Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1018 Central layout!

Xuanyuan has been in the 'Nanyan World' for a while, and during the time he left, many things happened in the 'Central Shenzhou', that is, the Dou Qi World, which Xuanyuan could never have imagined.

Tsing Yi beheaded all the saints, and for a while, his reputation rose, countless people were shocked, and those powerful forces who were beheaded were extremely furious, and the 'Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion' made countless enemies because of this.

All the disciples of the "Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion" were killed when they went out, and no one was spared. They knew that it was because of Tsing Yi's relationship that the "Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion" was targeted in this way. They had no choice but to kill Tsing Yi directly. Expelled from the teacher's school and separated from her, Tsing Yi also became a saint among the 'Six Paths'.

Since then, Tsing Yi has not been able to see the light. The whole world does not know how many powerful forces are chasing and killing her. Everyone knows that Tsing Yi's brilliance has completely covered up many young women in the six realms. There are rumors that Tsing Yi will become the next generation In charge of killing masters in the 'Six Paths'.

For Tsing Yi's ruthlessness, all major forces are extremely jealous. You must know that Tsing Yi has already beheaded many saintesses and sons before becoming the "Six Paths" in power. If she grows up, how terrible it will be in the future. Many people wanted to kill Tsing Yi in the cradle, but Tsing Yi ran away again and again.

And Tsing Yi's strength has grown by leaps and bounds in this life-and-death battle, and he has already achieved extremely high attainments in the realm of immortals. Even today's Xuanyuan, facing Tsing Yi's assassination, is hard to avoid, because Tsing Yi has obtained the inheritance of the half-step ancient art among the 'Six Paths', and only those who practice can know how terrifying power he possesses.

In addition, some big forces seem to have begun to be ruthless and want to start dealing with Xuanyuan. They feel that if they don't kill Xuanyuan, sooner or later, they will be in bad luck. When they unite, many sages will die They were dispatched and searched for Xuanyuan all over the world, but they couldn't find it. Finally, they came up with the idea of ​​"Qinglongmen", thinking that Xuanyuan might be hidden in the depths of "Qinglongmen".

A figure in the realm of the sages entered the 'Qinglongmen', but was trampled by a horse until he vomited blood, and returned in a complete defeat. His three souls and seven souls were beaten to pieces, and it was a blessing that he did not die.

This is the 'Fengxian Jun' obtained in the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' that day, it is a fact known to everyone in the world that it surrendered to Yuan'er, and many elders of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' beat their chests and feet for this, and their hearts ached , wanted to recall the 'Feng Xian Jun' but was ignored.

You must know that this was the mount of the emperor of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' at that time, especially the 'Fengxian Jun' was a weapon of war. No one can do anything if they don't buy their account.

This made them affirmed one more thing, that 'Feng Xianjun' was in the 'Blue Dragon Gate', so Xuanyuan must have returned to the 'Blue Dragon Gate'.

On that day, more than a dozen sages who were at the peak of the sages oppressed the 'Qinglongmen' at the same time and surrendered Xuanyuan. If Xuanyuan was not handed over, the entire 'Qinglongmen' would definitely be destroyed in an instant.

"Master Dao, I will fuck all the beautiful women of your ancestors for 108 generations, not the ugly ones..."

Inside the "Qinglongmen", there is a supreme Taoist weapon that directly shoots out a shocking fierce light. It is Peng Fei's "Yin Yang Mirror" sun mirror plus a scepter. The sages can be wiped out in an instant, and the figure of the peak of the sages reacted very quickly, but half of his body was still wiped out. Although he is not dead, he is better than dead. The Supreme Dao Artifact, which contains the terrifying Supreme Dao Power that erodes everything in his body.

Faced with Peng Fei's arrogant attitude, countless people were furious. They never imagined that the "Qinglongmen" would be so bold, and more than a dozen figures at the peak of the sages descended at the same time. What a huge force this is. If they make a move, even a big force will be severely injured, but the 'Qinglongmen' dare to do this, who gave them such confidence!

Therefore, these dozen or so sages who were at the peak of the sages did not hesitate to act. This was the best excuse to destroy the "Qinglongmen", but in the next moment, they were directly trapped in the terrifying Fengshui killing situation Among them, dragon veins are intertwined and formed, and various ways of killing evolve back and forth. Since Peng Fei got the part of "Fengshui Ancient Magic" in the "Sea Burial Taoist Tomb", his attainments in Fengshui thaumaturgy have improved rapidly, and he has achieved great success in hundreds of thousands of mountains. Among them, after crossing the catastrophe, needless to say, everything has progressed by leaps and bounds. In addition, this fat man, how could it be possible to watch so many dragon veins without doing anything?

When leaving the 'Hundred Thousand Mountains' that day, Peng Fei and Zhu Tou Dadi had a discussion. The result of a meeting between a wolf and an embarrassment was like dry wood meeting fire, sparks meeting explosives, and widow meeting each other. The hungry man is out of control!

The two decided to make a big deal, and they cooperated to forcibly arrest 9,999 dragon veins from the "Hundred Thousand Mountains". I have been skinned by cramps, and now those dragon veins are all distributed around the 'Qinglongmen', forming an incomparably terrifying feng shui overall situation.

The whole "Qinglongmen" has undergone great changes. Today's "Qinglongmen" is no longer the "Qinglongmen" of the day. If Xuanyuan comes back again, I'm afraid there will be a big surprise in my heart.

Although these feng shui killings are extremely powerful, it is of course impossible to trap and kill these peak sages with Peng Fei's strength alone, and he can only persist for a while.

And the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' seized the opportunity and used fierce means to directly activate the semi-superior Taoist tool, the 'Immortal Chaos Clock'. Even if it is only a semi-superior Taoist tool, it is still destructive to these sages at the peak state. blow.

You must know that the "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" is a figure comparable to the ancient sages. He has survived with secret methods since the ancient times, and he has done things that even the ancient emperors could not do. It can be said that his combat experience is extremely rich. I don't know how many people died in his hands. Among the living people in the fighting spirit world today, no one in the human race can compare with the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'.

He made a bold move, and directly killed three sages who were in the peak realm with lightning speed, which shocked countless people.

'The Chaos Clock of Eternal Life', this semi-superior Taoist weapon, is everyone's nightmare, especially when the strength of the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' is recovering bit by bit, it shocked countless people. Someone had already calculated that' The Nightmare Ghost Immortal is about to fall, but now the strength of the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' continues unabated, and its killing power is even stronger, shocking countless people.

"The 'Qinglongmen' is going to start a complete war with us!" The terrifying existence with great strength roared, wanting to point the finger at the 'Qinglongmen'.

They understand that if they don’t use the real ones, it won’t work. The six pieces of the Supreme Dao are 'Purple Dragon Emperor Ring', 'Zhuqueyan Sky Fan', 'Magic Whip', 'Xuanwu Town Road Pagoda', 'One Yuan Mountain', and 'Battle of the Sky' All the utensils descended, and the terrifying power of the supreme Taoist utensils crushed the entire land, turning the hills into dust, and the 'Qinglongmen' was crumbling under the terrifying power of the Six Ancients.

However, at this moment, from the "Qinglongmen", the "Linglong Town Tower" manifested, and the supreme Taoist weapon of "Linglong Immortal Mansion" was released. The master's position, and Mochou is the deputy head, now they have the right to use the supreme Dao weapon of their own door, so naturally they don't need to discuss with anyone, because they are the head of the door, after handing over the head to them From that moment on, it was trust in them!

Not only that, a gate of the forbidden domain of the emperor opened, and a series of figures who came to the peak realm of the eighteen sages appeared at the same time, with fierce aura, all brought by the pig-headed emperor from the "Eight Immortals Mountain". The simultaneous arrival of the Taoist Artifact, as well as the restoration of Zhutou Emperor's strength, the power of the 'Swallowing Celestial Seal' should not be underestimated.

When things have developed to this point, there are no more Supreme Dao Weapons than anyone else. If we start a war here, "Doulong Xianfu" will be the first to refuse to agree. , The entire Dongzhou will be beaten to pieces, and the two supreme Taoist weapons, the 'Donghuang Bell' and the 'Tianlong Daojian' also appeared, coming to stop it.

It wasn't until this moment that the major powers suddenly realized that this "Qinglongmen" had risen like a comet, and it was out of control. From the fact that Zhutou Emperor was able to bring eighteen peak sages, it can be seen that the "Qinglongmen" now How powerful has it become? Since ancient times, no force has been able to rise so fast like the 'Qinglongmen'.

Of the eighteen sages who were at the peak of the sages, three of them came here in admiration, and they were also supporters of the 'Emperor Devourer', but they didn't catch up with the big army that day, or they didn't find Xuanyuan, but they decided to come out of the world to assist There was no reason to go back for the 'Body of Myriad Transformations'. Finally, I found Zhutou Dadi, and they all vowed to assist the 'Body of Myriad Transformations' to achieve great things, while the other twelve were characters in the 'Eight Immortals Mountain'. They are some old monsters, they just don't make a move, once they have thousands of lives, it's not enough to die.

The six big forces that joined forces had no choice but to retreat. Now that the "Qinglongmen" has grown stronger, it has enough strength to challenge them. There is no doubt that the attack by forces, even any major force, will become history.

On the third day after the retreat of the six major forces, the 'Qinglongmen' left the territory of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and went to Zhongzhou. Since then, "Eight Immortals Mountain" has been renamed "Qinglong Mountain".

And 'Qinglongmen' was also changed to 'Qinglong Holy Land', and it became extremely prosperous in a short time, and it could compete with all major forces.

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