Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1014 Protecting the Barrier?

Xuanyuan calmed down, the "Xuanhuang Tianjin" from his lungs, after being integrated into the original power by the Emperor of War, his strength increased steadily and became more and more powerful. In the words of "Xuanhuang Tianjin", he is now The ranking on the gold fighting list can at least move up a few places!

In fact, those lists of heaven and earth spirits are just rankings based on what the sages and saints saw that day. Now that the years have passed, no one knows what happened. Some must rise and some will decline. Rise and fall, ups and downs, ups and downs, have their own rules, there is no one unique all the time, Feng Shui turns around, this is the truth.

"'Xuanhuang Tianjin', sense the location of the Emperor of War. After all, his origin is integrated into your body, and your senses can always be more accurate than mine." Xuanyuan confessed.

"Well, good..." 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' responded, and after a while: "Master, I can't sense the power of Senior War Emperor. This space fault has become a small world isolated from the outside world. Senior War Emperor I have already reached the other side, so I can't sense it!"

Xuanyuan frowned, looked at Li Yue, and said:

"Miss Liyue, can you feel the power of the 'sun-moon tide' here? If you say that you are not far from the 'sun-moon tide' here in the space fault, you are the 'sun-moon body' and the 'sun There should be a special sensor for the moon tide, can you try it, if you can sense the 'sun moon tide', point out a direction, and find the space node to reach the other side, it will be much easier."

Hearing this, Li Yue nodded and said:

"I'll give it a try."

From her body, the light of the sun and the moon circulated, scattered between the sky and the earth, the gray mist was gradually dispelled, and the surrounding area was filled with light, and only huge stars were seen revolving, reflecting the brilliance of the sun and the moon. The bureau, the killing power of the world, the forbidden killing array symphony, the power of the avenue, the ups and downs, and the surrender, scattered between the heaven and the earth.

Xuanyuan knows that because Liyue is the "body of the sun and the moon", and this is a small world jointly established by the ancient emperor and the ancient sages, naturally there is no difficulty at all. It may not be able to dispel the gray fog here.

Li Yue kept sensing. After a long time, she shook her head. The battle energy in her body was almost exhausted, and her forehead was covered with sweat. She tried all the means, but there was still no result:

"There was only a faint feeling, but it was cut off in an instant. There was no other way. I tried many times, but I wanted to continue communicating. In this small world, it is difficult to communicate with the outside world."

Xuanyuan sighed, frowned and said:

"Then where should we go, 'sun and moon tides', space faults, huh? Why isn't that guy Long Bi dead yet? His life is so big?"

Originally Xuanyuan thought that Long Bi should be dead, but unexpectedly, half a day later, he was still alive and well.

Originally, Xuanyuan had no hope for Long Bi's life, but suddenly, Xuanyuan's expression brightened, thinking of something, he laughed and said:

"Come with me."

Before Li Yue came back to her senses, she was dragged away by Xuanyuan.

Long Bi has not died so far, which proves that the existence of various races in this small world does not want to embarrass him, or they have sensed a trace of origin in Long Bi's sea of ​​consciousness, and there is the means of "Great Emperor" If you want to find the space node on the other side in this kind of space fault, it is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. Xuanyuan doesn't know how to sense the space node at all, and the "guiding force" is not very useful here. However, Long Bi is different. He was once comparable to the ancient emperor. To him, the space node is just a small Daoer.

Now Long Bi's physical body is Xuanyuan's incarnation, and Xuanyuan is naturally clear about where his incarnation is.

Seeing Xuanyuan rushing towards Long Bi's direction, several huge ideas started to communicate in private.

"It seems that this son has already discovered that the fierce dragon has found the location of the space node, and now he is looking for the fierce dragon. What should I do? Or kill the fierce dragon to avoid the "hundred" The son of the saint and the body of the sun and the moon are in danger?"

"Didn't you find out? In the depths of the origin of the fierce dragon, the means of the 'Great Emperor' is hidden. This move may be the deep meaning of the 'Great Emperor'. It is inconvenient for us to take action. If the plan of the Great Emperor is broken, our sin will be punished." It’s too big, the ‘Great Emperor Haoran’ used his own life to suppress and seal this one forever, and none of us have the right to do this.”

"Then watch the 'body of the sun and the moon' and the son of the hundred saints go to the 'fierce god's lair' like this. This is extremely dangerous. This fierce dragon is not a simple character, and he must have ulterior motives!"

"Without tempering, how can you see the sharpness? How can you see the rainbow without plumpness? It's a good thing that they dare to go to the 'Fierce God's Nest'. They don't want to fight head-to-head. You see, the Emperor of War has also evolved into a god race Breath, courageous and resourceful, even if he fails to save people, he can retreat completely, this kid's physique should be the legendary 'Physical Transformation', this is an extremely extraordinary physique!"

"Well, I've seen it a long time ago, otherwise, how could the aura of the people around me be transformed into the aura of the gods, without any flaws, if they were not in this small world, they were killed by our Fengshui, heaven and earth It is difficult for us to see the origin of it because of the power and the restraint of the killing formation."

"So, did you agree to let them go to the 'Ominous God's Nest' to take risks?"

"Things can only be like this now. The will of the son of Baisheng is extremely firm. God's darling made a deal with his god and was condemned to the 'Evil God's Nest'. The place where it is likely to appear is the protective barrier. You must know that the struggle between the gods is beyond our comprehension. Another plane wants to get involved in this world. Although the gods can't stop it with their own hands, they can stop it in another way..."

"You mean that it's very possible that God's darling will be chased by the protective barrier for support? Now the protective barrier can't last long, and the people of the gods are nibbling away with their original power day and night. Day and night consumption, as far as the protective barrier is concerned, it won't last long if it goes on like this, if the backup army of the Protoss knows that they still have a soldier trapped here, I'm afraid the 'Nanyan World' will be in danger."

"Now, what do you mean?"

"That's right, the 'son of the hundred sages' has been recognized by all the sages, and the protective barrier is the joint evolution of the sages and sages with their own lives and avenues. Now it can't last long. Firm thoughts can't resist the invasion of time, but, have you ever thought that if you can bless it with the "Hundred Saints Hongguang" and be in this world together, you may be able to attract all the disciples and Baisheng to stay in this world? Together with blessings, it will be a great merit to me, 'Nanyan World' at that time."

"But the first barrier is extremely dangerous to pass through the 'Fierce God's Nest'. I'm afraid that there are already countless gods guarding there. Even if he can bless that barrier, he will definitely be discovered. How will I get out then? Isn't it certain that I will die?"

"Isn't there still a 'body of the sun and the moon'? She should be able to induce the power of the 'sun and moon tide', and there is also the emperor of war. The army of the gods suffered heavy casualties that day, and the god emperor fell. If we protect them, we should be able to get away, and we should not underestimate those who can be recognized by all the sages, let alone the "Great Emperor Haoran". Be able to trust them."

"Alright, now we can only make such a decision. Let's just send them a tier, and then entrust this important task to the 'Son of the Hundred Saints'. I don't know if he will agree..."

"That's the only way to go. I hope he can understand. This is the only way to do it. It's a last resort. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to force it. Everything has a definite plan."

The sages and sages are not at the same level, and the sages generally refer to the respectful titles for the sages of the predecessors.

The sages are worshiped by thousands of people, and the sages must respect and learn from them. Those who are qualified to be called the sages of the past, except for the hundreds of sages in the ancient times, there are not many other people. There is only one word difference in the title, but their strength and realm are not the same.

Sages can point to the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor of heaven, and say that he is wrong. As long as they are right, they must admit their mistakes and be respectful. The ancient sages can be the teachers of the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor They are needed to govern the world for themselves. Monarchs and ministers are like siblings, confidantes, masters and apprentices. They complement each other and are indispensable.

Xuanyuan took Liyue with him, and quickly found Long Bi. After missing for half a day, Xuanyuan found that Long Bi's strength had increased a lot.

"Hahaha, what's the matter, I can't find where the space node is, do you need my help? Hehe, I don't want to leave here for a while, huh? There's another big meal." Long Bi wore bloody long hair Rolling over, the demonic energy is overwhelming, the battle armor on the body is ferocious, the breath of the gods can be seen at a glance, the murderous intent is overwhelming, the blood is shining, it makes people tremble.

Long Bi ignored Xuanyuan and Liyue, but looked at a place not far away, and saw a 'Gate of Thousand Demons' opened, and there were tens of thousands of demons rushing out of it.

Long Bi made a direct attack, and evolved an incomparably huge dragon head, swallowing all the terrifying existences of the demon race that rushed out in an instant. Xuanyuan's preliminary estimation of the current strength of Long Bi is at least half the realm of a sage. In addition to his previous realm, even if he meets the existence of the sage realm, he can still be overwhelmed, and he can retreat completely from the existence of the sage's peak realm!

Just as Xuanyuan was estimating Long Bi's strength, he heard Long Bi's strange cry:

"Run away..."

An extremely terrifying aura rolled over, and I saw a demon head at the peak of the sage rushing out. It was extremely terrifying, penetrating, and the demonic energy was overwhelming, and he roared murderously:

"Give back the life of my demon son!"

Xuanyuan trembled, took Liyue's hand, and fled!

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