many people want to get. You said that if I expose your original power, what will happen to you? Those who were trampled by you in the past The slaves under your feet can suppress and refine you, what kind of feeling is that?"

Hearing the words, Long Bi's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that Xuanyuan would know his real name, and it seemed that Xuanyuan had already obtained part of his memory. But think about it, after all, he is the incarnation of Xuanyuan now, and It is not unusual for Xuanyuan to know that the 'Great Emperor Haoran' has refined his own origin.

"The boy counts you as ruthless."

"Hehe, I can only blame you for growing up in a place where the weak prey on the strong and the strong are ruthless and ruthless. There is no benevolence, wisdom, propriety, loyalty, loyalty, filial piety, only non-stop killing, strengthening your own strength, blindly pursuing power, and losing the original purpose of having power. , what is the difference between becoming cruel and ruthless and those beasts without intelligence?"

"At least Yuan'er is now in the 'Fierce God's Nest'. I dare to save her at all costs. What about you, when you are deeply trapped in the 'Nan Yan World', is there anyone desperate to save you? The level of a person's achievements is not his It is not about how powerful he is, but how many people are willing to stand up and help him when he is in trouble!" Xuanyuan was unpredictable, and after saying a meaningful sentence to Long Bi, he stopped talking.

Long Bi's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He has always looked down on Xuanyuan, because Xuanyuan's strength is weak. To him who was once the supreme overlord, Xuanyuan is insignificant in his eyes, but Xuanyuan's words really made him feel the same. He was trapped and killed by the "Great Emperor Haoran" with all his strength, but no one was willing to come to rescue him. How could he be worn down bit by bit by the 'Great Emperor' to such a miserable situation in the endless years?

And Xuanyuan, even now, is just a small earth fairy, who can come here alone in order to save a person, step on the road to the outer starry sky, rush to the "evil god's nest", and experience all kinds of dangers. He didn't want to give up, even if he knew that if he went there, he would die without a place to die, he still went there, putting his own life aside, from some angles, Xuanyuan was stupid, but from another angle, we could see Xuanyuan's quality!

These are things that Long Bi has never understood in his entire life. After a pause, he recalled the great battle that day. The human race led all the races, complementing each other, and they were inseparable. Several leaders, but at that time they did not pay attention to the human race at all, because they came from a higher plane and had a strong source of power. They felt that they were superior, and they could naturally win a big victory. No one expected it.

At that time, every commander who led the God Race army had their own ghosts and wanted to fight for the first place. They wished that whoever died would win a lot of credit, so that a God Race army whose strength was far beyond the "Nanyan World" was wiped out. The army was defeated and returned home.

As for the "Nanyan World", the human race, as the commander, is an existence at the level of an ancient emperor. He takes the lead and sacrifices himself, regardless of the benefits, just to protect this world and let the morale of all the "Nanyan World" races fight desperately The counterattack and attack severely overwhelmed the Protoss army at that time. Looking back now, the scene at that time is unforgettable for a lifetime.

This should be the reason why the protoss army belonged to the 'Nanyan World' that day, Long Bi said coldly:

"Hmph, this is just what you think. The terrifying existence of our Protoss was also suppressed in the 'Central China'. If it wasn't for the order from above to let us aid them, we would not have led our troops here."

The purpose of Long Bi's words was very simple. He just wanted to prove that among the Protoss, such situations as saving lives would also occur.

"To put it bluntly, they are only saved because they have been in the 'Central China' for a long time, they have a lot of secrets, and they are of value. If they have no value of use, who will bother? Qu, stop deceiving yourself and others, you know more about the world of the Protoss than I do, in a Protoss that has no emotion at all and only ruthlessly kills, is there any need to exist?"

Xuanyuan knew what he said just now, and it touched Long Bi's heart. No matter what race he is, he will have weaknesses, but ordinary people can't see them.

Long Bi snorted coldly and said:

"This is the world of the strong, don't be fettered by these mortal thoughts, the strong are invincible, this has been the case since ancient times, only by cutting off all mortal thoughts in the heart, and putting aside all unnecessary emotions, can one step into the world A higher realm."

Xuanyuan shrugged and did not compete with Long Bi. The Emperor of War remained silent. Li Yue was silent for a moment, looked into the distance, and sighed softly:

"Is this the sorrow of the Protoss? They have no relatives, no love, no kinship, no friendship, no benevolence, no courtesy, no loyalty and filial piety, only cannibalize and kill each other constantly, even if they are superior to others What about the original power in the world, such a race is too sad and cruel, I would rather not have the power to be born over others, as long as I have a warm home and live happily with my family."

Xuanyuan smiled warmly and didn't say much. It is impossible to influence Long Bi deeply for a while. Anyway, his life is in his own hands now. I am not afraid of what kind of tricks he can play. If it is probation, it is of course the best. If you are still obsessed with your obsession and your ferocious nature is hard to change, you can only kill him, but it will only be a matter of time.

Three days later, under the leadership of the Emperor of War, everyone finally arrived at the first important space node on this ancient starry sky road.

This is where the space fault is located. Xuanyuan looked at the front, as if walking on a road, and there was a bottomless abyss under his feet, making it difficult for people to cross a step.

In this ancient starry sky road, the pattern of the avenue intertwined with the great emperors and sages suddenly disappeared, replaced by a gray fractured space, filled with all kinds of mysterious atmosphere, which made people feel frightened and instinctively felt extremely dangerous. The other side of the fractured space is the other shore, which seems to be close at hand, and one can reach the other shore in one leap, but if one does not pass through this space fault, it will never be possible to cross over!

"In this space fault, it is very unsafe. Without the protection of the ancient roads intertwined with the Dao Runes of the great emperors and sages, not only will you encounter disasters in the starry sky, but you will also encounter some terrifying creatures, and in the space fault, lost There are so many miasmas, it is extremely difficult to find the space node connecting to the other shore, and the dangers you will encounter are different depending on the strength and realm. If I walk with you, it will only bring you greater harm. Dangerous." The Emperor of War has come here not once or twice, and he knows this place very well, he pointed to the gray space fault in front of him, and said slowly.

"What?" Li Yue was extremely puzzled.

"This space fault is extremely strange. It is a terrible area created by the ancient emperor and the ancient sages. It contains the overall situation of Fengshui, the prohibition formation, and the general trend of the world. For example, if I take you in, what will happen to you Only this realm can resist the restrictive means you have come to. If you are with me, the harm outweighs the benefits. I can hardly protect you all by myself. On the contrary, if the two of you walk together, the dangers you encounter will be equal to your strength. If you can overcome obstacles all the way, you may have a chance to find that space node!" Zhan Huang explained.

"Senior Zhanhuang, what should we do? We don't know anything about this place, and we don't know where the space node leading to the other shore is. If we go to the wrong place, wouldn't we be lost in it for the rest of our lives?" Xuanyuan asked with a frown.

"This, I don't know, I can only rely on your own strength. The strength of the ancient emperor and the ancient sages is so unpredictable that even I can't guess it. Now I can only rely on the destiny. I will be on the other side. Waiting for you!" Zhan Huang said, stepped out, and jumped directly into the space fault.

Xuanyuan looked at Long Bi and said:

"For you, it shouldn't be difficult to pass through this space gap. If it doesn't work, I'll put you in the Supreme Dao Tool to avoid any accidents!"

"Hmph, you must know that I was able to forcibly challenge the existence of the ancient emperor of your human race that day. How can a mere path stop me? This is a good opportunity for me to improve my strength. Kill all the creatures, absorb their life essence, take it as their own, and increase their strength."

As soon as the words fell, Long Bi walked towards the space fault on his own, and disappeared in front of Xuanyuan and Liyue.

Xuanyuan and Liyue looked at each other, Xuanyuan stretched out his hand and said:

"Miss Liyue, hold my hand and don't let it go. Let's go together. Remember, if there is an accident, if there is any danger, immediately activate the Yin mirror to protect yourself. With me, you don't have to worry!"

"En." Liyue's fair face was blush, her hand as warm as jade tightly held Xuanyuan's big hand, and the two of them jumped into the space fault together.

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