Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1020 The Exploration of the Primordial Royal Family

"Could it be that the major ancient royal families want to go to war with us? Do they want to go their own way regardless of everything? Can they afford the consequences?"

Meng Siyan frowned. He had heard many things about the ancient royal family from the older generation. They said that the biggest enemy is not the major forces of the human race, nor the monster race, nor the demon race, nor the ancient royal family. The royal family, but the terrifying existence suppressed in the depths of the ancient royal family, once those terrifying existences are broken, the fighting spirit world will never have peace, no matter whether it is the human race, the demon race, the monster race, the ancient myriad races, or even the continuation. is a big problem.

All along, the human race has not paid much attention to the ancient royal family, just because the human race thinks that the ancient royal family can deal with the terrifying existence suppressed in the depths of their clan, which is enough for them to have a headache, let alone devote their energy to fighting the human race.

But now the ancient royal family has started to change, which is also the reason why several big forces dare not come to the 'Eight Immortals Mountain' for trouble. If the major ancient royal families unite to attack the human race, whether the human race will survive or not? An unknown, I am afraid that except for some powerful forces with supreme Dao weapons that can protect themselves, other human forces will probably be trampled to pieces.

"This, it's difficult for us to guess. According to the information of the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', there are indeed many members from the various ancient royal families who have attacked the human race. Their strength is not high, and they are only in the fourth or fifth rank. The strongest ones are nothing but Fate Immortals, but their move has profound meaning!"

Bai Youniang frowned. This incident has already touched the nerves of the big forces of the human race. The big forces seem to be indifferent on the surface, but they are very vigilant behind the scenes. The prices of all kinds of news about the ancient royal family are skyrocketing , it can be seen how nervous the major forces of the human race are about whether the ancient royal family will be born.

"This should be the temptation of the 'Primeval Royal Family'. They want to see the bottom line that the human race can tolerate. After all, the great forces that can possess the supreme Taoist weapon are not vegetarians. At worst, the fish will die and the net will be broken. The human race will use the supreme Taoist weapon to send out all efforts One blow, even if it hits the depths of the ancient royal family from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, the consequences are unimaginable. Either you don't make a move, or if you make a move, you will completely wipe it out with the force of thunder. In a short while, the "prime ancient royal family" There won’t be big moves, but there should be small moves.”

The pig-headed emperor made an analysis, and he was very excited. In fact, if the human race and the ancient royal family fight, the demon race and the monster race will inevitably be involved. It is good, in the troubled times, it is the best time to go crazy, because every day is a war, casualties are unavoidable, secretly attacking each other, blaming each other, and benefiting from it, he has experienced too many years, this kind of war encounters I have been here many times, and he is like this, slowly rising bit by bit.

"Then according to Senior Emperor Tundi, what should we do in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' now, to react more strongly? Let the ancient royal family not dare to act rashly?" Fang Yuyou's eyebrows became sharp, and the most worrying thing still happened. The Holy Land' has just risen and its foundation is stable. Once there is a big war, it will be easily damaged.

Although it is said that there are many masters in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Fang Yuyou feels that it is still not as good as compared to the savings of these powerful forces for countless years. Originally, she wanted to integrate the Fang family into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Thinking about it, some people's character may not be able to pass the test. On the other hand, the Fang family has been deeply rooted under the protection of the "Doulong Immortal Mansion". Only a few disciples who pass the character test and have excellent qualifications will enter the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

According to her understanding of Fang's family, the Fang family now has at least thirty-six half-step sages in the "Doulong Immortal Mansion". Xiu, became a figure of the Supreme Elder level, and other deeper ones are secrets. This is also the reason why the five major forces under the "Doulong Xianfu" can be as stable as Mount Tai. In order to control the five major families, the "Doulong Xianfu" is centralized. , to gather all the rookies of the younger generation and train them in the 'Doulong Xianfu', so that they can become 'Doulong Xianfu' people from beginning to end. As long as they have enough status in the 'Doulong Xianfu', To be able to bring greater benefits to one's own family, this is to prevent the major families from rebelling, such as Feng Lie, who is the pride of the Feng family!

However, before Feng Lie, this method has been followed for many generations. Now those who sit in the five great aristocratic families, the Supreme Celestial Immortals are already very great. Of course, there will be one or two half-step sages, but it is not a last resort. It will not appear, and it is almost impossible for the sages to exist.

"Don't be such an early bird. The ancient royal family is extremely vengeful. It is true that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is very prosperous on the surface, but people are so small, and they can't stand the toss. Those ancient royal families have millions of years of history. Keep saving, and the years are long, how do we fight against them, let's develop silently, as long as it doesn't hurt our interests, everything is easy to talk about." The pig-headed emperor said word by word.

"Well, yes, the major forces are not fuel-efficient lamps. Once their substantial interests are violated, they will expose their fangs and launch a counterattack. They will not blindly tolerate it. Let us stop worrying about it. Big brother Xuanyuan comes back, let’s talk about it when the time comes, he will definitely have a better way!” Xiao Pianzi agrees with Zhutou Dadi.

"Well, once the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is in danger, use the communication talisman, and I will come as soon as possible." Shihou said.

"Well, thank you, miss." Fang Yuyou smiled slightly. At this moment, a ray of light suddenly burst out from between her eyebrows. Fang Yuyou looked aside and said:

"problem occurs."

Shihou's expression changed, and Bai Youniang raised her brows:

"At the border of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there is a place called Lingyin Village, which was invaded by the ancient royal family. Some villagers asked for help from my disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It happened that 108 disciples went there to fight with the ancient royal family. Let's start a battle. Although their strength is only at the realm of fighting immortals at rank five or six, but they form the "Tiangang Disha Formation", even if they meet the peak of life immortals, or even half-step earth immortals, they can retreat completely, but now they are all dead. It’s lost, it’s a heavy loss, it happened just now, it’s a thought sent back by a disciple before he died, saying that the ancient royal family is powerful and has a huge number of people!”

Fang Yuyou looked furious. Since the establishment of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', this is the biggest loss. Among the 108 people, a large part of them are only under the age of 40, and they are very talented, but unexpectedly Such a premature death, although these people's talent is not as good as the Tianjiao, but as long as they grow up, they will be the backbone of the Holy Land!

"Looking for death." Fu Jingxuan stood up immediately, with a furious and murderous look on his face, and said: "I will personally kill them, and leave no one behind."


Before everyone came back to their senses, Fu Jingxuan had already turned into a Kunpeng and disappeared in the 'Palace of Righteousness' at an astonishingly fast speed. It was too late for Feng Lie to stop it.

"Forget it, Brother Feng Lie, Jingxuan is too impulsive, Kunpeng has the world's fastest speed, even if you have the 'Extreme Heavenly Wind', you can't stop it, what should we do?" Fang Yuyou frowned and looked at the pig-headed emperor.

"No need, just let him go. Since it's just a test, it's okay to kill some young people, and he is the 'Human King Saint Body'. Although the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' is not as good as before, even if it is the ancient royal family, there will be extreme dangers." The big fear, after all, is the dynasty ruled by the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor'!" Seeing that the pig-headed emperor didn't look nervous at all, Fang Yuyou didn't worry too much.

A moment later, a gust of wind came, and Fu Jingxuan had already returned to the 'Hall of Righteous Qi'. He leisurely sat back to his original position, and said coldly:

"It's just a group of miscellaneous fish, 3,600 miscellaneous soldiers from the 'Purple Dragon Clan', plus a strong man at the peak of Mingxian, set up a big formation, but they are still vulnerable, and I have already killed them, although the 'Qinglong Holy Land' 'It's just been established, but you can't blindly tolerate it, if a disciple dies unexpectedly, you have to pay back, the more you tolerate, the more others will think you can be bullied."

Kunpeng has the fastest speed in the world, one can spread its wings for 90,000 miles, especially at the border of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and it is a short-distance flight. Now that Fu Jingxuan has stepped into the realm of a celestial being, it is naturally not a problem. Seeing Fu Jingxuan's methods are like this It was so fierce that many people present were amazed in their hearts. As expected of the apprentices taught by Xuanyuan, they were really extraordinary.

"Well, it's decided like this. Someone from the 'Qing Ming Wang Clan' is here, it's the 'King Bi Luo', it seems that there is something important, everyone, let's go, I will entertain the 'King Bi Luo'." Fang Yuyou got up and left The 'Hall of Righteousness'.

The people present frowned, "Biluo King" from the "Qingming Royal Clan" is here, could it be that something big is about to happen, Xuanyuan has friendship with the emperor Yiyi from the "Qingming Royal Clan", which is known to many people , 'King Bi Luo' even saved Xuanyuan once that day, and now 'King Bi Luo' is coming to visit, it must be a big deal.

At this moment, Xuanyuan, who is in the starry sky outside the territory, knows nothing about what happened in the fighting spirit world. He handed over the "Qinglongmen" to Fang Yuyou and the others. Returning to the fighting spirit world, because he knew that many people would worry about him.

"Boy, there is still a distance from the 'Fierce God's Nest', you have to be careful, the supernatural powers cultivated by the Protoss are violent, and huge disasters may occur around the 'Fierce God's Nest' at any time, which is not as peaceful as in the starry sky of the Terran. "At this moment, the Emperor of War has completely become a member of the Protoss.

"Well, it's okay, Long Bi, lead the way!"

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