Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1016 The Force of Tides

"Boy, are you being too ruthless? It's not that I want to kill you. You will drag me to be buried with you when you die. I won't bring you like this. You must know that you have been recognized by all the saints of your human race. Such a conscienceless thing is absolutely unacceptable.”

Long Bi protested angrily, he believed that Xuanyuan would definitely be able to do such a thing.

"People are not ruthless, and they can't stand firmly. If I don't want to die, you just pay more attention, and that's enough. Otherwise, before I die, if I don't want to be reconciled, if I think about it, you say you, can you still live? Maybe you will Maybe a worse death!" Xuanyuan said while laughing, looking at how vast and bright this starry sky is, how delicate the pores on his hands are, and how delicate Li Yue's skin is. tender.

She only saw Long Bi's face trembling, Li Yue was about to cry, she really wanted to talk about Xuanyuan, but she couldn't laugh or cry when she saw Xuanyuan's calm and relaxed appearance, who didn't know how dangerous it was.

"Okay, you are worthy of being baptized by 'Baisheng Hongguang'. No matter what, we hope that you can return safely. You can act according to the circumstances. If you can't do it, don't force it. We don't want to endanger your life. .”

The ancient sages explained to Xuanyuan that it is obvious that the "son of the hundred sages" is very important and cannot be missed, but now that Xuanyuan is going to the "fierce god's nest" to save people, if there is a chance, it is best to repair the protective barrier and succeed. things.

As soon as the words fell, a ray of holy light fell from the sky, covering Xuanyuan, Liyue, and Long Bi. In the next moment, they appeared in the other bank, and Zhan Huang, who was sitting cross-legged on the other bank, stood up. Come on, let out a sigh of relief.

"'Son of the Hundred Saints', remember, if you can't do something, don't force it, as long as you keep your life, you will not worry about hopelessness." The idea of ​​the ancient sages was passed on again, penetrating Xuanyuan and In Liyue's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xuanyuan smiled and said nothing, while Liyue at the side finally breathed a sigh of relief. Since the ancient sages have said so, when the time comes, there is nothing to do, just let Xuanyuan leave. With Xuanyuan's character, he probably won't try it. Temporary courage, he is a person who does not do things that are not sure.

Zhan Huang looked at Xuanyuan and said with a smile:

"I thought you would be trapped inside and couldn't get out. Why, can those old things please you?"

"It seems that Senior War Emperor has already guessed it?"

"Yes, the protective barrier has been supported for so long, it is not like the 'sun and moon tide', the power of the sun and the moon is integrated into it all the time, and no one dares to violate it, but the protective barrier is day and night Corroded by the original power of the gods, although there is the power of faith in the sages and sages, it is integrated into it, but with the passage of time, it is difficult for many powers of faith that are not very firm to pass through such a long distance to the protective barrier, so It is an indisputable fact that no matter how firm the will and strength of those sages and sages back then, they could not withstand the power of time."

Zhan Huang was filled with emotions, he had already guessed Xuanyuan's idea of ​​meeting those ancient sages for help!

"We'll wait and see when the time comes. I agree, but if things can't be done, I won't force myself. You don't have to worry, I have my own plans." Xuanyuan smiled and looked at Liyue.

"Yeah." Hearing what Xuanyuan said, Li Yue felt relieved a lot.

"I said you boy, why did you agree to such a shitty thing? The life and death of the 'Nanyan World' is none of your business? It's not bad if you can live well. Don't think about the world and the common people all day long. What is their life and death to you? Do it, can they stand up and help you when you are hunted down? Maybe they will even add insult to injury to you."

The greedy old man was very angry, he was the only one who knew what was going on in Xuanyuan's mind, no matter what, he had to try to know if he could complete this arduous task, but God knows how big the risks involved in the try!

"Heaven sent a great mission, one must first suffer from one's will, toil one's muscles and bones, and starve one's body..." Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, paused, and said earnestly:

"Actually, do you really think that repairing the protective barrier is only done for the 'Nan Yan World'? If you think so, you are completely wrong."

"Why did the army of gods attack the 'Nanyan World'? It was to rescue those evil gods who were suppressed by the 'Hongmeng Tiandi' and all the sages united with all races. If the 'Nanyan World' is breached, do you think the 'Central Shenzhou' "Can it still exist? Under the overthrow of the nest, there will be no eggs! If the gods rule the "Central World", at that time, the whole world will be the king's land, and the shore of the land will be the king's minister, and where will you let me go?" ?I take a risk once. As long as I succeed, I can buy as much time as possible for myself and the people of the whole "Central China" and "Nanyan World". Although there are risks, how can a person regress when he encounters difficulties and stop advancing when he sees danger when he is alive?"

"For some people, you are their whole world. Even if everyone in the world dies, they will choose to let you live. You are using their world to fight. If you die here, I'm afraid that Yuaner Liyue will not survive, and Yan Ziyun will stay at the mouth of the well until she dies of old age. Bai Youniang, Fang Yuyou will be in charge of Qinglongmen for you. When you go back, I'm afraid you will all turn white. Don't worry about it. they……"

"Needless to say this, I know that I have failed them a lot, but what people do and what they don't do, is it okay if I don't do something? Yes, I am being chased and killed by many human races now, and I am not recognized by them , They feel that I threaten them, but what about those who support me, what about the disciples of the 'Qinglongmen'? What about my brothers? If the 'Nanyan World' is broken, the 'Central Shenzhou' must be difficult to protect itself. The sealing power of the fierce god has already given them enough headaches, even reaching the point where they are stretched. Once the army of the gods descends, everything will be crushed. It's all going to be broken, even if I can't protect myself, at best, the best result is to escape!"

"I was hunted down by the human race in the past, but now I am hunted down by the gods. Which one is better? The human race chased me, because the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Those who want to kill me, I will kill them all." Now, it’s not that the whole world is against me, but as for the protoss, once they succeed, whether the bloodline of the human race can continue is a question. In the face of the huge protoss, if the human race dies, what can I do? Turn over, what can I use to fight the Protoss?"

The greedy old man is indifferent and speechless, maybe Xuanyuan is right, for him or the pig-headed emperor, Xuanyuan is everything, other people are irrelevant, it doesn't matter if they are all dead, as long as Xuanyuan can achieve great achievements, it is fine, so He didn't want Xuanyuan to take such a big risk. This incident is more terrifying than all the dangers that Xuanyuan has encountered before. Facing a "violent god's nest", what kind of scene is it like? The greedy old man dared not imagine that it would be much easier than when the 'Emperor Devourer' faced the attacks of the great families that day.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want, it has always been like this, what you want to do, Tundi and I have no less obstacles, but you have never let us go smoothly once, along the way, You have grown to such a degree, maybe we think too much and are too selfish." The greedy old man said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I'm more afraid of death than anyone else." Xuanyuan smiled, and let Zhan Huang lead the way.

"Boy, I've always seen you through. In front of the thoughts of the ancient sages, they said one thing after another, but now they say they play it by ear. Oh, what do you want me to say? To do it, isn’t it just to repair the seal, what’s the matter.” On the side, Long Bi spoke sarcasticly, for fear that Xuanyuan would not repair the protective barrier.

"You're just pissing me off, no matter if I go or not, I'll definitely hold you back before I die, you don't have to do that if you're in a hurry to die, right?" Xuanyuan said with a smile.

Long Bi was speechless, while Zhan Huang gloated and laughed.

"Senior Zhanhuang, now that there is a matter of repairing the protective barrier, I'm afraid you have to listen to me, otherwise, if you startle the snake, there will be no chance of repairing it."

"Forget it, this matter is related to the future of 'Nanyan World', and I will fully cooperate with you. Since those old guys have spoken, I can only help you with all my strength." Zhan Huang nodded, and he Still able to focus on the overall situation.

The space fault has passed, and the 'Sun Moon Tide' will not be far away. In three days, Xuanyuan and his party have come infinitely close to the place where the 'Sun Moon Tide' is located.

Along the way, Xuanyuan felt that the power of the sun and the moon was in motion, and in the distance was the tide formed by the convergence of two kinds of light, and the battle energy was overflowing.

The two kinds of light blended together to form a terrifying tidal force, oppressing the nine heavens and ten earths. Xuanyuan felt that even if he entered the "sun and moon tide" with his current body, he would be crushed. The force of the tide is very terrifying.

The yang dragons and yin phoenixes are soaring, with boundless power. The power of the 'sun, moon and tide' can make people suffocate and dare not approach if they look at it from a distance.

"Miss Liyue, it's up to you next." Xuanyuan looked at Liyue. A great opportunity is in front of Liyue. Whether he can get the inheritance of the 'Emperor Sun and Moon' depends on She is alone, and no one can help her.

"Well, leave it to me." Liyue felt that the 'Sun Moon Tide' oppressed others, but it was extremely close to herself. If she could cultivate in this 'Sun Moon Tide', she would only I'm afraid it will skyrocket to 90,000 miles.

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